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Everything posted by class1fox

  1. There is know balance when it is no longer revelant.
  2. What the Lord supper represent to me is the past when the people were under the "Law". We are no longer under the law, therefore, I don't partake of that ordinance. Yahshua said that He would write the law in our heart and mind.
  3. David essential prayer was, Yahweh's righteousness and mercy/ the people's sin and unfaithfulness. The various grounds for his appeal: 1.Yahweh's precedent 2.Yahweh's Glory 3.Yahweh's Righteousness 4.Yahweh's personal identification with Jerusalem Yes !!!!! Yahweh did hear and answer Daniel's prayer.
  4. In order to intercede for the sins of the people, we must first take their sins upon ourselves. Yahshua took the sins of the world upon himself in order to save the world.
  5. Daniel prays in earnest for his people that Yahweh would forgive their sins and enable the restoration to take place. Daniel turned to Yahweh and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. It symbolized the penitence with which Saniel came to represent his people before Yahweh.
  6. Daniel was encouraged because he knew that Yahweh was faithful to his word and to those who are faithful to Him. Daniel life style was faithful to Yahweh.
  7. What is the basis on which Hezekiah asks for healing? " Please remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight." How can unrighteousness prevent answered prayer if all gifts from God are by grace anyway? Unrighteousness can hinder our prayers from being answered because Yahweh is a Holy Elohim. However, He has the power to change any situation.
  8. Why is Hezekiah's healing important for the nation? It is important because the people needed to see Yahweh as the only true Elohim. How did it relate to God's promise to David? Yahweh promised an unbroken line of David's sons upon the throne. Hezekiak is also appealing to Yahweh's promise for offsprings.
  9. How do the first two sentence of Hezekiak's prayer correspond to the first sentence of the lord's prayer? This correspond to the opening of the lord prayer's......."Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." Hezekiah reconizes who Yahweh really is and how He actually exist. How are they important to Faith? "You have made heaven and earth." There is no limitation to Yahweh"s power. How are they important to God answering the prayer? When Yahweh see that our Faith is in Him and Him along, He answere our prayers.
  10. What is the significance of Hezekiah spreading out the enemy's message before the Lord? Hezekiah is showing Yahweh that this is His problem, rather than trying to solve it himself. What is the underlying principle here? The Battle is Yahweh's. How can we apply this principle to our own lives? Reconizing that indeed the battle is Yahweh's and trusting Him to give direction. What happens when we don't apply this principle? When we don't apply this principle, we get discouraged, we will give up and we can't handle it.
  11. Praise exalt Yahweh openly for His Glory, Majesty and splendor. We should exalt Yahweh openly to encourage others to see Yahweh as He really is and honor Him as well. Praise affects us in that when we acknowledge Yahweh's greatness, it strenghtens our faith. We know the language of faith"Praise"
  12. Our prayers of praise "bless" Yahweh when we acknowledge His greatness, glory and splendor. Yahweh desires a contrite and humble spirit. PRAYERS WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING YAHWEH ARE SELFISH PRAYERS.
  13. It means to be sorrowful that we have transgressed against Yahweh. Until we are sorrowful, we are not ready for forgiveness. We must give up our old behavior for that of a new and better behavior based upon the word of Yahweh. Mankind has always wanted to be in control of his own destiny.
  14. YES Yahweh establishes a pure heart within us. Reconizing that we are as filfthy rags before an almighty Elohim.
  15. NO....... All sin must be confessed because they are against Yahweh.
  16. We must have faith in a Faithful Elohim. Our Faith must be based upon His Word. We gain this faith through continuing to study the Scriptures and Meditating upon them.
  17. We should continue to ask for forgiveness because we are a people prone to sin. We sin knowingly and unknowingly, therefore, we must continue to ask Yahweh to forgive our sins. When we seek not to forgive those who have mistreated us or miguided us, when we seek not forgiveness for what we do to others, we block our blessings from Yahweh. When we endeavor to hold on to unforgiveness we block forgiveness from Yahweh. He has life so fashion that, what you do to me, He does to you Yahweh is of love. If you say that you love Yahweh whom you have never seen, and hated your brother whom you see , then you are a hyprocrite. There are checks and balances in the world, There is forgiveness in the spiritual realm.
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