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Everything posted by april

  1. To take it to the Lord and not handle it in his own strength He got personal with God. He knew His God would handle it for him. The same way we need to trust God with the things that come up in our lives Give to Him and he will win the battle for you...
  2. Because Praise comes out of giving the praise that is due God and only God alone. Worship is about God not us. We worship Him because we love Him, and want to serve Him only, and all that He has given us is from Him. And we are to use it to gloified Him, we are only stewards of what He has given us.
  3. When I read the Bible in Psalms I will sometimes use what it says about God and His character of Love and Grace and Mercy and I will repeat it back to God as praise. The Lord's Prayer is praising God in the begining and the end. One of my favorite songs that I have always liked is How Great Thou Art.
  4. Because praise has to go to someone so when we prasie God then we are acknowledging His greatest and power above anyone or anything in this world Praise to God is outward sign that we Love and care about God our father. God is the only thing in our lives that we shoud exalt. Because He first Loved us, and gave us salvation eternal life in his Son Jesus Christ.
  5. Well in the Bible it teaches us that we are made for praising Him, so when we do that we are doing what He made us for and that makes God happy or blessed. What are prayers like that don't bless God? They are selfish prayers.
  6. Yes, you can have a pure heart If you ask God to give you one, He will forgive and help you to have a pure heart by faith in His word. God Loves you. There is nothing you can do, that you can not have forgiviness for..If you ask for it He is faithful to do it Praise The Lord!!
  7. David seeks to be real with God and admit his sin to him. no excues. God knows when we are not be honest about our sin because, He knows our heart, and what is in it.
  8. I believe all prayers require faith, the bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. The faith is bassed on our faith in the word of God ,he said it, that settles it. We gain conifidence in our prayer life the more we pray the more we see God answer them, some times not right away but as we are presistence in prayer the answers will come. Yes, NO, or wait.
  9. By asking and asking, Why is persistence necessary in prayer? Because if you keep asking then God knows we care about what we are praying for. All I know is that when I pray God answers it. praying through I don't know what the really means. Maybe I do it without knowing it, all I know is prayer is one of the most important things we can do in our Christian walk...
  10. Abraham knew God, and he knew his place, he was but dust in God's sight and he always asked for forgivness then asking God a question. He took on a teachable servant attitude. as we all should.
  11. That God would not punish the righteous along with the wicked. and that He should spare the the city if there were only 10 good people there. Abraham was apealing to God's mercy, and love and justice.
  12. I see when I read the Bible that when nations or individuals repent God turns away his wrath. Gods grace is far above that we even think or know. God can do whatever He wants to do He's God Master of everything!
  13. Yes I agree our God is most amazing! We have free will but because God is God and there is no other like Him We can trust Him. It not up to us to figure out how he does it. He just does it He's God and we are not. God bless you A wrong understanding of predestination cause people not to have the desire to pray because why should we pray if everything is unchangeable why bother to pray prayer of faith like Heb 4 :16 says Let us come boldly I call a belief that our prayers make no difference to God's response A bold face lie. [/color]ce
  14. Q2. What aspects of Moses' prayer of intercession should we emulate in our own prayers? Upon what logical grounds does Moses offer this bold appeal to God? What do you think it means to "pray the promises of God"? How does knowing the Bible help you get your prayers answered? How does this help our prayers be within God's will?
  15. Yes God had the right to be angry with his people They were worshiping others Gods in place of the one true God. They did not trust moses as their leader, and Aaron did not show to be a good leader either. He disobeyed God and pleased the people instead of God. Yes God is a loving God but when people disobey him he will be just and discipline them just the way we do when our kids disobey us. Or they would never learn and love and respect us, the way we need to be with God.
  16. The bible says that if it is not of faith it is sin. Therefore we know we do not always have faith in everything we do so we are sinners according to the word of God. and we need to ask God to forgive us everyday and he is faithful. We have to forgive others because it is a comand from God and when we don''t it only hurts us causing all kinds of problems keeping us in bondage. When you allow unforgivness to stay in your life it gives the devil the okay to come in and attack you. Forgiviness sets you and the other person free..
  17. Thy Kingdom come means to me that we should be looking for the return of Jesus Christ also putting into practice on earth now the Kingdom principles of sowing good seeds and reaping good fruit. The kingdom princples or totally oposite to the worlds ways. God's will to be done. means That we all have our own will but if it doesn't line up with God's will. We will get in trouble and have a life of sorrow instead of joy. God is the creator of us He knows everything about us. So his will for us is the best.
  18. (Hallowed be thy name) means to me that you respect and honor Gods name in every day life meaning you don't just say it in a casual way like Oh God this, Oh God that. And you obey his comands and you try and do his will not your own. When you say God name it should be in worship and in prayer.
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