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    It is just about Jesus.

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  1. Inspired scripture is God's Word (God breathed) revealed to us by and through the Holy Spirit. God breathed the Word and there is no doubt about the Word's authorship. It is the only source of authority and if it is not inspired it is profane. The Holy Spirit will always confirm the Word to be truth.
  2. Fear of rejection or harm causes us to withdraw from opportunities to witness. When we pick up our cross daily we are effectively "crucifying" ourselves. As the Lord died in the flesh on the cross so do we when we follow His command. With self out of the way we are free from all fear.
  3. Whenever we allow the flesh to overide the Holy Spirit we at once become hypocrites. Our failure to recognize and correct our error can cause us to establish traditons which lead to religion. Religion has no power as power comes from the Spirit and is the reason so many are falling away.
  4. To teach is to reach. It cannot be done by being arrogant, combative, boastfull, indignant, or holier than thou. It is needfull to be the opposite of all of these and, most of all patient. When the teacher is fully versed on the subject matter it is then that he or she should be most effective. And, when you are lead by the Holy Spirit, it is when the Lord is in control.
  5. As we have only one set of plates I don't relate to the metaphor. What I do see is that we all must get rid of sin in our lives by crucifying our flesh in order to become vessels fully acceptable to our Lord.
  6. A skilled worker, or professional, is able to dissect the needs to do the job set before them. This would mean that in order to present an acceptable finished product, they would have to be expert in the details required to reach the highest standards. As teachers of the gospel we must be no less prepared. Our standards must be to the highest degree possible as we are teaching to help our students reach the Highest. Rightly dividing the Word means to have a thorough understanding of what we have to do in order to convey the message to the unskilled. This is a great responsibility.
  7. As a veteran I can relate to things military. In order to complete a mission one must go through all conditions, no matter how difficult or impossible they may seem. The army that can conquer adversity wins. The same holds true for God's army.
  8. God forbid that we should preach the truth! Why risk scaring one precious dollar (oops, I mean soul) by telling that real Christianity involves pain and suffering like crying for the murder of the unborn innocents? Why not prepare the church for the negative reaction that real Christians receive from the world when they walk the walk and talk the talk? Timothy was perhaps lonely and not prepared for the onslaught that came upon him and the same is true today. Our leadership is safe behind the pulpit and doesn't know how to properly teach witnessing, which is gained by experience so, those brave brothers and sisters who do go out are not prepared for what the enemy sends their way. When you suffer for the gospel and Christ great is your reward! I cannot possibly recount the victories nor the bliss that the Lord gives to you in His outpouring of joy. You have to get some yourself.
  9. In order to advance the gospel forward and maintain it's integrity it is necessary to always being in a mentoring mode. We do not always know who God will choose for a given post nor who He will gift for that post. So, in everything that we who teach do, we should teach. And, as we lead, let us lead by example.
  10. Christ is the source of Paul's fearlessness and the gospel is entrusted to God to guard.
  11. There is nothing in Christ that is negative (to the saved). There is therefore no condemnation when we walk in the Spirit. When stirred up, the Holy Spirit takes away our guilt and shame and gives us the boldness necessary to carry out our vocation as Christians. Paul's focus on Christ and the laying on of his hands reminds Timothy, and us, of the gift that lies within us against which no power can withstand.
  12. I experienced cowardice and shame whem I first came to the Lord. I attribute this to my lack of knowledge, uncertainty and fear of the unknown in terms of a response to my witness. This has all faded away over the years as I grew in wisdom, understanding and knowledge all of which are guided and powered by the Holy Spirit.
  13. This is a difficult question. There have to be other questions asked. Does the person want the gifts or the world? Has the gift truly been imparted? Is the person committed to the fullness of the Lord or is satisfied with a mere taste? Grain or weed? Discern and respond as lead by the Holy Spirit.
  14. The agape love of Christ cannot change. Without it we are empty vessels subject the the mechanics of the flesh. With it we are new every morning and our message is always fresh and postive. It comes with the Holy Spirit.
  15. The best way not to love money is to be poor. That is to live humbly which is to be focused on and depending upon God for everything. It is truly amazing how little one spends when we call upon our Heavenly Father for our needs. Generosity is giving what you can without hurting yourself. Donate with your head, not over it.
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