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  1. Abraham demonstrated his humility before God by continually acknowledging the almighty God . He is aware that he is being so bold by questioning God in the first place but he humbly ask God's permission to speak, to pardon him, to allow him to say what he has to say(Abraham is being bold but with all due respect). Boldness must be tempered with humility because some people can interpret one's boldness as rude. However if you posess a humble spirit along with boldness not getting out of place or out of order one would see or one would know that you are just trying to boldly get your point across without offending anyone.
  2. Abraham saw it unfair to punish the righteous for the unrighteous (in our day we say the innocent suffer for the guilty). Abraham agrees that wickedness was all through Sodom, however with God being the God that he is, being judge overall mankind, it is only right (in Abraham's eyes), to spare the lives of the righteous, therefore not treat the wicked and righteous alike. There should be a differentiation and God being a righteous God should know better (so to speak).
  3. We are independent of asking anyone for help all because of our pride.We feel somewhat embarassed when we hurt or are in need. We seek to be independent of God when we look at our jobs or spouses as our ultimate source. Our jobs and our spouses can only fulfill our material need and it is God and God alone who meet our every need. It is He who knows what we need even before we ask him.
  4. We are asking that He comes and dwells within us. we are asking His will to be done here on earth because His will is done in Heaven and just as it is in heaven we should want it to be here on this earth. This prayer should affect our living by not being selfish and praying to God for what we want or need all the time but to be considerate of God's will for our lives and to consider others. To put others needs before our own.
  5. What about our lives hallows the name of our father is when we respect and obey God's word. When we line up our lives and lifestyles according to what is written in the word, It shows respect and reverence to what God says. What desecrates and besmirches it is when we call God's name in vain. What about our words hallows the name of our father is when we praise and give adoration to God. When we speak the truth. In praise and thanksgiving we honor God by exalting him. When we begin to pray we should hallow God by acknowledgement of who He is and express how worthy He is of our highest praise!
  6. Hello, my name is Shenek. I am from Nassau, Bahamas. I am married and a mother of two boys ages nine and three. I am actively involved in ministry and my family requires alot of my time. My days are very hectic at times. However, I am really looking forward to this bible study and I thank God in advance for what He is about to do. I wait in expectation! Shenek
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