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  1. To have a broken or contrite heart, one must be sorrowful that we sinned against God This occurs through the power of the holy spirit. being broken implie a deeper emotion and knowledge. A humble heart can be used to bring about clensing.
  2. in order to have a pure heart, we must confess our sin with sincerity. A pure heart means that one is willing to do the father's will. A pure and united heart are the same thing. Purification takes place when one confesses, repents and accepts by faith the grace of God.
  3. I don't think david is minimizing his sin against bathsheba or uriah. I think that is is looking at the whole picture and that he sinned against a holy God. I also don't think that he is making excuses. Because we are human, we are all prone to sin. we are born with original sin.
  4. Self deceit joins withsin to trap us. It uses guilt to prevent us from confessing sin. Guilt entraps us and steals our joy. By confessing our sin, God forgives us and we are made righteous in his eyes. Pride and shame cause us to resit the truth about ourselves. the Holy Spirit uses his power to confront us with the truth about ourselves.
  5. compassion and grace God' kindness and love no limit
  6. Love and trustworthiness are the basis upon whichold testament faith was built. Forgiving, patient and merciful John 13:34
  7. The aspects about God's being that stick out to me are his greatness, love and mercy. He created us and the amazing world we live in. I should praise and worship him.
  8. To ascribe means to give due credit to god. Joy, love, glory and strength. by failing to ascribe qualities to him, we may not experience the many blessings that God bestows on us. These blessing are a resullt of having a personal relationship with God. He is worthy because he is the creator and he sent his son to redeem us.
  9. When we are in the midst of troubling circumstances, we tend to focus on ourselves and not God's will. Our minds and hearts get filled with fear and doubt. Praise affects our spirits by uplifting them and strengthens our resolve. Our attitude and motivation also is upifted when we praise God.
  10. Psalm 31:5---- I surrendered my life to the Lord, the good , the bad, and the ugly.He is the creator(father) and we are his children. Psalm3:5----- Turn over your life and spirits to the Lord. By putting faith and trust in the Lord, he keeps us safe and guides us when we fall. Psalm 31:15------ God is in charge We are to do his will through our lives. By doing so, we will have peace and joy.
  11. Psalm 23 is asong of peace and comfort. We are the sheep(children of God). The Lord(shepherd) keeps us safe and gives us fresh water(the word of the Lord) and keep us from danger(Satan). "prepare a table before me"--- he has given us life and the universe to enjoy. "guides us on the path of righteousness"----- he provides us guidance through the Bible and life experiences and provides us Jesus as a guide. This psalm makes me feels like I am safe and secure in his arms.
  12. David humbles himself before the Lord by being still and listening. He is humble and surrenders himself to the Lord's will. David has the traits of humility, love and trust in the Lord.
  13. If we believe, God protects us. we must live by faith. God is with us even though we cannot physically see him. whne life seems helpless, God opens a door or provides us guidance.
  14. This psalm shows me that God is almighty and all knowing. He is always with us and protects and guides us. even when I make mistakes, God is there. I must spend time with him and his word to learn from my mistakes.
  15. This psalm shows us that God protects us when in danger. God does this by providing refuge if we believe and trust him. God protects from the snare of Satan. Gos gives us supernatural authority and power over our enemies. This psalm makes me feel safe and like I can tackle lifes challenges with God's help.
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