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Posts posted by obnubilate

  1. God wanted Hagar to reflect upon her actions...running away from obligation. She was with Abraham's seed but she ran away..it must be a huge leap coz being pregnant was her duty in the 1st place.

    Also, He wants to teach her abt humility..submiting the Sarah...maybe so that she might teach Ishmael abt it one day.

    I have indeed be like Hagar...running away from my walk with Him..i thank God that He does not abandon me and is patient..rebellious though am i

  2. Q1. (16:1-6) Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham? Why does she take her anger out on Hagar? Is she trying to get rid of Hagar or the baby? In what sense is Hagar's pride Abraham's fault? In what sense is Hagar's affliction Abraham's fault? What situation in your family does this reminds you of?

    Its perfectly normal for Sarah to vent out such personal frustrations to the person closest to her, her hubby. She blamed Hagar because in her eyes, she's the source of the problem.

    Not sure if she wants to get rid or her or the baby, because it was all her own (Sarah's) idea in the 1st place. Maybe at this point, she was not sure of what she wants, and was overcome by the consequences of her rash faithless decision.

    Abraham shouldn't have complied with Sarah's suggestion but gently remind her to be faithful, though that's humanly difficult. His inaction put Hagar in her afflictions..but we know that's God's will.

    In my fam, my mother vents her frustrations and worries to my dad...regardless of how he might interpret them. Sometimes he didn't take them the way she expected him to..but this is part of the intricate beauty of married life...2 diffrent ppl sharing their lives

  3. This is a very difficult post for me to write. God has promised me great things..but i am frustrated..really frustrated at myself! So very often I'm submerged in unbelief and sin that i fail to wait patiently upon HIm every day. God will always fulfil his promises but i feel really lousy for not appreciating Him.

    Although I sincerely know that God has a wonderful plan for me, i'm not eager or excited by it...this is sinful and i'm very very troubled..his son, redeemed by His blood...i'm afraid i'm such a disappointment to Him. O how i wish for the faith of Abraham!!!

    He delays His promises sometimes so as to have me ready to receive them..for all things work out for our own good :-)

  4. God wanted Abraham to understand exactly what He means. HE binds Himself to a solemn promise to show He's serious, more serious than Abraham ever can be in fulfilling his covenant. Abraham just responded with simple child-like faith...though he's considerably a man of the world. God promised us eternal life with Him, by the acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    We cannot fulfil our part of the covenant, being tainted with sin..and our blood is not qualified to redeem us. Even so, God loves us too much to just forsake the covenant. Therefore..He paid the price of our sins with His own blood...when He came and die for us..Blessed Christmas

  5. Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

    IT is an underserved priviledge for me to call God my Shield; for i'm a sinner, separated from God. IT is only by His grace and mercy i'm reconciled and bestowed such an honour. I'm all the more humbled that he promises me an exceedingly great reward. I'm comforted that GOd is my Sovereign, at the same time cautious that i do not fall into sin; which saddens my Sovereign LOrd, Protector and Father.

  6. What strikes me is tat Abraham had an oath with God not to receive from the king of Sodom. So Abraham was merely honouring his word with God.

    It could be tat God has told him not to put himself under obligation wit the king...as He has plans to destroy the city later. Here we see Abraham becoming a faithful servant of God, sensitive to His word and obeying them.

    So it is with us, to distance ourselves from evil and not to tempt ouselves unnecessarily. This is a personal lesson for me to learn. To be separated unto God means separated from the world. Seemingly harmless tempations like certain entertainment are to be avoided at all costs, so we might not under its obligation when its time to meet our Joy of Salvation. Amen!

  7. I dun think Abraham gave Melchizedek 1/10 as payment for his hospitality for that would b an insult to him (host). I think here we're witnessing the first tithe unto God. For Melchizedek has already made known that he serves the God Most High...not only as a servant but as a priest. THerefore, Abraham must know that as he gave to Melchizedek, he gave as unto God. Indeed, it is a sign of worship.

    Our income today is as of Abraham's spoils of war..the fruits of our labour. And we are to give 1/10 to GOd to remind ourselves our dependency on Him and without Him, nothing is possible.

    To that, out tithe must be pure and complete :-)

    Unlike pagan worship, which demands sacrifices to enrich the idol n distress the worshipper...tithing to our God pleases Him and enriches the worshiper! (us) (Malachi)


  8. Abraham is man who values family. So must we, though not in an extreme manner that we pamper instead of love. When one is in trouble...all past transgression and arguments are forgotten and he sets out to rescue Lot, at therisk of his own life. Though trained men he had, they are going against 4 kings! Though he din do open battle..he must have been preparing for the worst while in hot pursuit. Such courage can only come from having faith in them LORD. Abraham is a dependable man n by now has grown much in faith. He is obviously a very good neighbour, for his neighbors help him in this almost suicidal mission. We must emulate Abraham in all these respects.

  9. I believe its a matter of perception. At the time of this writing, i'm in deep financial probs. if my family can't come out with certain amount of money in a few months time, I have to drop out of med school. My cry to God is to bless me in this respect. But there was a time when money was no problem to me...but there was no daily cry to God and my spiritual life was down the drain.

    Material wealth can be curse or a blessing...but this much can be certain...everything and anything, be it wealth or poverty; if it comes from the loving hand of our Father..it is a blessing!! Hallelujah

  10. God is showing Abraham how He has everything under His control, regardless of Abraham's state of faith. This comforts me greatly for i have been a hyprocrite, a rotten sinner in the weekdays while worshipping God on Sundays. I can't forgive myself....now I know that God can and will. As i look back i saw God's provding hand feeding me while i was looking away from Him. Oh i am so humbled!!

    Thank you Jesus for the Cross.

    But i must confess that seeds of doubt are there....and it is my daily yearning that they be overcomed by the grace of God!

  11. abraham's n sarah's ethics & faith, indeed are very much questionable but they are not in question here. I'm comforted to see how God has kept this couple according to His promises and not their conduct. Indeed our God is not a responsive entity, dictated by our human weaknesses n limited comprehension but is loving GOd from whom all creation and love flows. He is the Potter, and we are but clay.

    We learn that we serve a mighty God and can really cast our cares upon Him and that He is merciful..if only we know enough to not depend on ourselves.

  12. Pharaoh's household became sick bcoz God wants to demonstrate to him the consequences of messing with His chosen ones. Naturally, as Pharaoh, he would have abducted countless women, other men's wives nonetheless. But God revealed Himself to him thru this judgement that he may know there is a God who treats relationships seriously.

    God seeks to strike the fear of the LORD into pharaoh and His presence and guidance to Abraham. Yes, i'm sure Abraham and Sarah now dwelled into a more loving relationship with each other and with God, Whom they know are is there at times of need...like Adam n Eve in the Garden.

    Yes, it achived that effect..for Abraham loved his wife to the very end, (her death)

  13. Abram and family face threat of abuse from not only those in authority but any local who are familiar with the law of the land. There are many Indonesians who come to my country as unskilled workers and maids. They are being viewed generally as trouble-makers and criminals. The maid are not appreciated by employers. Sometimes they face abuse. I once was suspicious of my family's maid...very ashamed of it now for not understanding her feelings, working in a foreign land and in need of friendliness n hospitality. The church must treat all as children of God, with love and understanding' like bro n sis without regard for status or occupation

  14. To me Abraham exercised a right we today so take for granted...to be able to call on the name of the Lord.

    In seeking for answers and help or seeking inner peace, men have called on so many things and beings, none of them actually proved effective.

    But to call on the name of the Lord, the Mighty Creator is a granted priviledge not a hard-won right.

    I feel very un-derserving whenever i think abt this..to call on the name of the Lord for mercy, protectiong, assurance and for blessings...how great and loving out Lord is for giving us this priviledge graciously.

    The challenge i'm facing now is to dispel seeds of un-belief whenever i invoke the name of the Lord...these seeds stems from my sinful, doubting carnal nature and I pray that Jesus will replace them with wisdom and child-like faith which He so desires. Amen

    Pray for me too guys! thanks

  15. IT takes special faith indeed, for if it were un-special aka lukewarm, we would only fail God and wander in the wilderness. In answering God's call for a life of faith, i fell into sin and was bonded. TIll today, i struggle for deliverance and is wriggling with much anguish to see myself crucifying Christ again and again by sinning. YEt there is unlimited mercy and grace...for though my soul is safe and kept with the Lord, my life on earth here for Him is in shambles..I am now trying to rebuild my faith with His guidance and resume my Walk with my loving Friend, whom i betrayed.

  16. He was blessed first when God revealed himself to him. How many today enjoys that priviledge. Then he was chosen to be God's elect. That is he was givent the opportunity to have faith in the coming of the Lord. He could see while others remain blind.

    Though he did not know Him then, Abraham had faith that the Savious will and come and As God promised, come through him.

    Then Abraham had his life chronicled by the writers of the Scriptures. A detail description of how God can beautifully weave his plan in a faulty man.

    I am blessed today that I got to know the Lord Jesus, not from the past but in the future. And by Abraham's life (his faith and faithlessness) i have the opportunity to know God's plan and heart. Amen!

  17. Yes, a year ago i was called to enter med school despite financial circumstances. Then i fell into sin and was in bondage. I broke my Father's heart so many times and re-crucified Christ on the cross and i'm simply overwhelmed with grief. My prayer today is deliverance from sin, let His mercies and peace flow again and restoration of my brithright. Then I shall put my faih in Him who provides and renew my strength like the eagle.

    This is very difficult for my sins bears consequences i cannot escape. Seeds of unbelief have taken root and takes turns to mock me in my quiet time. I hope with all my heart a sense of presence of the Holy Spirit peace in assurance of forgiveness.

    Please pray for me guys. Thanks

  18. i've been called by God to medical shool by faith, for i have no financial means. IN the midst of it I fell into sin and have been struggling ever since. Now i know the Loving Shepherd is calling out for me and scooped me back home.

    Now, I'm facing with the financial problems in the face again. Like Abraham, i started off in faith, discarding my worries at the Cross but unlike him, I have fallen so much since and am facing responsiblities for my sins; like seeds of unbelief...influencing my faith.

    I need a time of refreshing and am so ashamed everytime I call out upon His name.

    Please pray for me guys. Thanks

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