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  1. When a people have practised something all their life that has been passed down in the same way for generations upon generations, it is understandable that letting go of it would be difficult. The difficulty, and what should be the easier part, for a Jew is in seeing that a prophesy made so long ago has finally come true and then to change the way their traditions are done. The victory is indeed in being able to make that change. We have to have the same tenacity as they have to have. Our traditions may not be as deep and rich, but sticking close to THE Savior is the only way for us to be victors. If we don't hold fast, then are we really part of his househiold with all the priveledges of a child of God? He certainly would not put us out but we often walk away. God give us strength.
  2. The purpose of Christ's death is two-fold: to destroy the Devil and to free us from the fear of death. Christ holds the keys to death, hell, and the grave. This was accomplished upon the death and subsequent resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. When He arose from the dead, it was by His own power. He conquered death. There is an old adage that says "The proof is in the pudding". When all creation beholds the risen Savior they will not be able to deny any of what they see. Christ frees us from the fear of death. Over and over again I have seen non-believers afraid of death because it holds uncertainty for them while true believers may be afraid of how they get there but not of the here-after.
  3. Many sons and daughters is all mankind-Jews and Gentiles, male and female, slave and free. He has showed us the way to "glory" through the sacrifice made for us, that way is to an eternity in heaven by showing us Christ and His sacrifice for us. It was in His ressurection that we have our hope. The term "perfect through suffering" is a peculiar one until you see that it simply means the fullfillment of His 'job'. Christ had a perfect work to accomplish here on earth and through his suffering it was nearly completed. When He rose from the dead it was finished. Christ died for my sins and since I have accepted Christ as the Savior of my soul, I will live with Him in glory-that is in Heaven.
  4. The death that is spoke of here is eternal seperation from man's God. When Christ died on the cross He died as the atonement for all of man's sins. He is the once and for all sacrifice for us. We only have to accept the free gift of His blood to attain it. If God was not such a merciful and loving Being, He would not have given us the chance to accept the wonderful gift of salvation without us having to offer blood sacrifices regularly. His Grace covers us once and for all time with the blood of the Lamb...His Son. Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
  5. Jesus, being both God and man, suffered through the same things as we do; hunger, homelessness, temptation, persecution, peer pressure, etc. We may never be homeless as Christ was, going from town to town staying with first this one than another, his mother, or staying in the open, but each of us must suffer in some way. It is in the suffering that we are made stronger. That is where we often meet God-on our knees. Remembering that even the Christ was made to suffer and he was able to endure should give us hope. Often we forget to look at that Hope until the enemy has had a chance to beat us down. How foolish we humans are. I am certain that none of us can live in such a way as to avoid all suffering for in doing so we would have to allienate ourselves from everyone and everything. God tells us to fellowship with others. If we ignore that command we are sinning and will be chastised. That would bring about such loneliness that we would suffer from it and from other abnormal fears.
  6. It may be a bit cliche' but: God said it, I believe it and that settles it. Before salvation the weight of the world was so much more than was bearable. Now I have a Savior who carries by burdens with me....we are yoked together. Signs and wonders were seen in Jesus' day by some, including the religious leaders of the day, as being works of the Devil. There will always be skeptical people just as there will be people who believe heart and soul that Jesus is Lord. As mankind continues to grow intellectually, man will more and more ignore the miracles, signs, and wonders. In OT times when superstition was more prevelant, signs, wonders, and miracles were more easily accepted. Maybe that is why they are not as recognizable today. I believe that every day holds God's miracles but few see them.
  7. Humanity has, since being cast out of the garden, been sucessful at meeting their own desires without thought to what God requires. If we stay in the Word and in an attitude of prayer, we have a better chance of staying in HIs will: not drifting away. The thing about drifting is that it is a slow, often unnoticible process. THerefore, the damage is done before we even realize that we are in danger. As far as drifting in the Parable of the Sower, I don't see it except in one place; the shallow soil. I believe that the soils are more personalities and the circumstances surrounding them.
  8. If Christ is the EXACT representation of God, HE is divine as much as God is divine. He is not the reflection of God as we are. He is the same as God. His role as Sustainer, Author of the universe, etc. is far more than would be attributed to any mortal.
  9. I am certain that in this case, Son is literally meant as one begotten from another. Is not a son closer to the heart and understanding of his father than a prophet who hears in dreams, visions, and hearings (if that is a word)?
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