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sis. dee

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Everything posted by sis. dee

  1. I have the assurance of God promise. That I will be resurrected and be in the presence of Jesus, to live forever. Jesus was the first to be rised from the dead and never to die again, He is now sitting at the right hand with God His Father.
  2. When we are baptized, going down in the watery graved, we die to our old nature. When we rise up out of the water, we rise to a new life in Christ Jesus, we become new creatures. In Ephesians we share power and priviledge in the spiritual world through union with God.
  3. Christ death and resurrection validates our salvation, that He paid for our sins on the cross, and that one day our own resurrected bodies will rise and be with God and Jesus forever.
  4. There would not have been no credibility in Jesus ministry, to any of His teaching's if there had not been no resurrection. The resurrection was God's seal of approval in which He was well please.
  5. The undisturbed grave clothes. ... In order to come out of the grave clothes a person would had to unwraped themself, both of their arms would had been bound to their, so you cannot used your hands.
  6. At first they did not believe the women's report about the resurrection, because after the crucifixion they were in hiding, discouraged, and disheartened, but after the resurrection there was a change that took place in them.
  7. The disciples did not have a motive, as a matter of fact all of them did not have a motive at all. The Romans. the Jews would had to produced Jesus body from the tomb when the disciples started preaching about the resurrection.
  8. Because it was unrepeatable, it was incomparable and that it lacks credible evidence. the problem is that the resurrection can't be exp;ained in naturalistic terms.
  9. Jesus resurrection was when His body left the tomb/the disciples and others saw Him alive and never to die again. And also His victory over death. Jesus ascension occurred 40 days after His resurrection and outside of Jerusalem. His ascension to the right hand of His Father to the highest place and in God presence.
  10. The stone ws rolled away from Jesus tomb as a sign of God's power to the soldiers and for the disciples to see the empty tomb, and to let humans into see. It was as flesh and bones, He could eat, you could touch and handle His body, He could walk, talk and cook, His wounds were still visible, was recognized by others, voice (timber) remained the same, He could enter locked doors, disappear and appear at will.
  11. The position of the grave clolthes in the tomb. The grave clothes were lying ther neatly.
  12. Jesus died and was buried, the angels were there, the stone was rolled away, the womans were the first to arrived at the tomb.
  13. I notice the difference in location, Matt. and Mark states Jesus resurrection apperarance in Galilee while Luke records Jerusalem. - Every eyewitness will pick up eye details in a difference veiw. - That Jesus resurrection did happen and that He rosed again.
  14. Grace and peace to all, I am glad to be apart of this Bible study, I love learning God's Word. This is my second online study. I just completed the study on Ephesians, it was awesome. I just last week moved from Pennsylvania to Fl, and now I will have the fun of finding a new Church home. I am 54 years old and a mother of one grown son. God is Good!
  15. Jesus enemies fear His prediction because they fear that His body will be taken out of the grave this is why they had the guards posted, they did not what the disciples to say that His body was stolen. Jesus enemies or His disciples did not expect for Him to rise.
  16. Jesus Himself has power over life and death, I believe when Jesus said that I am the resurrection, that He was speaking of Himself of being resurrected and we also who believes in Him. "..and the life," again He was speaking of Himself, by He lives, we also lives as well forever. Jesus role in the resurrection of the dead will be to rise us up in the last day at the sound of the trumpted.
  17. The result of the resurrection for the righteous will be eternal life, those who has done good and live a holy life will rise again.
  18. The Jews understanding of death as Sheol was the grave, the darkness and being separated from God. Where Job's vision of the resurrection was being raised again beginning with Jesus Christ, that there is life after death. I think that progressive revelation is growing everyday in the Lord, the things that the Holy Spirit shows and teaches us day by day.
  19. The nation that is being sent is represented by the embassy. The ambassador represent the country that has sent him. The responsibilities of the ambassador are to the country from where he was sent. We as christians are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and we are to represent Him wherever we go the world sees Christ in us.
  20. To me praying for boldness is important, it gives us strength, boldness make me strong. To me fear is the opposite of boldness. I would need this boldness in war because if not I might become fearful.
  21. We should alway be watchful and in prayer because we are at war with the enmey of this world, by being alert we will not be surprise or caught unware when the devil attact. We need this exhortation for strenght, Paul said that I can do all things through Christ who strenghten me! Praise the Lord!
  22. With prayer and fasting this will help us in our battle in spiritual warfare, this is where we draw our strength and power. Praying in the Spirit is praying in your heavenly lanuague, when you know not what to pray the Spirit gives you utterance and pray through you.
  23. It is important to walk in faith day by day and this is our shield to keep our faith up and strong. The helmet of salvation protect my mind, it protect my thoughts and the lies that the devils might want to tell me. I believe that the sword of the Spirit is both an offensive and defensive weapon when we keep it sharp by studying God's Word, meditating, praying, and memorizing.
  24. This would be a person who have not study much of God Word, not knowing much of the truth, one who might be fearful. Heart preparation is having a love for God, His Word and a loving for a dying world. When you have love for for lost you will want to share the Good News. This will defeat the dominion of darkness because Jesus is the Light, the light of the world and light over comes darkness.
  25. I believe that they are powerful we we stay in and study God's Word and to always be prayful. I believe that they are our defensive weapons.
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