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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Pastor Bob

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  1. Q1. (Matthew 5:13) In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the preservation analogy? In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the seasoning analogy? God's saints can be a preservative in society like salt has been used to preserve meat in earlier days. Abraham interceded for Lot and the people of Sodom. Because of the preaching of Jonah the people of Ninevah repented and were preserved from judgment. It could be suggested that the influence of Christianity directly and indirectly through prayer has kept society from becoming more wicked and promoted righteousness. The saints can also act as seasoning in society. I like salt. It adds flavor to food: meat, chips, veggies, and more. It makes things better. An example is Wilberforce's work to end the slave trade in Europe. We could also mention that Christianity is responsible for hospitals, schools, orphanages, and humanitarian aid, and more. Much good has been done in our world by believers based on their Christian values and compassion for the poor and needy.
  2. Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? We should rejoice when persecuted: 1. because we are having an impact on the unbelieving world. 2. because Jesus was persecuted and said we should expect the same as his followers; It is a privilege to share in Jesus' suffering. 3. because such treatment can help us grow in our faith. 4. because it leads us to trust Christ for strength 5. We are resisting conformity to the world and its values. What keeps this from being sick masochism? 1. It is not finding pleasure in pain itself; it is finding pleasure in doing what is right and pleasing God. 2. The overarching goal is the glory of God. Why is this blessing (Theirs is the kingdom of heaven) appropriate for the persecuted? 1. The believer is not interested in the things of this world because he is a citizen of heaven. Phil 3:20 2. We believers are to set our minds on things above Col. 3:1; it should be the object of our thoughts. Col. 3:2 3. Heaven is where our inheritance is 4. Heaven is where Christ is, and he is our hope.
  3. Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes? Purity of heart is the condition required for man to have fellowship with God. Sin disrupts our fellowship with God. Chronic sinners cannot see God because their sin is like a wall that prevents them from experiencing God's presence, both now and eternally, unless the sin is cleansed and forgiven. Only when a person is in a right relationship with God by receiving God's free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Christ and his sacrifice on the cross can he or she truly know God.
  4. Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude? Jesus taught, "Men love darkness, for their deeds are evil." Righteousness stand in stark contrast to good. People of the world want to do their own thing and resist being told how to behave. The saying today is don't shove your morality on me; that may be right for you, but not for me (due to belief in relative morality.) The other element is that our righteousness will "stand out like a sore thumb." I think Jesus is talking about hungering and thirsting for personal righteousness- to be set free from slavery to sin and self, wanting to do what is right and good. I think that we might also think about hungering for righteousness to be lived out in our society, which is suffering form crime and corruption and other unethical behaviors. Jesus promises that those who seek righteousness in their lives will have their hunger met. Our desire is a condition for God's SPirit to work in our heart to produce the power for godly living.
  5. Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? The world puts emphasis on power, position, authority, assertiveness, etc. as indications of leadership. The Scribes and Pharisees had bought into that model. So did the disciples, unfortunately. In general, the crowd that followed Jesus were also looking for a political, military leader to get rid of the Romans. Jesus set a different example. "I am among you as one who serves," Jesus said.(Lk. 22)He also said, "I have not come to be served, but to serve." (Matt. 20) He illustrated that by washing the disciples' feet, the job of a slave. Our king came to lay down his life for us as a sacrifice for sin. He set the example for us. Bob
  6. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? A foundational truth is that salvation is by Grace, not by our works, lest any should boast. We must acknowledge with Paul that even our good deeds are "filthy rags" that earn no merit with God. We must also acknowledge that we are sinful people, deserving God's condemnation. Only then can we graciously receive God's free gift of forgiveness by faith. If we think we are already good enough, Christ's death may seem unnecessary. When we recognize our position as a sinner before a holy God, it is appropriate to mourn our lostness like Isaiah, "Woe is me!" The common way this is expressed is in confession of our sin and our inability to please God perfectly.
  7. The two parts of each Beatitude are: first, a description of the character of those who are blessed by God, and second, the blessing that God promises them. I believe that Jesus made the Beatitudes in the form of a paradox for several reasons: First, for a similar reason that Jesus taught in parables- people had to be eager to understand the meaning to "get it." Second, to point out the contradictory nature of the results from the apparent circumstances from a worldly point of view. I think that there is a relationship between the Beatitudes and the Fruit of the Spirit. They each are describing the qualities that God wants to produce in the believer. They are the kinds of attitudes and values that we can't produce on our own; they can only be produced in us by the Spirit of God.
  8. Hi, my name is Pastor Bob. I live near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is my first time doing one of these studies. I look forward to gleaning new insights about the Beatitudes and growing in my relationship with Jesus.
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