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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by BlessedByHim

  1. (1:5-8) What is the promise to claim in verse 5? What is the condition attached to this promise in verse 6? How do trials help us receive this wisdom? God gives wisom to all who ask. We must believe without doubt.. It is through trials that we seek God's wisdom to know how to handle situations.
  2. Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? When trials come we may be tempted to handle them our own way. Trials help us to face the areas in our life where we are weak. They help us to overcome sin in our lives. God helps us to break the hold sin has in our life through trials and allowing God to show us His way to handle them
  3. God does not owe us and explanation for anything he does. We have free will. God allows things in our life. Some things that happen in the world are very sad, but God's mind is nothing like ours. He sees the whole picture and knows what is best for us. He is awesome and one day we will understand...but for now, we should trust and obey Him.
  4. It seems my life has been made up of trials for many years. But I praise God for them. Without trials, we can never be refined into what God wants us to be for Him. I do not say this lightly. I constantly deal with trials. I have a few at this time that are really pressing my back against the wall. Whoever reads this, please pray for me and my family. satan is trying to destroy my family. God will know exactly what you are praying about and for whom. Bless you, BlessedByHim
  5. Hi! My name is Susan. I live in South Carolina. I have 2 children, a son 32 and a daughter 28. I am excited about this Bible study. I have been a Christian for many years. At the present time, there is a lot of turmoil in my life. Satan is trying to tear families apart in these last days, and he is certainly tring to do his part to destroy mine. But my faith is strong, and I have to draw my strength from the Lord more than ever. It is a continual battle when you are growing in your walk with the Lord. I love my Lord, and thank Him dearly for always giving me joy and getting me through many tough times. I also write...I use writing to express my feelings, and sometimes I share what I write to minister to others. I look forward to getting to know other Christians in this forum.
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