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Everything posted by utopia_in_extremis

  1. As a Christian who is going back and forth, this study has helped me look at my faith. I am glad to have this as my first lesson.
  2. We should be faithful to God as we are married to him. Being friendly with the world displeases Him as it fulfills our selfish nature.
  3. God is not against pleasures. But when we satisfy our own selfish needs, that's when God does not approve. God wants us to serve others, not ourselves.
  4. Our tounges are fast, and it just blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. If we give up all things to the Lord,and think whatever is good, whatever is noble, whatever is pleasing to the Lord, then what we think is reflected in what we say.
  5. I always estem my teachers/pastors. I think James is telling us that there is a big responsibility in being a teacher, and much is expected in being one. It's not just about learning about the law but also living it. It is God whom they are representing.
  6. Demons know that there is a God, whom they are all under. But they don't want to acknowledge Him. The belief of a practicing Christian is that which saves him, changes him and produces fruit. The belief of a non-practicing Christian does not bring out any fruit or changes in his/her life.
  7. Jesus has always taught us to help those who are in need. Since he has blessed each one of us with talents, we should be able to use it in one way or another to bless others too. I think the church is the first area the community looks at when it comes to helping the poor. It has always been a message to help out.
  8. Our faith should change us, to put into action what we believe in. However, if it is not put into action, then there's no fruit coming out from it and it's just useless.
  9. Q3. (2:9-11) Why does James refer to the Great Commandment as the
  10. We are not worthy to be judges for each other, as we are all sinners. There's no one who can judge us apart from the Righteous One. If we tend to be partial , we have an inner motive for favoring that person. That somehow, you are expecting something in return. This is totally in contrast with what God is teaching us to serve others without expecting anything in return.
  11. I am guilty of discriminating alcoholics,and people who seem to be very nice in church but has a totally different life after church. I know, we ought to be patient and encouraging, because we have our own faults as well. I don't notice anything which my church has generally discriminated upon, although I don't know what they think individually.
  12. Our tongue and our actions reflects how we have put into action what we have learned in the Word of God. I think it truly reveals what you are. The quality of our worship is our intimate conversations with God and it is also important, but worship also includes the way we deal with others.
  13. The perfect law=royal law is Love others.... as you do that you are loving God. It is what He wants us to do, to serve others, and thus we become more fulfilled when we do that.
  14. I think at first when we are studying the word of God, we are filled with fire and zest, but as time comes along, it suddenly becomes just a routine. Too much familiarity, and I agree that it makes us self-righteous. Thus, just because we know of God's goodness and mercy we become too confident and decieve ourselves.
  15. The lessons we learned from each trials we've faced helps us to focus more on God.... that despite everything, He is there with us, and that He's grace as I've mentioned in the other post is always abundant. It made me realize to depend on Him each day.
  16. I would say that I am guilty for falling whenever I am tried. Each time I learned my lesson thereafter. But I continue to press on .... I just thank God for his abundant Grace.
  17. Hi there form NJ. I hope I am not yet late in this study. I am looking forward in learning more about our Saviour through the book of James....
  18. hello. Just like everyone else, this is my first bible study online. I've been a Christian for a long time and I want to grow deeper in knowing our Savior. It's nice to meet you all......
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