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pastor neal

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Everything posted by pastor neal

  1. Pharaoh and his household were punished for his taking of Sarah as his wife. Although it was actually Abraham who had deceived Pharoah into believing that Sarah was his sister and not his wife, the Pharoah was still held partially responsible. It should be noted that God had never allowed Pharoah to consummate their union, which would have been adultery and a greater sin and more severe punishment. Once Pharaoh was aware of the deception he immediately returned Sarah to Abraham and commanded that they depart Egypt immediately. Abraham was allowed to keep the monumental dowry that was given to him in payment by Pharaoh for his "sister."
  2. The dangers that Abraham and his family faced were numerous. But most pressing, in my opinion, would be that of physical safety, substance for survival and lodging. Sadly, as they were deemed aliens, a term that I find distasteful, the communities in which they would enter would most likely view them as a threat to their well-being and even as unjustified as their economy. The kings and his henchmen would oppress Abraham to the point where he would have to pull up stakes and move on to another land where he may find the same welcoming committee. Today, we find a great many "aliens" and "sojourners" coming into the United States, whether it be to seek opportunities better than they have or to escape an oppressive and tyrant leader these people often times find themselves isolated from the general population. As a Pastor who specializes in Senior/Young Adult ministry I make every effort to introduce these travelers into our society.
  3. The dangers that Abraham and his family faced were of variety. Their main threats were those of food and shelter. As aliens it is conceivable that the citizens of the lands inwhich they entered would refuse them sustenacne and lodging whether out of fear or, sadly,hatered. They most likey even refused them the ground to erect their tents for a few days of rest. Today, sadly, we find a similar problem. Many people find it difficult to accept those individuals or families which come to the United States seeking a better life or for protection from a corrupt and subpressive government. As a Pastor who specializes in Senior/Young Adult Ministry I make every effort to introduce those who arer "alien"
  4. Q4 (12:9) Abraham and Yahweh. Abraham called on Yahweh, so called God in the Old Testament, when he became painfully aware of his loneliness as well as his need for guidance and direction. The significance of Abraham calling for
  5. Why does it take...when we are asked by God to do something before we see how it will turn out we are being pulled from our comfort zone and the people or routines that we are familiar and love and placed into a position of uncertainty. This is where the special faith comes in. As difficult as it may be, we must maintain faith that God has our best interest in His heart and that He is leading us unto new positions to fulfill His will. Have you ever had...I have had several where I was going unto unknown situations, alone, for the first time ever, but I kept in my mind and heart that this was what God wanted from me. Am I in the midst...I am not totally sure, but I am in a position, as previously stated, where my multitude of medical challenges have left me without my last employment, so mayhap this is similar to this situation as I await to see what new opportunities will open for me and I must have a strong faith that they will and know that God is working on my behalf.
  6. Abraham was blessed in many ways: a) He became a great nation. His name became great. c) he acquired great wealth. Genesis 12:5 (ASV) 5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. Genesis 13:2 (ASV) 2 And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. Abrham also had 6 children and all three of the Monotheistic Religions took him as a major figure: Judaism, Christanity, Islam. The people of the Earth have been blessed through him. Genesis 12:1-3 (ASV) 1 Now Jehovah said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee: 2 and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make they name great; and be thou a blessing; 3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Abraham continues to bless people in my life because of the incredible blessing iof salvation to all the peoples of the Earth.
  7. Study of Abraham Question1 Have I ever begun something in response to Gods urging and then stopped? Yes, most recently I had been employed as in-house Pastor for a rehab/assisted living community until I developed an extreme seizure disorder which required me to be resuscitated each time this occurred. Added to multitude of other physical challenges this closed the door on this opportunity. Because of a stroke in 2006 I had surrendered my drivers license so transportation has been a challenge since we have a very small transit authority with limited hours and no week-ends. However, I always managed to get to the rehab center. During my hospitalization no one had called to check on me or to tell me that my job was no longer available. Hence, circumstances beyond my control prevented me from fulfilling a calling from which I had received from God. I would say that I am not being disobedient as I am waiting for His new direction for me. Perhaps the frustration is blinding me slightly, but I try to listen with an open heart. He has brought me into contact with another pastor with which my wife and I attend his church. This is most difficult as I used to give sermons and Bible studies. I believe that somehow this new experience is His will and that it will benefit me in some capacity but I am just not sure how.
  8. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction... Examining one of my treasured possessions brings elations and fond memories of how I came by this particular item. I feel a sense of humble achievement. However, I always remember that these items, although in my possession belong to the hand of God as well and they will never be exploited or looked about with great pride...and a haughty spirit before a fall. The Old Testament had allowed for for Israel to become one of god's most cherished and personal possessions as long as they would be obedient to His rules and obey his commandments. Although limited to the nation of Israel at first, the New Testament provided that any and all individuals who trusted in Jesus Christ, Our Lord, would be accepted. As God's treasured possessions: John 3:16 NKJV "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
  9. Moses had been a leader for a long time and it is safe to say that during all of this time he sat in judgment of many conflicts both simple and complex. I don't believe that he had the Messiah complex but I do maintain that a)he wanted what was best for his people and he had not thought of it until Jethro brought it to his attention; encouraging him to select capable, God-fearing, honest, accountable elders to act as souse judges while directing the harder cases to Supreme Judge Moses. Like those leaders mentioned in Ep. 4:11-12, who had received a select many gifts from Christ to allow them to operate in different capacities of the ministry, Moses, too, was assigning the judges a gift (from God, knowing Moses, selected through prayer) to help the body of Christ to be a stronger unit. It would be through the Holy Spirit that each of these individuals would lead with confidence, and authority for the Spirit leads and will help to ease the burder of the load from these individuals.
  10. I believe that God had provided manna to the people for two reasons. First, and most importantly, it was to be used As food to keep their strength up and to keep them from starving while they fulfilled God's calling. Secondly, I believe that God delivered the manna as proof that He is with them and that they should curtail their grumbling. Once the people arrived in Canaan there was no need for God to continue the manna since they now had access to the foods to which the Canaanites were blessed. Taking manna for granted: Like anything else that one can rely on to be on hand in abundance everyday one begins to care little about where it comes from as they use the product. These people were no different. Each morning as the dew dissipated they found the ground covered with the wonderful, tasty manna that kept them from starving. At first they were thankful for this blessing but as they "harvested" each morning it became routine,and with the routine the thought of who supplied this food was placed somewhere in the back of their minds. My family and I are in no way perfect and we do fall short from time to time. However, we work our best to keep in check our blessings so that we do not take anything for granted. We had gone through some very strenuous times, but the Lord had seen us through. We never took for granted his blessings and acts of love...we thanked him for his help and utilized the methods He taught us to deal day-by-day.
  11. Grumbling against a leader is a direct insult against our Lord for it is He who commands the leader on all facets of the journey; from direction of travel; the time in trek and to availability of food and water. In one's weak moments it is possible to forget to whom the blame is actually offending when addressing a leader. There is only one occasion, in my opinion, that the above does not hold true. If a leader take it upon himself to ignore the Lord's calling and commandments, instead doing as he feels is right that he should shoulder the blame from his followers. Of course this "insight" of the leader's will not last long before feeling God's wrath. Insults, critics and Malicous attacks, although directed at the lord, will always affect the human being to whom they are directed. Human nature is such a sensitive state that anyone who has a conscious and takes on a detail, applying themselves faithfully, will feel that they have disappointed, or dropped the ball when they are met with a deluge of insults. Remembering that these condescending insults are against the Lord and not one's self is very difficult but can and must be done. When these people begin to criticize Moses he was acting on behalf of the Lord. He knew this, so did the "hecklers" but in their desperation it mattered not. Remind them that you are working on behalf of the Lord and that He is the one in charge, hence all grumbling and unrest goes right to him.
  12. People grumble and complain for various reasons ranging from extreme fatigue to frustration and anxiety. We can also add to this list extreme fear and panic; which we had seen in the examples Exodus 15-18. As we had seen in previous readings their fear and insecurities come from their inability to accept God's plans and to trust Moses and Aaron to carry them out exactly as commanded. This continuous lack of support for their leaders breeds contempt and then anger with in the motions of the leader. In support, look at Moses response to the constant complaint of their thirst. Moses slammed his staff against the rock, disobeying God's (Nu. 20:1-13)command. This action will not fair well for Moses! I really have no grumblings in my life. I may have a few uncertainties now and then but I know that I should trust my Lord with all issues. Through prayer and mediation not only do answers come, so do peace and tranquility.
  13. Question 4: The importance of God's glory in Exodus is straightforward. It demonstrated to the bemoaning Israelites that He was greater than the Egyptians God while gaining glory through the Egyptians through the damage that was caused to Pharaoh and his army. Only when we understand the true nature of our Lord and concede to the importance of His glory can we gain a true picture. As we follow Pharaoh and his band of soldiers we know that they worshiped their own god refusing to recognize the Christian God, "having never heard of him." Not being one to share His glory, God gains His accolade by hardening the heart of Pharaoh, who then believed his army was indestructible. Our Lord then saw to the fall of Pharaoh and his army. When we as leaders, take for ourselves the credit and glory that is due to God we actually send the wrong message to our congregation. We are telling them that we are to be glorified for all of the great works that are carried out by our Lord, for whom we were created to glorify. It is a mere step into this position and can be exacerbated by an active vanity. The important key to avoiding this pitfall is to remain humble, glorifying our Lord each day.
  14. The people in the Exodus blame Moses for the advancing Egyptian army out of fear and uncertainty. At one point they even blame Moses for bringing them into the desert to die since there were no graves in Egypt; An example of fear leading to panic to irrational thinking. Although their harsh criticism is directed to Moses it is, in fact,out Lord to whom they cast they blame. Had the not been so overwhelmed by panic and fear it is most likely that they would have remembered that it is God who was leading them and that their harshness was insulting to God. It takes a great deal of strength and patience to remain in control when one is being barraged by harsh criticisms and blame for leading others into unfavorable conditions, especially when this leader is taking command decisions from someone else(God). Moses, however, knows not to take this to heart because the crow is actually blaming God for their situation (without even realizing so). Sensing that the Exodus could collapse quite quickly Moses encourage the people to stand tall and firm, vigilant and most of all...faithful: because God is with them.
  15. Obedience is vital in every venue. In the case of the people in the Exodus they needed to respect Moses and Aaron as they were receiving their commandments from the Lord whose plan must be followed explicitly if they were to safely leave Egypt and the abuse behind. As children of GOD we must learn and obey His teachings. God's commandments are meant to give us a comfortable life sans any vices that will affect our well-being and our faith in the Lord. However, we must bear in mind that the word Discipleship entails obedience as well. Obedience in hearing, learning and testifying are all part of the disciple Which is only achieved through faith and obedience Faith is an interesting concept and very important when believing in our Lord. Its the confidence to believe in something which one cannot physically see and hear and yet trust that what God is asking you to do is in your best interest. Hence, it is inappropriate, sinful and impossible to say that one believes in Jesus and yet display disobedience.
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