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Everything posted by EuniceC

  1. To experience Him in a way that no relationship with any human being can give, that is the call of God, When Christ called Zaccheaus, he could not have refused the call, it was a call deep inside his heart, that is the call of God for us. Yes, this is an experience that I wouldn
  2. I imagine sitting at table with the Lord Himself, and He giving His love to me, letting me understand that this meal is for me to take and be a different person, from one who was a nobody because of my nature of sin, to one who can sit at table with the Lord of life Himself.When even the high priest could not go into the presence of God unless summoned by God, today, this meal was prepared for me, and actually makes me a guest of honour at this banquet, I am invited to stay at this banquet. Regardless of my very sinful nature, now I am person of hope, now I can approach His throne room because I have been saved.For me, by partaking of the banquet, I am now one with Christ, and nothing can separate me from Him. I am reminded constantly of the sacrifice of the death of Christ, and I am constantly nourished by the Lord
  3. Broken: He allowed Himself to be reduced to nothing, so we could become like Him, because, if not for Him, we would be worth nothing. Given: He confirmed what His mission was, to give Himself up for our sins, so that in Him, we would be sinless. Forgiveness: this was the greatest gift the sacrifice made, forgiving us.
  4. When we rely too much on symbols, instead of concentrating on the real significance of what we are doing, it tends to take away the holiness from us, then we start to do it by rote, and there is no benefit for us, except an outward show of participation, but then where is my heart when I am partaking of this sacrament? Jesus gave it His all, and so must we. In order not to let it become a
  5. [color=#993399]I live by grace, if God did not love me, no way would I be in this state in which I am. I have been through a whole lot of challenges, from a childless marriage in a society where childlessness is akin to a crime, to a situation where my husband lost his job and has been struggling for a long time to get another job, more so in a society that sees the head of the family as the man, I have had strength to carry on only by grace, the same grace gave me the strength to support him when all looked hopeless. God
  6. Faithfulness denotes dependability, that one will not go back on his word, regardless of whatever changes in a situation. If a person can stand and despite all, still stand, he is showing faithfulness. If you can be comfortable with the fact that whatever happens, this person is sure to be there, to remain stable, then you are dealing with a faithful person, you know that he will keep his word. And that is how God is, I know that whatever happens, however the world changes, however people will let me down, however I will let Him down, He still is God and will remain so, I can trust in Him to keep His word. This inspires in me a joy, a peace that spreads in me like a warmth, for I know that He will NEVER fail me. Times may turn out rough, but that warm feeling of trust in Him can never be taken away, unless I let it. His faithfulness is forevermore. If we want to be like Him, then we must be faithful, because faithfulness means that we trust in what He is saying and as believers, our lives are to be living examples for others to follow to Christ. Without being steadfast (faithful) to His Word, how can we lead others to Him? We must of necessity, be faithful, otherwise our Christianity is in vain.
  7. Israel had been known to be a nation that very quickly forgets God, and for such a people, if God was not forgiving, they would be totally destroyed in no time, first by the wrath of God and secondly, by their enemies around them, if God deserted them for their sin. For such a people, and for us, who are so prone to fall every time, our God must be willing to forgive; otherwise there would be no hope for us. However, this nation kept on repeating it
  8. I find it interesting that the word father is so minimally used in the old testament. I call Him Daddy Lord, Here, it signifies that He is my creator, I belong to Him, He brought me into the World, and thus has all the authority over me, who cares about me, and is willing to stand in for me, sign on my behalf, as a father would sign on His child
  9. The Old testament has revealed to us the importance of Yahweh being Head of a nation, anytime the Israelites obeyed Him, they were favored, and when they abandoned Him, they were oppressed. In His prayer of Dedication, Solomon in 2 Chron 6: 19 ff, Solomon calls on the Lord God to make His dwelling among His people. Today, God still reigns as King of all nations, His word says
  10. For me, Jesus being the Messiah, Yahweh being my King is the basis of my faith, He is all to me, and my whole life is spent every day trying to please Him, If I accept Him as my King then I need to be obedient to Him, respect Him, honor Him, be joyful in His presence, acknowledge Him as King, show to all the World that this is the One I accept to be my Lord and Master. This King knows everything about me, He sustains and keeps me, this is what it means to have Yahweh as my King and to be subject to Him. Life without Him is no more a life worth living, and everyday for me, is talking to Him, learning from him, surrendering totally to Him, and accepting what great sacrifice Christ made for me. Indeed, greater love no man has than this, than to lay His life down for me, to become like me so that I could become like Him. What manner of Love is this?? By not believing in the Word of God, one has automatically rejected Yahweh as King over him or her. By deliberately disobeying God is rejecting Him, by following our own desires, and planning things the way we want without seeking the face of God is rejecting Him
  11. Tithing means giving your King what is His due, under the old testament, if we accept that someone is our King, then we must give Him what is due Him, which means we agree that He is our king, we will do whatever He requires us to do, we will accept His decrees concerning us, and will not question Him. It shows respect, honor and obedience, and even though He is not physically present, we know that He is real, alive for us. For the New covenant, it is the same as in the days of Old, because though God was not present physically, the people believed, and did what was required of them. We are believers by virtue of our faith which we confess and if we believe then we obey. Everything about what God said concerning tithing in the old testament did happen, and continues to happen, because His Word will never pass away. He is the same God of yesterday, today and forever, and thus the same King. What He expected of His chosen ones in the Old testament is also expected of us today. When we tithe, we believe that God is who He has revealed Himself to be from times past, we believe His promises, every word He has spoken and We believe that we shall see Him as He is. We cannot take some of His Word and leave the rest, All of it must apply to us. For me, Tithing means I BELIEVE GOD!
  12. I am now more convinced of the importance of all denominations' role in bringing the church together as one. We are all one body, and the only way we can convince the World of Christ's message is to recognise that we are one. Otherwise, we will be fighting a losing battle. We all have a role to play, and the Holy Spirit is ready to strengthen us, if we respond to His call. The Church is one, and we must accept that whatever Christains are doing in other churches that are different from our own are still working for the growth of Christ's Kingdom here.
  13. Hi I'm Eunice from Ghana in West Africa and this is my second Bible Study with Pastor Ralph, I am really looking forward to this study, as i enjoyed and was encouraged by the first study I took, Phillipians.May the Spirit of Christ grow abundantly in us as we go through this study, and may you all be blessed!!
  14. The beginning of a right relationship with Christ begins with thanksgiving. It shapes our prayer and gives it the right flavor before God, which He desires. I went through a period where I was asking in prayer and whining, it did nothing for me, and instead, at the end of every prayer session, I felt further away from God and more despondent. But thanks be to God, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit, and I began to communicate with more thanksgiving than whining, and today, even though I haven
  15. To know Christ means to have relationship with Him in which you trust Him absolutely about your life, you can tell people about this friend of yours, you can talk to Him when you don
  16. Hello, I am Eunice from Ghana, I am excited at the thought of growing closer to Christ and sharing my faith. I love the strength of Paul's message for Christians of today.
  17. Q( 3-9) My own behavior is always tainted; even the very best of my intentions can be tainted by the expected rewards I hope for. How then can this behavior make me righteous? How can it give me
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