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Everything posted by jacquie7

  1. Koinonia means to “participate”. To participate in the blood of Christ means to be in relationship with Him and share in the sacrifice and sufferings He endured for those who believe in Him. It means to pick up one’s cross and carry it.
  2. Paul was warning the Corinthians about the differences and dangers of partaking of both cups. He wanted them to be aware that worshipping anything other than Christ was idolatry in that one cup represented Christ and the other cup represented demons. He warned them that whichever cup they took; they not only shared in but also became closely identified with whom they were worshipping. At the time, the church was tempted to participate in idolatry by making sacrifices to various Greek and Roman gods. They were in danger of sinning against God by making sacrifices to false gods and could not partake in both and maintain a relationship with Christ.
  3. The Lord's Supper is a proclamation of Jesus' death on the cross not only made to the people of Corinth but also to all believers in Christ. It is important because it is about the sacrifice Jesus made in which He fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies and it is the means of our redemption. When the church shifts to a different theme, it fails to follow the instructions Jesus left, leaving itself open to anything other than Christ, and forgetting about the very foundation of the New Covenant (His broken body and shed blood). It fails to exercise self-judgment of actions and on to sin resulting in God’s judgment as with the Corinthian church.
  4. Remembrance is important because Jesus’ death brought redemption to humanity, opened the gospel to the gentiles, and established a New Covenant that includes forgiveness of sin among a host of other things. What it means for Christians today, is we are never to forget the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to atone for our sins. To neglect this is to neglect everything He did and went through to bring us back into relationship with the Father. If we forget personally, it brings to question whether or not: we had or have a relationship with Jesus, do we have a clear understanding of what He actually did for us, and is there an appreciation for the profoundness of His suffering? I am not saying these things are so, I am saying that these are just some of the reasons to consider if we personally forget Christ’s death.
  5. It was a memorial feast that was and is still today repeated to remind the Jews of their deliverance from bondage in Egypt. They are to have a celebration to the LORD for delivering them and passing over their houses sparing them and the lives of their first born when He struck down Egypt. It was too easy for them to forget and take for granted who delivered them from bondage that is why they needed to repeat the Passover meal, so they would remember for generations to come what the LORD had done for them. He redeemed them from their captivity.
  6. Repetition of the Lord’s Supper can run the risk of becoming mundane and lose it is meaning if the reason for taking it is not taken seriously or fully understood. Look at the Corinthians for example; it is obvious that they abused partaking of the Supper. They had factions among themselves, they were eating their own private suppers, people were still hungry, and some even got drunk off the wine. It was also more of a social gathering and distinctions were made between the rich and the poor. Paul would not have written instructions to them on partaking of the Lord’s Supper if they had been taking it with reverence towards Christ. Jesus commanded that the Supper be repeated because He wanted them and believers today to remember the sacrifice he made for us and it is also a basis for which forgiveness of sins must be done.
  7. When I partake and think about it, connecting to Christ, remembering and focusing on His death, and renewing the Covenant are the most valuable for me at this point in my spiritual journey.
  8. A person can have too little respect for the Lord’s Supper and it’s elements because of disbelief in what it represents, a lack of realization, or understanding of “what” Jesus did on the cross and “why” He did it. An extreme symbolic interpretation can give a sense that the elements aren’t really His body figurative or literally. What it boils down to is what one believes, you believe either the elements represent His body in some form (figuratively/literally) or you do not.
  9. My understanding is figurative. I believe the bread and wine are symbolic of the body of Christ and His presence is spiritual. I also believe that Communion is a sacred act and should be treated with reverence to the work Jesus did on the cross. It’s fellowship between Him and me that occurs more than once a month.
  10. The call doesn’t seem that urgent to non-believers as it does to potential believers. We think we have time to answer the call and we put it off until we’re done with our other obligations. The fact that believers know and understand the Kingdom of God and the end times, we make every attempt to urge those around us to repent and be saved before it’s too late. We also have been invited and have accepted the invitation because as I mentioned before, we know and understand the Host and will do as He has requested out of obedience and love to our Father.
  11. Because following Him must take precedence over everything and everyone else, and following Him is immediate not whenever. It is an urgent call and because Jesus is making the call, He means “now” not later. Excuses are trivial because the Kingdom takes priority over everything, the world, family, relationships, or other obligations.
  12. This parable is about grace in that those unworthy to attend are invited, it’s about judgment in that those who rejected will not be re-invited. It’s about evangelism in that the invitation is extended to and seeks out everyone urging them to accept the invitation. It also points to the end time event that when Jesus returns those who are saved He will take with Him and those who are not will be left behind.
  13. The original guests are the Pharisees and religious leaders, the later guests are the pour and down trodden. To compel them to come in is to urge. This sense of urgency applies today because no man knows the day or hour when Jesus is coming back and our salvation is imperative before He returns.
  14. How Jesus will hold me personally accountable for the use of my talents, I can’t specifically say how or what He will do except to say that He will give me my just due whatever that may be and rewards may also be few. At this moment, I just want to hear Him say to me “well done my good and faithful servant”.
  15. Our success is because of God and the fruits belong to Him. We are independent entrepreneurs if we go off on our own without God and even then, it is His resources that we use (Psalm 24:1). We are stewards in the sense that we first acknowledge that nothing belongs to us, everything belongs to God, and we use the gifts and talents the way He wants us to use them, and give Him the credit, honor, and glory.
  16. In addition to the five items mentioned (raw talent, drive, faithfulness, moral, character, willingness to focus time to the task) there is also competence, skill, capability, adeptness, and a few others. Thinking about my own talent, I guessing maybe 50% is raw talent. Those who succeed and are not the most talented I believe the Holy Spirit is providing the means for that person to succeed because God promotes the least qualified people. I would not say there are factors keeping me from doing what God wants me to do because He is preparing me for what He wants me to do. If I step out ahead of Him not ready or prepared as He needs for me to be it could be disastrous; especially if He has told me “not yet”. An example being someone who has been called to preach who steps out on his or her own instead of waiting for God.
  17. Talents could also represent experience, skills, and knowledge that could be useful in edifying the Kingdom. My talents change from one assessment to another. The last two spiritual gifts assessments I took, administration was high on both lists while the others fluctuated. I have a variety of abilities that I may or may not use depending on where I am; and the need. I work in human resources and wanted to do work in the Employment Assistance Ministry at my church. However, that is not where God wanted me to be or wanted me to do. I came to realize that whatever I did in the church had to be something different from what I did at work (in the world). What that work is (maybe teaching according to Romans 12:7-8 and leading people) requires spiritual growth and development that I am currently undergoing. As far as my Bible knowledge, I study on a daily basis. I’ve also completed a Biblical Studies certificate program and I am working on a certificate in Christian Ministries. God said “the earth is His and the fullness thereof” (Psalm 24:1); this means that everything I have belongs to Him and is only on loan to me during my stay here on earth.
  18. The Kingdom is small in its modest beginnings and the willingness of people to repent. It continues to grow as people repent and accept Jesus. The door is narrow in that not many will want to repent or believe in Jesus, which prohibits entry into the Kingdom. The banquet is large and diverse because both Jew and Gentile are invited. However, those who are unrepentant and do not believe Jesus, i.e., sinners will not be invited.
  19. The guests from all over the world are the Gentiles included with the Israel. The ones who will be thrown out of the feast could be the Israelites that do not believe in Jesus (this could also be some Gentiles who are unrepentant).
  20. Jesus characterizes the entrance to the Kingdom as narrow because not all will want to do what is necessary (repent and change mindset and/or lifestyle) to enter. Once people come to the realization of Jesus and the Kingdom of God, yes they will try to enter and will not be able too. People delay entering because they do not want to repent, they do not want to give up worldly things, and they figure they have plenty of time so they will do it later. However, when the door closes, it is closed.
  21. Growth in and of the Kingdom is a process that takes place gradually. The mustard seed is a very seed that grows into a large tree. Leaven is similar in that a very small amount can permeate a large amount of dough to produce a large amount of bread. The point of the mustard seed and leaven parables though a gradual process; is small beginnings bring large end results. This would be encouraging to the disciples because they had hope of something that began small (preaching of the gospel) would grow into something phenomenal beyond their comprehension. People experiencing small beginnings also have hope that the end result will be greater than they may have expected.
  22. Because we pray, “forgive us of our debts/trespasses as we forgive those who do the same against us” not thinking about what we are praying while still holding on to unforgiveness or unwilling to forgive whomever … while we are saying the prayer. Forgiving to be forgiven is not “righteous by works”. It is necessary to be in right relationship with God and it frees us of an un-repentance heart. God freely forgives and we must be able to do the same to experience what he has for us.
  23. The statement is definitely something to think about, that you do not want to think about….God treating us as we treat others, Him not forgiving us for our sins if we do not forgive others. I do not think that we realize how serious this matter of forgiveness really is. Unforgiveness can bring on a host of problems that can affect our health and well-being as well as our spiritual growth, development, and relationship with God. It is not always easy to forgive but it has to be done and done from the heart. I think it is both a learned grace and foundational principle, with the latter being first. We have to be able to forgive from the heart and if we pray; and ask God to help us with doing that, He can and will give us the grace to do it.
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