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Everything posted by Spencersophia

  1. Q1. (1 Samuel 18:13-16). Why does Saul send David into battle? What is the result? To what does the narrator attribute David’s success? He simply wanted to get rid of David. David was successful in all that he did. The Lord was always with DAvid. Beautiful
  2. What is rebellion? In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? What happens if we do nothing? What is rebellion? Going against the will of God is total rebellion. We are so guilty at times. It is all about our way. in order for us to be obedient and not rebellious, we must delight in and please God at all times. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Witchcraft is understanding that you have actually ascend yourself to a higher authority above God. You tell yourself you are seeking higher powers. Rebellion is actually doing things your own way and forgetting the authority of God. These two sins are actually alike. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? rebellion leads to arrogance. You know it all. You can do it all. What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? We need to go in prayer with a repented heart. Ask God to forgive us for our sinful ways. Accept God as our Lord and creator and be obedient to God. What happens if we do nothing? The wrath of God will be upon us. He took the kingdom away from Saul. We will actually remove ourselves out of the kingdom of God.
  3. Paul called the Judaizers’ message as a “different gospel,” a perversion of the true gospel. How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? How is this dangerous to the Galatian believers? Heresy is bad for any child of God. As long as heresy comes into play. The children of God who are not keen and paying close attention, will be carried away. Heresy is false doctrine and this will break down any house. The Ga latian brethren were wrong to have not kept to what Paul had taught them, but we always need constant teachers and preachers who have sound doctrine. We will always need guide. The children of Israel were led from Egypt with a guide. How do twisted gospels (or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? Heresy leads a child of God astray. Without sound doctrine, we will fall for anything. As children of God, we have a responsibility to seek God, to find Him and to ask of Him. He will talk to us. There is no relationship without communication. Read the word of God and adhere. God is available to our faintest cry.
  4. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? Jesus gave himself that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He came to seek and to save sinners. It is not his desire to see any go to hell. We should all repent of our sins. How does Jesus rescue people today? We are rescued through the everflowing blood of Jesus. There is a fountain filled with blood. This fountain never runs dry. As you read the word of God and obeys its principles you are rescued. As you listens to the preacher and walks in the will of God, you are rescued. If you are obedient to the call you will be rescued. How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? People will always fall back when they are rebellious to the will of God. The word is available. Trust and obey there is no other way to keep in Jesus. Have fellowship everyday. Stay in fellowship. You cannot have a good relationship unless you communicate and make things right. Jesus is always available to hear our faintest cry. Just trust Him,.
  5. What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? rebelliousness causes grumble and complain. Dissatisfaction causes this too and of course we cannot leave out fear. How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? With fear there is no faith What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? I love fearness. I will complain when their is unfairness to others. It doesn't matter who it is coming from. I am praying to let go of this atitude. We need to allow God to take care of all situation. Whenever we are treated unfairly or even to others, we need to give it to the lord so we do not get eaten up. What should you do about it? Leave it to Jesus. JUST PRAY
  6. Q2. Why is it so difficult for some church leaders to confront people? What fears in this regard does a leader face? How can confrontation and rebuke be a good thing? What happens when we refuse to confront when we should? Why is it so difficult for some church leaders to confront people? Some leaders are cowards. They lack faith and always steps out in their own strength. God is able and if a situation arise that needs a confrontation to make things right, go right ahead and depend on the direction and instructions from the Lord. Always work with the undiluted word of God. What fears in this regard does a leader face? The fear of losing a soul to the devil. There are instances when a decision has to be made in regards to who is right or who is wrong. You can never be wrong when he are guided by the Lord. If a member or two goes. Pray for them, that they will see their fault and return to the Lord. Please remember that you are called to be faithful to the Lord, no to be the best leader in the eyes of man. Faithful unto death. How can confrontation and rebuke be a good thing? Through every trial, you should be stronger. Confrontation and rebuke should resolve disagreements, conflicts, remove sin, all wrongs should be made right. There is no way a problem can be settled unless it is confronted or rebuked. What happens when we refuse to confront when we should? Sin continues to spread. The wrong thing will be upheld and sin will be highlight of the day.
  7. (Exodus 7:6-7) Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron? Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? As humans we all believe in instant and positive results. Moses did not achieve this. Instead the situation became worse, and of course, it is always easier to blame someone else. We are never at fault. We should stop and realize that as long as we are given a task, the responsibility is on us to get it done with patience and tolerance with the help of God. Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? Getting instructions from God would mean immediate results for them. This did not happen. Moses and Aaron did not have the faith as yet to deal with God. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. I believe it was unbelief. Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron? The word of the Lord will not return empty. Whatever the Lord says, that he will do. The work of the Lord had to be done
  8. Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? Having a relationship with God is important. Whenever there is a relationship, we feel comfortable in working in the will of God. Whenever we are otherwise, then neglect, being careless, being fearful, and unbelief comes into play. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? We need to trust God wholeheartedly. We need to understand God has our lives in his hand. He is in charge and takes good care of us. Reading and trusting God's word is full assurance to trust God fully. What is the relationship of fear to courage? God has given us a spirit of a sound mind, trusting God completely cast out all fear. Nothing makes you bold as having the assurance that God is in total control on your life. The presence of God in your life cast out all fear. Courage to go on and to do the will of God dispels all fear. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Courage will allow you to go on, courage gives you the strength to make the other step. Courage is the strength to stand up when it's easier to fall down and lose hold. It is the conviction to explore new horizons.
  9. Moses did not know God. Moses was not exposed to the mighty God as yet. He did not understand that he was dealing with the God of the past. He only knew about God. He was at a point where he needed to believe the almighty God. Unbelief coupled with fear. Yes, the Lord has been angry with me. I have tried many times to do things on my own. I always believe I must depend on myself to make a way out of every situation. I have now learned to trust God immensely to lead me and provide for me. Moses did not walk away from God. He listened. God worked with him because he paid attention to God.
  10. Moses was being honest. I believe he was showing humility during this time. Why? Moses had a fairly god understanding of 'gods' while in Egypt. He did not know the true and living God. The God of Isaac and Jacob. Moses was actually saying 'who am I to go to Pharoah'? He thought he was in no shape to approach the mighty Pharoah. God assures him "I will be with thee'. What an assurance, to have the almighty God with us through all our situations. God is always there. When we trust him fully, we can be assured that he will send a messenger, or direct us to his word, or have us to listen a song. The most beautiful way for me to be directed by the Lord in a difficult situation is waiting on him through prayer
  11. Moses had a sense of compassion and fairness. He believed then in self justice. Moses was motivated to act on his own sense of protecting another Hebrew in settling an issue. Moses was not yet on the path of becoming a leader. He did show a level of decisiveness, which is important in any leader. What I believe he did was to take the situation in his own hands, considering his country had a legal system in place. Moses was alert and ready to show mercy and justice. He was ready to defend for a good cause. He took the situation in his own hands. He had alternatives. He was very impulsive.
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