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  1. regarding the question about how we can know for sure our names are written in the book of life, i John 5:13 says ,that I can know as in positively that I can have eternal life .also romans 10;9-10 says ''that if I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart I am saved .Don't need any more assurance than that for me. and like the brother or sister I just read their relpy ,said, we walk the walk and talk the talk .we Lift up His Name everywhere we go. we pray His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I hasve know since 1973 ,at 10 to three in the morning that I AM GOING TO hEAVEN gOD BLESS ALL.
  2. Re question 1 , who are these seals directed against? They are directed against an unbelieving and unrepentent world who will not listen nor receive the truth of God's word. Sad to say ,even now ,in our country [and others ] slowly but,surely the Word of God is being portrayed as just another book about Jesus ,but with not much credibility. How it must grieve God to see His creation turn from Him even in the midst of these terrible times. God bless.
  3. The Father ,God had no beginning . He is from everlasting to everlasting. In verse 17 and 22:12-13 he is being revealed as having the same attributes as the Father , Jesus is identified with the Father as being Almighty God. [isaiah 9:6 ,John 8:58 . etc. He is Jehovah God,Yahweh, the second Person of the Divine Trinity. [Had a tough time for a while getting in here. ] Love you all. Jehovah shalom.
  4. hi, My name is Bruce. Regarding the question #1 Faithful witness in persecution, For,me ,the word of God says ,that it [testimony ] is the power of God for me the believer. It builds up my strength and gives me courage to stand against the negativety of this world . It also helps other believers when they see you're not afraid to stand up and be a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our example ,Jesus Himself went through it and He wants us to know we can do it too. I have never been afraid to tell people of Jesus and what He's done for me. Excuse the spelling,I'm a new kid with the computer. I believe that some people are afraid to witness or be counted because they are not sure who they are in Christ. I hope this is what you are asking for. Thanks ,Bruce
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