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Everything posted by Commissioned

  1. Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? The personal implications of Yahweh being my King and Jesus being the Messiah sent from God is my submission to His will as I recognize that my life is under His complete control. What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? The advantage of being the subject of Yahweh as King is that my submission to His rule affords me the benefits of being positioned for His promises of success and prosperity to be realized in my life. What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? When I submit to the King of Kings on an everyday basis I am honoring Him giving Him the absolute authority in my life. How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her? A person rejects Yahweh from being King over him or her by not accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord.
  2. Q2. (Ephesians 4:26-27). Why did God give us the emotion of anger, do you think? How can anger be dangerous? How can we keep from sinning when we are angry? Is anger itself sin? God gave us anger so that we do not allow injustic to go by without us displaying the right emotion towards it. Anger says that you are displeased with something. Anger can be dangerous when it is not controlled and we allow it to cause us to sin or hurt someone. To avoid entering into sin when we are angry we must recognize the cause of the anger, deal with it and move on. Anger is not sin but it can cause one to sin.
  3. Q1. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, how would you describe (in your own words), the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age? The secular, non-Christian mindset of our age is one of every man doing what's right in his own eyes, without regard for moral laws. Without God in their heart, they are ignorant to the moral laws of God. In their minds they regard what they are doing as right and not anything immoral. Why are we tempted to conform to its values? Many are tempted to conform to secular values because they want to blend into the crowd. They do not want to be the one that stands out as different.
  4. What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? The old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the church is not the plan of God. This model obstructs the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? Part of the work of the pastor, as the Apostle Paul tells us, is to equip and prepare God's people for works of service. When the people are not being equipped and prepared for works of service then the whole body suffers and the work of the Spirit is hindered among the congregation. There will be no edifying of the body by "word of knowledge", "word of wisdom,' "gift of healing," etc. When these gifts are not flowing in the local church the congregation and the community suffers for lack of the full working of the Spirit among them. What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? Pastors and teachers prepare God's people for work of service, so that the congregation that they serve may mature in spiritual things and go about performing in the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given them for the body of Christ.
  5. Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? A person may have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without an official position in the local church because these are not positions given or elected to by man. What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? If a senior pastor does not have the "spiritual gift" of a pastor then those in charge of the administration in and leading the local congregation ought to prayerfully seek God's guidance in locating a person with the "spiritual gift" of pastoring. Who gives these gifts? The spiritual gift of pastor or teacher is given by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives these gifts as He desires.
  6. Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How can we stir up the gift of evangelism among members of our congregations? We can stir up the gift of evangelism among our congregation by reminding them of the gift given to them by the Holy Spirit and by encouraging them to fulfill the great commission that Jesus himself has given to us. What might be the earmarks of a person with this gift? A person with this gift might be earmarked as an evangelist because of the passion he/she has for bringing the message of salvation to those who are without Christ. They travel from place to place preaching and teaching the message of salvation and seeing the lost come to repentance. How can we encourage and stimulate the Spirit-gifted evangelists in our midst? The Spirit-gifted evangelists might be encouraged when we support them by our prayers and give financially to the ministry.
  7. Q1. (Ephesians 4:11) If there were apostles today, what kind of function might they have? If there were apostles today their function would be the same as the apostles in the early church. They would have a leadership role and a teaching ministry to a number of churches where he/she is recognized as an anointed leader and teacher. They would ensure that there is adequate administration over the affairs of the congregations and present godly instructions to the congregation, for their spiritual growth. What needs do our congregations and regional groupings of churches have that an apostle might meet? Dedication to the study and teaching of the Word of God. They would adhere to the admonition of the Apostle Paul when he said: " Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) and then they would "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)[/i] How might we detect false apostles? (2 Corinthians 11:13; Revelation 2:2) We might detect a false apostle when they are not consistently administering the Word of God to numerous congregations.
  8. Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being his or her King in the Old Testament? Tithing was was one of the command that God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords gave to the people of the Old Testament. In the Old Testament a person who accepted God as his or her King was obedient to the laws and commands of God, and thus gave the tithe. How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? For us who lives under the New Covenant we pay our tithes out of love for our God and His command to the Children of God. What place does tithing have for us? Today paying of the tithe and supporting our church leaders show that we are under the sovereign rulership of God who is the King of Kings and delights in giving to the work of the Kingdom.
  9. Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Spiritual gifts are given by Jesus Christ. Our "natural" talents are related to our "spiritual" talents as they are both given by God. There is no difference between our "natural" talents and our "spiritual" talents. God has created us the way we are, giving us talents, gifts and His Spirit. We use that which God has given to us, to be used for His Glory, and expend them sometimes in a manner that dishonors Him.
  10. Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension? When it comes to maintaining Christian unity, we are to work at it diligently, giving everything within our power. The "bond of peace" is the glue that keeps Christian unity. The Holy Spirit in us, keeping us together united, in love and living peaceable. We strike at peace when we ignore the direction of the Holy Spirit pointing us toward a peaceful resolution.
  11. Q2. (Ephesians 4:2) Why are patience and humility so important to preserving unity? Without patience and humility we will be at odds with each other. To preserve unity we must have patience and humility, then when opposing issues arise we will deal with it and not allow the peace, among us, to be disturbed. What happens to the reputation of Jesus Christ when we have right doctrine along with a sense of arrogance towards those who disagree with us? When we have right doctrine and still have a sense of arrogance towards those who disagree with us we bring the Word of God to none effect in us. Having right doctrine and not living according to the commands of Christ invalidates what you profess and Jesus is dishonored. How are we to be both "gentle" and to "fight the good fight of faith"? From time to time we might find ourselves in a situation that, if we are not being led by the Holy Spirit, we'd lash out and attempt to destroy the person causing us pain. But we can remain "gentle" and "fight the good fight of faith," when we resist the emotion of anger and not allow it to overcome us, but rather use the Word of God to ward off the advances of the enemy and live peaceably with everybody.
  12. Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? That we walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called. We are called to live our lives worthy of being called a "born again believer." As a child of God our conversation, manner of conduct, should reflect who we are and should not bring any reproach on God. What is the "calling" to which God has called us? God has called us to be disciples, followers of Jesus Christ.
  13. Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Justice is giving someone what they deserve -- no less, no more. An example of this would be giving a person a bonus for performing an exceptional job and punishing a person who has neglected to perform at their potential. Vengence is the fair execution of justice. An example of this would be a murderer receiving a just sentence for the crime committed. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" (Exodus 21:24) Mercy is not giving someone the punishment they deserve. Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? A Holy and Righteous God can forgive one of sins without punishing them. We can be comforted that when we come to God and repent He justifies us and remembers our sins no more. "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." (Isaiah 43:25) What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? It was at the cross that the just sentence due to us for our sin was carried out in full measure upon Jesus, who voluntarily took our sins upon him and was punished with death on our behalf. Praise the Lord!
  14. Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? As followers of Christ it is our duty to support charitable organizations in our community and to support programs that assist the poor and weak of society. When an injustice is being done to persons of this status we should let our voices be heard and do what we can to see to it that their rights are upheld and not trampled upon.
  15. Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? God has given to every person an innate moral sense regardless of the culture into which we were born. As part of our culture there lies within us truth and morality. In God's sovereignty He has given to man the ability to know right and wrong thus we were created to know and understand the Righteousness and Upright God. But this understanding and knowledge come after we have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, entered into a practice of reading God's Word, spending time with Him and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us regarding God's truths. Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) In declaring God and His Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world the most effective approach is being led by the Holy Spirit. When we give total control to the Holy Spirit we allow God to work through us to effect the lives of people we know little or nothing about, but of whom He knows everything; so that His will is done.
  16. Q1. (Isaiah 6:1-8) How does a realization of God's holiness affect Isaiah? Realizing that he was in the presence of a holy God Isaiah confessed his condition. He felt unworthy and remorseful for the condition of his heart. The Bible teaches that out of the heart the mouth speaks. "...how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." (Matt. 12:34 KJV) Why is Isaiah afraid? Having seen the Lord, Isaiah was afraid because he knew that no man ever saw God and lived. "And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. (Exodus 33:17-20 KJV) Isaiah was fearful for his life. How does God make Isaiah holy? Using the coal from the altar, God directed an angel to touch Isaiah's lips and he was made holy.[/b] What is the symbolism of the coal from the altar? In Holy of Holies stood the golden altar of incense. It
  17. Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? The Potter, Creator, or Maker has ownership rights over what he has created. The created gets life from the creator and all rights that it has is endowed from the creator. It is the Potter, Creator, or Maker that gives original purpose to its creation. How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? As created beings of Our Heavenly Father, our lives should be reflective of His purpose for creating us. Our lives will not be fulfilled until we are operating in the place that God has preordained for us. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10 Our ministry might appear to be successful but the eternal reward for which we will hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant...," comes after we have done His Will and not gone our own way. May we all be faithful in doing the will of Our Creator.
  18. Q1. (Isaiah 45:9-12) Why is it ridiculous for a pot to second-guess the Potter? It is ridiculous for a pot to second-guess the Potter because it is the Potter that created the pot and for the purposes of the Potter's choosing. How do we Christians do this? As Christians we do this when we take our lives in our hands. We make plans, enter into long range contracts/relationships and do it all with out seeking God for His will and direction in our lives. What is a better attitude and behavior before our Creator? A better attitude would be to seek God, find out what His will is for our life and earnestly walk the path He has prepared for us.
  19. Q4. (1 Samuel 17:26, 36; Hebrews 10:31) How do you think David's understanding of the Living God enabled him to challenge Goliath? As David went before Goliath he was confident that he would be victorious because the army was being protected by the Living God who is in control and protects His own. Read Hebrews 10:31 in context. Why should the Living God inspire fear and dread? Because the Living God is also the omnipotent God. He is sovereign and possesses all power. God is in control of the universe and the final word in all matters is His.
  20. Q3. (Isaiah 44:6; Revelation 1:8) What does the idea of "first" and "last" tell you about God? "First" and "last" says that God is God from eternity to eternity. Before any other god was considered to be created, God was and when all other gods are destroyed, God will continue being the only true God. How does Revelation 1:8 relate to God's revelation to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM"? As God revealed himself to Moses "I AM THAT I AM" and as given in Revelation 1:8, God is revealed as eternal. For God has no beginning and there is no end to His existence; He is everlasting.
  21. Q2. (Isaiah 57:15) What do you think it is like to "inhabit eternity"? What will it be like when you inhabit eternity with the Eternal God, seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places? What emotions does this inspire in you? With all the earthly cares, as we now know them, gone; we will live in one continuous state of worshipping the great I AM. We will be filled with joy and peace without measure. Oh, what a time that will be. MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus.
  22. Q1. (Exodus 3:1-15) What does God's name Yahweh reveal about his person and his power? The name Yahweh says that God's is eternal, that He always was and always will be. As Yahweh His power transcends all other power. How would an understanding of Yahweh's name contrast him with the idols worshipped by the Egyptians? When one understands that Yahweh's existence is eternal in contrast with the idols worshipped by the Egyptians. They had a beginning and they ended when replaced by other created idols. Yahweh is exalted as the only eternal God not made with the hands of man.
  23. Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? Knowing that the battle is the Lord's we should approach life with confidence. In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Timidity and brashness show that the trust in not in the Lord but in the flesh. Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles? The Lord will not fight our battles when we are out of His will.
  24. Q4. (Exodus 17:9-16) In what sense was Moses' rod like a signal pole in this battle? When Moses' rod was lifted it ralled the army on the battlefield. As long as the army saw the rod lifted they knew that they were winning and it lifted their spirit to fight courageously. In what sense is the LORD our banner in the battles we face? In our modern times banners are used to rally troops. So when we look to the Lord we see Him as our banner, the rallying force behind our victory.
  25. Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? Jesus did not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane because what laid ahead for him was what he came to earth for. He must complete the way for man to be restored to the Father. What happens when he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16) When Jesus calls on the heavenly host we see them accompanying Him fully regaled and ready for the assignment.
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