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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Gerbrand van Schalkwyk

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Everything posted by Gerbrand van Schalkwyk

  1. Q3. (John 9:35-38) Why did Jesus go looking for the man he had healed? Jesus already said that he was born blind so that God can be revealed in his life. Jesus came to earth to save the lost. There would be no sense in healing the man, make him experience God and then not lead him into the Kingdom of God. Jesus came looking for him because Jesus had to complete His work in him. What was the healed man's level of openness? He just spoke the truth. He admitted what he didn't know and was very open with what he knew. His level of faith? His faith was practical. He applied what he experienced in life to what he believed. His knowledge? He knew that the Messiah would heal the blind and death. He was clever enough not to say directly that Jesus was the Messiah but he made it obvious that he was blind and then could see, thus Jesus had to be from God What did he need at this point? He just wanted to tell all about his healing. He was thrown out of the temple, thus help to remain with believers was very necessary. Jesus gave him even more What people do you know who are so ready that they just need some guidance in how to believe in Jesus? My boss
  2. Q2. (John 9:6). Why do you think Jesus healed in different ways? He was obedient to the guidance of His Rather through the Holy Spirit. Also when Jesus healed the epileptic He said that these kind.d of demons could only be healed through fasting and prayer, thus Jesus knew how to react to different demons or different diseases. As the Son of God He could have used any method but i think He reacted as God directed Him Our lesson from this is to always seek God. Don't try something because it worked once. Always be in contact with God so that you react though obedience. Else we become robots who just follow rules instead of living in faith. Laying on of hands, command, mud on eyes, fingers in ears, etc.? How much do you think was at his Father's direction (5:19, 30; 12:49). All Why is it important to seek God's guidance in how we should minister to a person? Because God knows the situation completely Our thoughts see only in part but Had knows the whole picture and thereby can fix the complete problem
  3. Q1. (John 9:1 -3) Is sin always the cause of sickness or affliction? No. Often it is the opposite. God wants to allow us and others to experience Him. By experiencing Him our and there's faith grows and He becomes real to us. What are some of the good results that come out of the sicknesses and afflictions of godly people? Sanctification, character change/ strength / improvement. Other times God uses our situations so that written can be examples to others and our actions can lead others to the Kingdom. Other times our difficult times draw us closer to God. We get to such a point that we know our only help can be from God. This hopefully let us realize to always call on Him 1st.
  4. How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? At Pentecost the disciples received the Spirit. Thereafter they spread the Gospel to all nations. To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? I would love to spread the Gospel much more, but in my small way God has spread His Word through me as well.
  5. Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? All who hears the Word. What does he promise to believers? The Holy Spirit, and that all who receive the Holy Spirit will be in a position to spread the Good News. To bring true life to others by the Power of the Spirit. How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life?
  6. Q3. (John 7:17) Can we truly know God's will if we're not really willing to obey the truth we know? No Why not? It is by obeying God that we experience God. Once we experience God we don't just believe because we read or heard about Him but because through experience we know He Really IS. This builds your faith from knowledge to practical knowledge. This gives you confidence to do more and experience Him more. Thus faith and obedience builds one another and therefore builds your relationship with God as well.
  7. Q2. (John 7:15-17) How were rabbis trained in Jesus' day? Up until 12 years old all children were trained in the Scriptures, thereafter they had to chose a career or they could continue their Scriptures training under a Rabbi. If they chose a Rabbi they would have been taught until they were at least 30 years old. At 30 they could decide to learn from other Rabbis as well or they could start to teach others as a Rabbi. If they became a Rabbi they were often baptized, indicating to the rest of the world that they will follow, believe, and teach what they were taught by their Rabbi. When Jesus demanded to be baptized He was declaring that His teaching will be "repent for the Kingdom of God is near". It is clear from Jesus' teaching that He taught to bring people into the Kingdom of God. How was Jesus trained? By obedience to His Father and through guidance from the Holy Spirit. How were his disciples trained? He trained them through Words and by living an example. What is the value of formal theological training? Much deeper insight in the Word, a wider knowledge of the Word and a good guideline of how to study the Bible. That said, i myself have no formal training, and each time i enrolled my studies were cut short by totally unforeseened events, thus I concluded God wants me to study in an informal way. What is the value of learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit? Indescribable. Value beyond comprehension. Without it all our studies will be empty knowledge.
  8. Q1. (John 7:1-5) Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem? Jesus told us everything He did He did in obedience, thus it was the will of the Father that He had to stay in Galilee. It was also safer to stay thereunto God the Father called on Him to fulfill Hospital plans harbour reconciliation. What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God's care? Obedience. whether we stay where we think we are safe or not doesn't matter, if we are where God doesn't want us to be we are exposing ourselves to any type odd attack. If we walk into a war zone in God's will nothing will happen to us. we are only safe while.we are where He wants us to be.
  9. What impression do you think this is making on the disciples as they work hard during the ongoing miracle? They had to be amazed. Often when we experience God's hand in our lives we are amazed, and then we just want to testify. Tell everyone how great is our God
  10. Q3. (John 6:11) How did Jesus distribute the multiplied loaves and fishes to the multitudes? He began by preparing Then He prayed Then He took action. And He involved all He wanted to learn more about God's Kingdom and about Himself Some very good guidelines for us in anything we want to do How do the disciples fit in? They were obedient. They learned. Their faith was tested and then expanded. Although they failed the test Jesus still used them.so that they could get practical experience. They were also taught to continue to the end. How are the baskets used? To.distribute and to collect. What impression do you think this is making on the disciples as they work hard during the ongoing miracle?
  11. Q2. (John 6:10) Why does Jesus have the crowds sit down before feeding them? He knew what He was going to do. He was preparing. He was also still having the disciples involved. He still wanted them to experience God's power through what they did to help build their faith. What is the disciples’ role in this? They had to be obedient so that they could be part of the miracle. Why would you prepare for a miracle if you don’t think it would happen? The disciple didn't know what was coming, they were just obedient. Often we know what God wants us to do but we have no idea of what is coming. We are just obedient. Jesus knew what was coming and what was needed, thus He prepared. We are often here as well. We know what God wants to do through us and how to prepare, thus we have to be obedient and prepare, we just have to ask ourselves, are we ready to submit to His Power? How ready is your congregation to see miracles take place? We are ready
  12. Q1. (John 6:5-9) Why does Jesus try to get the disciples to own the task of feeding the crowds? There can be a number of reasons. 1st of coarse is because He knew that they would try to do it on their own. So often when we have a fiscal problem we don't involve God, we try to solve it on our own, instead of going straight to God. 2nd He wanted them to realize the enormity of the miracle. They could not do it but He can. 3rd is best for us. For us to form a relationship with God we have to believe God exists. The best way to have our faith grows is to experience Him. We are tiny and weak in the universe but God still wants us to do something as well so that we can experience Him working through us. Then He becomes real to us and our faith and relationship really grows fast. What is the significance to the story of the boy’s five loaves and two little fish? God just needs our availablity and willingness He can do anything with our little. I can't but God CAN!!! doesn't matter what is the situation
  13. Q1. (John 6:5-9) Why does Jesus try to get the disciples to own the task of feeding the crowds? There can be a number of reasons. 1st of coarse is because He knew that they would try to do it on their own. So often when we have a fiscal problem we don't involve God, we try to solve it on our own, instead of going straight to God. 2nd He wanted them to realize the enormity of the miracle. They could not do it but He can. 3rd is best for us. For us to form a relationship with God we have to believe God exists. The best way to have our faith grows is to experience Him. We are tiny and weak in the universe but God still wants us to do something as well so that we can experience Him working through us. Then He becomes real to us and our faith and relationship really grows fast. What is the significance to the story of the boy’s five loaves and two little fish? God just needs our availablity and willingness He can do anything with our little. I can't but God CAN!!! doesn't matter what is the situation
  14. Q5. (John 5:39-40) What should be the role of the Scriptures in our lives? The most important role of the Scriptures is to lead us to Christ, so that we can have a way to the Father. The whole OT points to Jesus. 2nd the Scriptures teach us Who is God, so that we don't serve a imaging god but the real Living Almighty God. 3rd the scriptures teach us how to serve God, how to seek God and how to form that very wonderful important relationship with Him How is it possible for a person to be a great student of the Bible, but so lacking in spiritual discernment and lifestyle? The Bible say "My people die because of a lack of knowledge" yet it also said " knowledge puffs up" With a lack of knowledge of the Bible we will never know who God is and gown to serve Him. But we must be very careful that we don't fall in the knowledge judgement trap. Yes we must discern between truth and false, right and wrong, but it is sooo easy to judge everything and loose too much of the love God sends our way How can we keep our churches orthodox but not legalistic and judgmental? By living true to the lead of the Holy Spirit. By seeking His Kingdom 1st. By combining the Love of God with the Fear of the Lord. By not just focusing on the Righteous God but also to worship the Lord of mercy By recognizing that God is a God of discipline and a God of Grace To know forgiveness and sanctification are both needed for my being a new person. I am full of sin but because of Him I am free, so how can i judge others. Rather praise God and leave the judgements to Him (except for teaching, don't believe all funny stuff)
  15. Q3. (John 5:30) Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom? All Wisdom is.from.God. His.Father is the Head of Trinity. Thus His.Father is the source of His Wisdom. How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom? Maybe too much. Living.in an area of many cultures it is easy to see how people's traditions keep them from God. We have recognized many of our own bad cultures, but there might ne much more. We keep spraying that.God will show us more and more so that we can correct. To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom? We javelin to strive for 100%but i am still.far.short. Much more prayer needed. At least i recognize growth
  16. Q2. (John 5:21-24) According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin? When we hear the Word and accept Christ as our Lord and Master. This is confirmed in that we receive the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ. From Gen1 the Holy Spirit is associated with Life. What is our default position without Christ -- life or death? Life How can people come to eternal life if they never "hear my word"?I don't know. I read a true story of a Muslim lady who believed there had to be more than what she was taught and how she kept on seeking until she found a Bible and knew iy was what she was looking for. She believed and even baptized herself to show her commitment. She read the Word and believed. How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus' word? We are all told about Christ Who is Love. We all have to continuously proclaim the Word of God. We can't have this beautiful secret and keep it for ourselves. What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word? We have to live it and speak it. We have to be the example and the teacher
  17. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, YES. Without hearing Gosh the Father, how can we hear God. Why do we pray if there is no answer? How do we build a relationship without 2 way communication? or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? The Bible is the Written Word of God. Often God Speaks to us through His Word. God reveal to us Who He is through His Word, else we will react to any voice we hear. Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? Any proper church do. It is a false church that don't. Teaching and doing are different things. Too often we have the knowledge but don't react to it. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? We would change to love. We would achieve so muchmore in the Kingdom of God. We will become effective
  18. Q3. (John 4:53) What are the factors that caused the royal official’s household (immediate family, extended family, and servants) to believe? First the royal official believed without having seen a miracle. He took action on his faith and a miracle happened. This miracle was desired by all in the household, thus the miracle affected them all. Although the official didn't need the miracle his household needed it to believe. How mature was this faith initially? The official's believe was strong, but the rest of the household needed the miracle to believe. Their faith was less strong. How do you think the royal official was able to nurture it beyond mere “miracles faith”? He could set the example since he twice stepped out to show his faith before he saw it fulfilled. He had to go to Jesus in faith and left Him in faith without seeing Jesus healing his son. By living out faith we can lead others to Jesus just as this man did. Just as with the previous chapters we still see people leading others to believe in Christ
  19. Q2. (John 4:43-50) What do we learn about the royal official’s faith from his actions? He heard about Jesus and believed. Because he believed he took action to meet with Christ. We must ask God to let the Holy Spirit work though us so that our actions and words can lead people to Christ as well. Why did he travel 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana? He believed that Jesus will heal his son. What does this say about his faith? His faith was strong enough to convince him to travel this distance. He believed if he asked Jesus his request will be fulfilled. When he departs for home and “takes Jesus at his word,” what does this tell us about his faith? He did not have to see the proof to believe. He had faith in just hearing. Most people we bring to Christ will only hear as well. This man was great prove that faith without seeing is possible!!! God bless all those who believe!!!
  20. Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Miracles shows that the actions are not from man. It is not possible for man to do miracles unless God works through the man. The miracles Jesus did proved that He was from God. The miracles we do today proves that written are acting not on our ow.n but that God, in the Holy Spirit is acting trough us. Peoples who see miracles Believe because they see God in action. They experience God and therefore believe. Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Because it is a give me, wow me believe. It is a one dimensional believe. The relationship God wants is missing. It can easily become a faith that dies if it is not fed with more miracles to Q1. (John 4:43-48) Many of the Galileans believe mainly because they have seen miracles. In what ways do miracles help build faith? Why does only seeing miracles not build a mature faith? Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48? stop the memory from fading. Why does Jesus rebuke the Galileans in 4:48?because Jesus could not do miracles there because they had no faith. Math 13:58 If we don't believe God cannot interact with us.
  21. Q2. (John 4:35) What caused the harvest to ripen so rapidly in Sychar? It was the will of God. That is why Jesus HAD to pass through the area. The Holy Spirit was present with this miracle. How likely is it that the testimony of one, discredited woman could make such a huge impact? People could see her reaction and probably a change in her life as will. We had a lady who became a Christian. When her sister saw her, her sister said her new beauty product is doing wonders (after a week). People can see life in you when you met Christ. What might God do with your testimony if you were to share it? As much as the Holy Spirit is capable of- EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING!!!! Why is it necessary to “open our eyes” to see the potential spiritual harvest? We must ne available for His work all the time and.recognize peoples needs wherever we go
  22. Q4. (John 2:6-10) Why did Jesus perform this miracle behind-the-scenes? The wine ran out. He would have brought a disgrace on the family responsible for the wedding if He made a big scene. Who was he trying to protect? The groom, bride and their families. What does the quantity of the wine tell us about Jesus' glory? It is abounded. What does the quality of the wine tell us about Jesus' glory? It is the best.
  23. Q3. (John 2:6-10) Why do you think alcoholics are quick to point out this miracle? They are looking for an excuse to justify worshipping their idol. They are trying to say Jesus allowed drinking wine. Yes Jesus did, and He Himself drank wine, often- see Math11:19. There is a big difference in drinking wine and abusing wine. Which is wrong: drinking wine or drunkenness?Drunkenness How can we avoid excesses and still enjoy God's good gifts? By bearing the fruit of the Spirit. One part of love is self discipline. Enjoy wine but moderately.
  24. Q2. (John 2:3-5) Why do you think Mary pushes Jesus to solve the wedding host's problem? She cared. Whether the people were friends or family , she didn't want them to be embarrassed. Are her words to Jesus appropriate? Yes. Would you categorize Jesus' reply as a rebuke? No. In our times if you say woman in that way it is usually as a rebuke or harsh. In their culture it was a gentle term, bordering on a loving term. He talked to her with respect. If so, why does he go ahead with the miracle? When Jesus said "My time has not yet come" many people think He is referring to time to do miracles. He was already baptized. He already received the Holy Spirit. His mentioning of time had nothing to do with time for doing miracles. For the Jews position and being an important person was part of their focus. At weddings each guest got a slot to help with a gift to make the wedding a success, feeding so many people for a week is very expensive, so many family members and friends helped. When Jesus said "My time has not yet come" He said that it was not yet His turn to help at the wedding's provisions. He was one of the lesser important guests, yet He was the most important guest. He helped because He also came to serve. He helped because this was a Pharisee house (stone jars for ritual was in the house) He helped because He used the wine to say "I brought a better way" The stone jars were used to make ritual cleaning or holy water. Jesus later on rebuked the Pharisee because of one of this ritual cleaning- Mark 7. Jesus. sends the servants who knew how to prepare this water to fill the jars. They assumed He wanted ritual cleaning water, thus they filled the jars to the brim, as described in the method. (Part of the method was to add a bit of wine to the water remaining in the jars to make sure it was unclean, than you went through steps to purify the water - Jesus used this to make pure wine) Jesus used this wedding to tell all. Follow Me, I will teach you how to be really faithful to God. The Pharisee have their ways but it is a hindrance. I will teach you the truth and the way to life
  25. Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives? We are selfish. Our own interest is more important to us than others needs. We are self focused. So if we can't gain something by being with that person written are too lazy or selfish to go. We overload ourselves with unimportant things instead of doing what is good in the Kingdom of God. What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? Jesus' focus was.always on the Kingdom God. He was Love. Later in the piece when JohnSon described how Jesus made the wine it is clear He said there is a better way. You have your traditions but I will teach you the way to the Kingdom of Love. Because Jesus was love, He also attendees all His friends and family needs if it was Kingdom related. At one stage His mother and brothers were looking for Him. His response was " who are My mother and brothers and sisters...." At this time He was teaching the Gospel, his family needs were temporal. Thus He again put the Kingdom 1st. How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives? We must show love to those closes to us. We must not be selfish in our actions. We must put the Kingdom 1st in all our actions and thoughts. Be children of God and your focus will be true
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