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    Clarksville, TN

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  1. Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? How awesome He is, how great creation is. What does it teach about human beings? That we are important to God and that He has crowned us with Glory What does it teach us about Christ? That He is all loving and great and that He cares for us What does it teach about our responsibilities? That we are to take care of all things on earth
  2. Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? We need to be alert when we pray, so that our prayewrs our coming from the heart and not just a prayer thrown out without any thought, we must continue to pray and ask God for forgiveness when we get distracted from our pray
  3. Q1. (Ephesians 6:18) Why is prayer vital to spiritual warfare? What does it mean to "pray in the Spirit"? Without prayer we would not have God there to intercede for us, we must pray so that he can help us. Praying in the spirit is to turn our prayer over to the Holy Spirit who will gives us words to pray
  4. Q3. (Ephesians 5:28) In what sense is a husband's care for his wife's needs just common sense in taking care of his own needs? What is the principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this? When we were joined in marriage we became one, and it only makes sense to care of his wife, because he is also taking care of his self.
  5. Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? She is instructed to by the bible, she is still required to submit to her husband, however she does not have to do anything she thinks is immoral or goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. She may verbally disagree with her husband and if there is a conflict with her conscience she should pray for her husband
  6. Q2. (Ephesians 5:25-30) Does being head of the wife involve being "boss"? Why or why not? What does being "head" require of a husband? What is the example husbands are to follow in headship? No, The man is not the boss of the wife, he is to be head of the wife, just as Christ is head of the church
  7. Q3. (Ephesians 5:17-18) What is the primary temptation involved with drugs and alcohol? How can drug or alcohol use substitute for the "high" of the Spirit? How can being filled with the Spirit help us fend off the temptations of drugs and alcohol? It sometimes makes people believe the ones who are drinking and doing drugs are the cool people, when in reality the ones doing those things are really hiding something or trying to find a substitute for somethiung they don't have. If we had more people explaining what Christ has done for them and what a wonderful feeling it is to be high on Christ, it might not be such a problem.
  8. Q2. (Ephesians 5:15-16) Why does Paul exhort us to make the most of every opportunity? Why do we resist that? What must happen in our lives so we can be ready for the opportunity? Because no one knows when Christ will return, so we should make the most of every opportunity, we resist because we feel we don't how to explain it, and we would have to get out of our comfort zone.
  9. Q1. (Ephesians 5:2-3) Why does Paul warn so strongly against sexual sin? Because it was to be reserved for a man and a woman who were married and anything else would be considered a sin, todays society is using sex as a selling tool and it is causing younger children to have sex and sex crimes to be on the rise. Is sexuality part of our spiritual life or can it be (should it be) partitioned from our spiritual life? Yes it is a part of our spiritual life, it is a gift from God and should be shared only by a married man and woman.
  10. Q4. (Ephesians 4:32) Why is it so difficult to forgive those who hurt us? According to Ephesians 4:32, who is our example of forgiveness? What heart attitudes toward people are evidence of a forgiving spirit, according to verse 32a? Because we have a hard time forgetting what was done to us, and we don't want it to happen again. Jesus Christ We should be in prayerfor the ones that have hurt us
  11. Q3. (Ephesians 4:29-32) What kind of "unwholesome talk" is common among us Christians? What three guidelines does Paul give us to measure the value of what we say? What is slander? How common is it among Christians? How can we prevent it? Sometimes they gossip, but they think they are not because they are justifying what they are saying.
  12. Q2. (Ephesians 4:26-27). Why did God give us the emotion of anger, do you think? How can anger be dangerous? How can we keep from sinning when we are angry? Is anger itself sin? So that we could express our feelings toward things that are not right. It is dangerous if you get so angry you lose control Pray, before you react to what has made you angry
  13. Q1. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, how would you describe (in your own words), the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age? Why are we tempted to conform to its values? A lot of people have become a acceptable society, where they just want to accept everything without hurting others feeling
  14. Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? If he is the main worker in the church, not everything could be accomplished. Many hands make light work. We are all called to be disciples. We all have different gifts and different talent, also different trials we have been through that would allow us to reach other people.
  15. Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? Who gives these gifts? If they are not envolved in a church they could start a small group, if they our in a church they could lead a Sunday school class. Pray for the pastor and also for the church to see what God is wanting done in the church at that time, it could be he wants us to help the pastor grow or find another pastor with the gift. Holy Spirit
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