The weight of this truth and how many times we see it in Ephesians 1 has never struck me before, even though Ephesians is a book I have "camped out in" several times.
This time, I read the words with a feeling of it being a truth that is not "un-do-able" by me. That is, that even though I don't feel it or that I am not working hard to be in Christ, I am in Christ. It's about what Jesus did through grace. It is a part of the spiritual wisdom and revelation Paul is praying that we will understand.
When I am a part of his body, I can't just float away. He holds me and keeps me and maintains me. I can be in better or worse shape, but I am a part of him. It comforts med when I am in the waiting and not seeing my dreams come true to know that I am still a part of Him. I can still be strengthened. I may be growing. but I am in Him, in His body.