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Nancy Decker

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Everything posted by Nancy Decker

  1. Angels are given to us by God to minister to our needs as they come up and to protect us from evils we do not even realize are around us. Jesus was facing the more horendous death and temptation of all creation in his humanity and Godliness, I surely feel the Angels sent to Him by God had a very special job to do unto Jesus. As to how many or how much or to what degree they may have administered to Him, no one can say, but that does not eliminate our having the same privilege for we are Jesus' inheritance. All of us are not in need of very special angels' protection or ministering, but if we were, they are there and I definitely believe they have saved my life many times, due to my unawareness of dangers around me. God sent sufficint Grace and help to Jesus in His great NEED, as He does to us.
  2. Jesus knew the disciples were going to face great temptation as they related to His Body of Believers by association and would be accused as He was, in a public way which was dangerous. All He had taught them would come into display in their hearts giving them cause to be afraid and doubtful for they did not yet understand Jesus' total mission in His life and death and His resurrection to come. He had already predicted the denial of knowing him by Peter and he knew their weakenesses intimately, and knew also the death He faced. As to if and how they prayed, it does not sound like they lasted long at anything for they were tired in body. I do not think they truly realized the dangers their Lord was facing for they had seen His miracles and felt he could surely take care of himself as well as them. I doubt even Judas was completely aware of his part of destiny, but was allowing temptation to overcome any love he had for Jesus due to his own desires to "push " the situation into another path of his own choice....thinking Jesus' kingdom would come on earth NOW if he would help it along.? who knows ? If they obeyed Jesus, I think they should have prayed for their Master's safety and theirs and that God's will be done in and through them in their testing times. The Lord's Prayer reminds us that we will have temptations and their source is evil, and that only our Lord can deliver us from all evil...and I suspect the disciples thought Jesus would deliver them from harm or evil that last night also, for He is the one who taught them this prayer. I have always wondered at the wording..."Lead us not into temptation". I find it difficult to recognize His leading me into temptation, but if this is so, I am sure it is to teach me how to overcome it, so we will not allow ourselves to be led into temptation and also to help us recognize what is evil and what is not. Jesus's mission in life on earth was ending and He knew it, and although He wished for his disciple's support in prayer, He knew that his death could only be faced by Himself. He intimately knew His Father and wanted to speak privately to Him in a human sense to ask for His help and love and deliverance if possible. This shows His humanity to me in a dear way, for his flesh must have cringed at the thought of being the object of HATE and EVIL and UNJUSTICE of human nature at its worse.
  3. Nehemiah's relationship with God was intimate, and daily towards fulfilling God's will for His people Israel. He had already established in lengthy prayers a foundation to pray short arrow prayers to God as he walked in the paths God led him in daily, for he needed God's help and guidance as he presented his requests to a King who could behead him if displeased with him. When we pray for a long time and are waiting for God's perfect time and will to guide us, we also may send out quick cries to God for help, for we understand that if we are out of His will and control, we may not succeed...to do His will or to obey God or glorify Him at all. Nehemiah faced possible death if he was not in God's timing or will, and sometimes, we face loss of friendship or connection to others when we are praying for them and trying to follow up on our main prayers for them. I feel this especially where my family members who are not saved are concerned. My words can easily be from me instead of the Lord, and my heart submits many arrow prayers for His guidance when they are with me.
  4. Both Esther and Daniel were strategically used by God to influence their Government Authority figure. Both were being observed and used as examples by God in regards to Faith and Obedience to Righteousness and His commands. Both were outstanding personalities whose influence would be known by many people...even today. Both faced death if their decisions did not work out as hoped and prayed for. The only little thing similar to this in my life, has been my influence where my pastor was concerned. Several times, I have stood up for what was right, only facing their dislike or dismissal, or lack of favor. One time my discernment was right on the button about a person he was admiring and courting favor from, and I told him she was a liar. He did not believe me, and a couple years later after many unhappy incidents, she left the church and the pastor actually apologized to me and said he wished he had believed me. I only suffered loss of favor for a couple years, I am twenty years older than he, but female, and he tends to listen only to males, so my position was not with authority, only as a friend and long time participant of his church body. My warning did not affect anyone else that I know of, except the whole church went through the difficult times indirectly...maybe not even knowing what was going on.? I also encouraged honesty where our funds were concerned in two of the parishes I have been closely involved with in my life, for inappropriate use of money is a temptation to some....just as part of the conscience of our church and leaders. But during these times I was the wife of a leader in the church, so I did have a little "say so", but not much, for neither husband spoke up first or with me, just backed me....because it was the truth. As to how to pray, I guess the Holy Spirit has to lead you as an individual in times that are stressful to pray aright and effectively.
  5. Nehemiah was a servant of the Lord God whose interests were to be of use to bringing about God's will for His people. Prayer was his method. He called upon the Lord God in relationship to His own will for the remnant left who are scattered and in great need due to their sinfulness. Nehemiah appeals to God reminding Him of His own Words and promises in regards to repentance and forgivenness before restoration. Nehemiah confesses the sins of himself as well as the nations, and asks God to forgive them and gather them back together unto salvation of their souls and be restored as His nation. He calls his nation to repentance, and to being drawn back to God, His commandments, and their obedience to the commands of God. Perseverance is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and Nehemiah did persevere in his requests to God as we should also.
  6. Nehemiah'prayer and mourning reminds me of the depth of passionate love one can have for your children who are not saved...who like Israel , have not even bothered to look for God's face or His love or help. The length of time ...four months.... may have been controlled by his instincts, what was going on with Israel, or perhaps God gave him Peace for their needs. I only know my own children and a sibling who have not turned to God for their soul's sake have been a burden on my heart for about 43 years. My prayers are not yet answered that I know of, but I dare not stop, for I may be the only one praying for them? Sometimes, I wonder if I know how to pray aright for them, and if not, pray my Lord will take up this burden and carry it for me and continue to pray for them with me or without me when I die. That is a good thought or hope to have, for surely HIs Goodness and Mercy will attend me for I am one of His children....He has promised He will never forsake or leave me, and I have an eternal soul blessed with HIs Life. I feel almost as much depth of passion for my country and pray we will as a nation wake up and repent of our sin, and be delivered from ourselves. God's plans are too awesome and immense in their purpose for me to grasp, but I feel His Kingdom will come soon on earth as it is in heaven...and I think many Christians are uniting in their spirits to really believe and pray..."Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". His desires are put in our hearts by His Spirit and the Holy Spirit is in unity with His.
  7. Greetings: I am a new grandmother, a new widow, and an older Christian, who lives in Austin , TX and feels like a native after so many years. I was born in Roanoke, VA and raised in Mayberry RFD which is really Mt. Airy, NC. In the beginning I went to the Methodist and Baptist churches, and joined the Episcopal Church when 18, and left it in the seventies. I am now going to the Reformed Baptist church, but if asked what am I ? I say I am a Christian who believes in the Bible being the Word of God and a follower of Jesus Christ. The Bible studies edify me in many ways, and I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this study.
  8. When I read this about Daniel and his deep feeling for his people and commits himself to intercede for their salvation from sin, I can identify closely to the feeling where I am in regards to my own immediate family and children....especially my two sons. I have professed to being a believer most of my life, and have not lived as closely to the Lord as I could have or should have, BUT, part of it was due to lack of knowledge or teaching of my responsibilities as a Mother to teach my sons about the Lord...I left it to the church to do this....which failed. So now when I pray, as an elderly mother for her sons, who are still disobedient and do not seek the Lord that I know of, I feel desperately in need of being able to pray like Daniel did for God's people. Though I am righteous now, because of Jesus, I am not sure I am righteous enough to be seen as righteous in anyone's eyes. Nevertheless I MUST pray and intercede for the souls of my sons and family for I seem to be the only one left to do so. I am praying that God will give me the Wisdom and courage and strength to do this effectively before I die, for with all my heart I desire their Salvation Gift from the Lord my God to be in their possession. The Passion of Christ and Daniel and others is a blessed example for us to follow, if we will do so.
  9. This is no longer a prayer I pray in fear, for now I know God loves me, and His purpose is for my good and creating within me a likeness of Christ, so since I know my heart is deceitful and might lie to me, I NEED His searching into my heart so I am capable of knowing where I am failing or in need of repentance. To surrender to our heavenly Father is a privilege, and blessing. to me. Finding out my sinfulness is not of course, but it is also freeing for then I KNOW for sure what I am inside and can repent. When it is not easy is when I do not hate the sin He pulls up to reveal to me, and then I do have to pray again for Him to help me be willing to overcome my desire to sin again. It is not a quick process, so in His perfect way with patience, He helps me go through the santification process as I submit unto His commands. A disciple would almost HAVE to be willing to pray this prayer, though he might not be a willing or obedient person at first, but I think as you grow in His Spirit, your heart will be changed and you desire perfection of your selfish sinful nature.
  10. After 24 years of devotion to my husband whose love for me was changed during his two year stay in Viet Nam which destroyed our marriage relationship and caused me over two years of severe suffering mentally and emotionally, he died at an early age. His life had much potential for the Lord's service and for my children's sake. I was so demolished emotionally in my deep grief my mind could not believe God REALLY loved me, for He was in control and could have saved his life, not mine. Grief stayed with me about seven years and God used this grief for my healing and created in me the ability to love Him again. Ps. 139 revealed to me the reality of God's love for just little me, came like a flash one day. Since my mother had told me she tried to abort me twice before I was born, and she was nearly killed the month before I was born, He spoke to me and said, " I saved your life three times before you were born....you must KNOW MY LOVE IS WHAT SAVED YOU". It was this knowledge, plus the Psalm 139 that enlightened me and healed my heart of the painful rejection I had suffered when my husband, family and I had no friends at that time, were not there to hold my hand or comfort me in any way. I definitely KNOW God loves me due to His own Words which reveal His wonderful plan for my life. so this knowledge of His Word and Truth helps me understand the extreme importance of saving the lives of unborn babies, teaching young people their self-value in God's eyes, and the bringing up a child from the beginning in the Lord's ways, for we share in the responsibility of their quality of life on earth as God gave parents that privilege and responsibility as co-sharers in the Body of Christ and His church and kingdom....on earth. God our Father is GOOD, and His Word teaches and guides us in ALL our ways, if we will only seek Him and His face and His Kingdom. I am encouraged that even today that His will will be done and my prayers of faith and love are a significant part of His will for my life as I obey Him and Love Him and others. The mystery of His love is too deep for my understanding, but it suffices as does His Grace and Love unto us.
  11. David knew the Love of God which constrained him in all his choices and ways in life...from the beginning to the end of each day...as closely as a Mother would her helpless child protecting and caring for him. and KEEPING him from harm. David knew God loved him and trusted him. Yes, God's hand is upon me now, as a constant reminder of His Controlling life in me, and there have been times when I realized later His Hand was upon me guiding me even when I did not feel Him near me. He has made Himself known to me since I had ability to seek him as a small child, and I am eternally grateful for my name being carved into the palm of His Hand. His hand can feel hurting or loving, but it is always Good, for we are in the process of being molded into the image of Christ, and we are so lumpy a piece of clay, sometimes, the process does not feel loving. More and more I am able to yield to Him, for my trust and faith is growing. My favorite prayer is..."Lord make me willing to be made willing where I am not willing to yield to your will" He cares and He wills me to be in His will...so I feel safe in praying this.
  12. The recognition of the child of God as to who is to be revered and honored and glorified because of the position God the Father has over all creation, is what Jesus and Hezekiah both did in a similar manner. They did not position themselves above God their Father, and Jesus was God in human form! They gave Glory to their Father and His authority over them realizing from whom all their blessings flow and who had the Power to answer their prayers. Our prayers which are directed in faith to our Faithful, Loving, Understanding, Merciful Forgiving Father make it possible for us to come boldly to His throne, for we KNOW Him and have confidence that He hears our prayers, and will direct them according to His will....which in essence is our will also, when we become one in Him through His Holy Spirit
  13. Obviously, God already owns our bodies and souls if we are believers. It follows that He also owns all our possessions which are gifts to us from Him. Our attitude towards Him and His gifts should be with great thankfulness and appreciation for His generosity and love towards us...in fulfilling all of His promises to supply us with all our needs. His favor towards His people is unsurpassed by any human beings for our love is so self centered and contaminated with our evil nature, If we truly and deeply love our Father, we joyfully give back to Him of all of our substances, and time and loyalty and especially our love...without hesitation and consider it a great privilege to do so. In our giving, Praise is a natural reaction to give to our Great God who is our All in All. If we are stingy in giving, our praise will be also, for if love is not in the giving, our praise will not be wholly loving, but done more as a ritual or duty or a "paying you back" type of attitude. God has made laws for us for our own good because He loves us, and we are to learn to be like Jesus and learn to love as He loved us...and when we give of ourselves and our life and our hearts and strength as he desires, we are the one blessed for our souls are becoming more in tune with Him and His Holy Spirit. We must be good stewards of all of His gifts, whether it is money, health, possessions, children etc, which means to me to honor and care for them as if they were His Possessions ...and they are. My own body is His temple and when I fail to care for it, or do what is right, I am not being a good steward . The same rule appllies to everything we are and have. It is a responsibility and yet a great pleasure when we respect and cherish our selves and gifts of all kinds from Him. His kingdom must come, and we are the caretakers of it until He returns.
  14. Praising God is a privilege, as His child, for it shows our love, respect and appreciation for who He is. God is worthy of our praise and adoration, and no one else is, in spite of our idolatry towards others in the human world. Praise is accepting of His position as God Almighty and our place as servants of His world now, but recognizing His Love is so great He shares it with us personally as well as teaching us how to love as He loves, and actually share in HIs glory due to our becoming like Jesus...sons and daughters of God. When we exalt God, we are removing self interest from us and increasing in our interest in Him. We put ourselves under Him humbly and He exalts us spiritually. Our love for Him is increased...more and more.
  15. Since God is LOVE, and He has created us in His image, it is reasonable to say He wants our love to become like His Love and be given back to Him in fullness. It is His own first commandment, that we are to love him with all our hearts and minds and strength. Our obedience to this command given back to Him, makes His heart pleased, for then He is receiving back His own Gift of love which becomes more like His Love as we submit our wills unto His. His love is Holy and unselfish, and as we are able to send Him unselfish, committed love which is shown in our minds and hearts and words and actions, then He has a more pliable spirit to mold into the likeness of Christ , which is the ultimate purpose of His desires for His children. When we PRAISE God for who He is to us in our daily lives, we are appreciating Him and our Thanks expressed show our gratitude for His many blessings given us through His Son Jesus. Our prayers that are primarily, "give me" that do not offer any praise or thanks to Him, are self centered, selfish prayers that do not show appreciation or delight in the privilege of being honored to be His child. It also shows lack of respect for God's position as God in all His Glory and Majesty. I pray He will forgive me for these kind of prayers and help me be more aware of Who He is , and what pleases Him so I can become less and He can become MORE in my being.
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