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Everything posted by Tabatha

  1. The Qualities Peter mentions in ( 3:8 ) are most evident in our congregation are actually lacking..There is much pride, We do have a few of the older saints that have the quality of humility and very humble and loving. We have to many clicks. As we submit to God He will enable us to show how a humbling before Him will bring proper humbling toward one another. A humble heart will put others before yourself and it will be sensitive to the needs of others and it will cause a desire to love the brethren because we know that Christ loves them. This is all practical living which is born out of love for God. And we know that we love God becasue He first loved us. That truth alone should humble us. So in light of this Peter continues in verse (9 ) " Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
  2. If a husband is not loving his wife as he ought then he is not submitting to Christ; he is in fact misusing his authority and not honoring his wife as a joint- heir of God's Kingdom. And when this is happening the husband runs the risk of having his prayers hindered. This is and interesting thing. What does it mean to have your prayers hindered? Whatever it means it certainly has a negative connotation. And it's the direct result of not honoring your wife as a fellow-heir and dealing with her in an understanding way as the weaker vessel. This is something the enemy would try to do to thwart normal communication between lines from you to God. And what Peter is suggesting in the hindering is one way which the enemy uses for the purpose of cutting off normal communication between men and God. But it's because of sin on the person's part that brings this about. When we are not seeking God's way and walking in God's way, as in the case of the husband and wife, as the husband is not honoring the wife, same as the wife is not honoring the husband in submission there is a natural out come which follows. ( 1 ) Natural outcomes for disobedience ) ( 2 the supernatural outcomes for disobedience. is sin puts a barrier between us and God which hinders the prayers.
  3. And lift up your voice for wisdom, if you seek after her as silver And search for her as for hidden treasure; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God.( Prov. 2: 3-5). With these attributes you will help her to grow in her relationship with Christ and show His love through you. You will understand her needs and be more sensitive in meeting those needs. This is what Peter says in ( 1st Peter 3: 7 ) " Husbands, in the same way be considreate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers." Each one of us must love each other as we love ourselves, and respect each other. Marriage is an intimate union where two become one as they are living with one direction now instead of two seperate direstions. They are to be moving Christ-ward together. The problem which both men and women face in a marriage relationship, or any relationship we have with other people in this world, is that we have a tendency to be selfish and self-centered. We want to be # 1. Because of this, the kind of ideal relationship which God speaks of and wants us to enjoy in Christ is often missed because one or both parties are more concerned with self being in control than wanting to be loving servants for one another. The picture Paul gives is that if we're willing to lay our lives down for each other and accomplish the task God has given, then that relationship can be used to accomplish far reaching goals which extend far beyond the immediate family. And in the process God is Glorified as He is seen working in the lives of Husband and wife as they both submit to one another and Him.
  4. What is this inner self, or as the NAS puts it, " the hidden person of the heart? Paul alludes to this in ( 2 Co. 4:16 ) " Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." Essentially it's the real you which will live forever. And now in Christ you are a new creature fit for His Kingdom because we now are clothed in His righteousness. And so Peter is saying that this inner self, this new creature in Christ, should be the one taking center stage to honor the Lord so that the world can see clearly Christ at work in your members. This inner should effect the outer in such a way where the inner is seen. This includes everyone who is a believer in Christ. Our entire lives should be an act of worship before our God and this is what Peter wants us to see. Peter says this unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." unfading beauty " is better translated, " imerishable Quality" The idea is to contrast the outward beauty which is perishable with that quality which will last forever. That is what God places great worth in . We don't want to measure the standard of a gentle and quiet spirit according to man's evauation but we want to know what God says of the matter and we need to know that God deems it precious in His sight when we walk according to His ways in the power of the Spirit. This is what the believing wife is being told regarding her unbelieving husband as well as the other situation of two believing spouses. In either case the inner beauty should manifest itself for the sake of the relationship which by it's very nature is a picture of the relationship of God with man in intimate communion. In a marriage relationship the two become one. In Christ we are one in the Spirit. We are bound to our loving God. Christ is in us and we are in Him by faith. He is building charactar through this process. Not just for the world but for the family. All of the above can become contagious to the unbelieving husband as well as the believing husband and children. It cause a Godly atmosphere
  5. The temptation is to attract her husband to her faith by attracting him to herself. Not the inner self, but the outer self. Peter warns against this. He talks about the beauty which Christ gives to a believer as opposed to the beauty of th world which passes away. ( verse 3 ) " Your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine cloths." You know some have taken this verse to be a prohibition of such things. This isn't the case. Peter isn't suggesting that women stop putting their hair up or wearing jewelry or wearing clothes. The problem Peter is addressing here in our text has to do with excess. Peter has nothing against braided hair as such. But here the idea of braiding was an elaborate process of taking the hair and forming it into intricate patterns which took a great deal of time. It wasn't something the woman could do on her own. It cost a great deal of money as you paid a specialist to spend hours going through this process. It's a good thing for women to be attractive for their husbands. And that will vary between people but keep in mind that the husband really responds to his wifes inner beauty which should not be neglected for outward beauty only which we are so tempted to accentuate. What would be the point of dressing up in your finest dress and putting on your finest jewelry when your attitude is contentious? How will that effect your husbands attitude when he only wants peace in the house and he's got a beautiful looking but argumentative wife
  6. God gave us a mind and will and sometimes we use it independently from God. We don't like to be told how to do things. We like the old saying of I want to do it my way. Or I want to do it my self. Also don't like to be told when we are wrong in our decisions even if we are. Pride is a big part of being independent. No I do not believe submission requires us to be silent when we feel something can be improved if we disagree. I do believe there is a way of applying our opinion. Submission is wrong if it cause a Christian to sin.
  7. ( 1 Peter 2: 21,22,23,24 ) " To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps. " He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth." When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats, Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healled. " To this you were called..... " Called to what? Called to suffer. Oh, isn't that wonderful. I thought I was coming to Christ to get away from all that nonsense in the world and now you tell me that I can expect suffering? No, I don't tell you that at all. God does. Does He not tell us in ( John 15: 20 ) " Remember the words I spoke to you: ' No Servant is greater than His master. ' If they persecuted me, they will perscute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. ( verse 21 ) They will tear you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.." I know this can be hard for us to get excited about, but what Jesus is saying is that you are not of this world. As a result this world will sometimes use that as an excuse to take advantage of you or abuse you or insult. And the reason they do that is because we belong to Christ. Light and Darkness will clash at times and we shouldn't be to surprised. But we shouldn't use that as an excuse to sin either. That's Peter's point. We need to be "God conscious", instead of " self- conscious" in any given situation that wants to bury us, knowing God is always there for us. ( verse 21 ) "" To this you were called, becasue Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His footsteps. No. Jesus Christ didn't come to simply be an example, He came to die for the penalty of our sins so that we might be reconciled to the Father and share eternity with Him. The tragedy in all of this is that despite His sinlessness He still suffered unjustly. But that was precisely what the Father planned for His Son so that in Him we might not have to suffer the penalty we deserved for our sin, which is eternal seperation from Our God.
  8. Sin still has the Adamic power that controls the flesh part of us. These are the things that Satan sends assigments out to tempt our habits and self. We must resist the enemy and he will flee. The word says pick up your cross and die daily to the desires of the past things of the flesh. ( Gal. 5 ) Allow the Holy Spirit to be in control with the fruit of the Spirit. Also pray continpusly in the Spirit. Ask for the mind of Christ. The enemy will battle us in our thoughts. Declare the blood against Satan's ploys. Submit to The Holy Spirit daily. read the Word daily. Getting washed and cleansed by the washing of the word. Jesus is the Word.
  9. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed. The pain of rejection, lonileness, when The Father turned His back and Jesus cried out "FATHER WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME". Jesus came to die for the penalty of our sins so that we might be reconciled to the Father and share eternity with Him. But He also set examples for believers to follow Him. We too will suffer but never the way He did. He was pure and Holy and did not desrve to die the way He did. Only in obedience to the command Of the Father for us in our sinless and wicked state.
  10. The thought that in obedience to the father He chose to give His life for me. Shed His blood for me, my being deep in horrible selfish sinful life. Thinking only for my own pleasures. Yet His love, compassion, and mercy He gave all for me. He gave up His place in Heaven to secure my salvation. I can never express enough the gratitude and thankfulness for that act of severe pain and suffering. I love Him so sometimes it hurts. Without Jesus I am nothing. Sometimes it is hard to believe His love was so great when I had so much dirt and filfth of the world, yet He looked past that, picked me up brushed me off an loved me without any question. Praise God for His Mercy.
  11. I was raised in a church until I ran away from home at the age of 15. I was born in the hills of Virginia, a regular poor hill billy. I wanted the green grass on the other side of the fence. My life was a living hell after that. Yet all that time God's protection was with me because of the stripes Jesus Christ suffered, The insult, the persacution He went through, the cross He carried to Golgatha, the blood He shed there for the sinful life I was living. I was in and out of marriage and abuse. My last husband died and I sat in his chair and looked toward the heavens to the Jesus I knew as a child and cried out if you don't do something in my life to keep me from returing to the life I had been living I was going to kill my self. At that time I jump from the chair went to the phone and called the Pastor who had did the funeral. " I need God in my life will you come and talk to me." He was Assembly of God Pastor. He immeadiately came and invited me to church. I went. It was different from what I had been raised in, but it was an answer to my cry of dispair. From that day forward no turning back. That was 36 year ago. I am now an ordaiedned minister, I have been to Peru 3 time as a Missionary, Now I am an Evangalist Prophet called of God and confirmed by the church. That is my personal testamony. Oh yes, I have suffered for the gosepel physically, emothionally, spat on in Peru, attacted by theives, went hungry. lied about, Slandered, I would not change on day for the life I have lived since the day I accepted Christ into my life and called of Him to go. As in the book of Isaiah God asked, " Who will go," I felt that burning to answer,"I will go where ever you lead me. ' Praise God. Jesus is my life, in Him I Live. In the world I was dead.
  12. Our lives are to reflect the new life we have in Christ which God has given us. And part of this obedience, this holiness, is seen in the way we treat each other. (1Peter 1:22 ) " Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart." Loving our brothers and sisters in the Lord is not an option, but it isn't to be a chore either. In fact it should be a part of the way we love our God. We're told that the first and greatest commandment is to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. But there is a second like unto it...... love your neighbor as your self. The problem which many in the church have with this second command is that it's to much work. And so what you have is people going through the motion of obedience in this area and this is where hypocrisy is seen by the world. People can tell the difference between genuine love and performance oriented tolerance in the guise of real love. And I believe that the reason people can't truly love their neighbor, which certainly includes other Christians, is because they have never really been loved and don't know how to love. That doesn't mean that we look forward to injustice done to us, it simply means that when those things are beyond our control and we have no godly recourse we are to endure for Christ's sake and honor Him in situations that offends. That's the tough part, but if we will remember, that whatever we do in life we must be doing it ultimately for our Lord. What a lesson this is for all of us. We as people don't normally take insults in stride with out wanting to get a jab in ourselves. Our first reaction is to retaliate with words of our own. Insults are demeaning, they're hurtful and the best defense to such things seems to be to make the other person feel just as bad. But Christ doesn't retaliate. Like a Lamb that was led to slaughter He didn't open His mouth. This doesn't mean that when we receive insults that there may not have appropriate responses. But those responses shouldn't include sinful responses.
  13. Peter has reached the point in his letter where he wants these Christians to understand that the love they've been given in Christ should constrain their hearts to trust the Lord and know that even in the midst of trials they are to make themselves available to be used by God for His glory No, a conscientious Christian cannot be a complainer. Part of practical outworking of the Spirit of God in our lives has to do with allowing the world to see us in a way that demonstrates that we belong to God. Live such good lives among the world that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they must see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us. How is that done? And how is the world able to see us in the light? Peter brings it home when he explains that walking in the Spirit is walking in the real world in the power and love which God supplies. We have an overview of what God's will is for you and me. And in this overview we have the reason for submission. Keep in mind that God has called us out of the darkness of sin, into His marvelous light, so that we may shine for Him.
  14. ( 1 Peter 2 : 18 ) " Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. These are people Peter addresses. But notice what Peter does. He doesn't encourage them to overthrow the system of slavery, but rather to glorify God in the midst of it. The idea here in our text is that some masters were crooked and in a metaphorical way it meant dishonest or morally evil. They were the type of people who didn't have any scruples when it came to interacting with their slaves. And now that they're Christians God is expecting their lives to be a model for their oweners so they can see the Lord has done for them. And in the process Peter is encouraging them that, though their masters may not see them as people, God does and He loves them very much, but He wants to use them in their own little world for His Glory. And this is what God wants for you and me. Though you and I are citizens of this country with certains rights, the comparison might be that in our own little world of employment we are called by God to represent Him in a way that models the love of Christ. Sometimes life won't appear to be fair and sometimes you're going to run into people who are less than fair and anything but likeable. But what God wants us to realize is that even those people are made in His image and they need a savior also. The temptation is to react in like manner. The flesh doesn't like being bossed around. The flesh doesn't like someone getting in your face and we don't appreciate someone being two-faced especially when they claim to be Christians. But remember God called us to Holiness. And in that process of santification God is molding us in a way that is being fit for eternity and in the process He wants to use us to bring others the truth of His gospel in love. Chances are, that's how someone prayed for you and me when we were lost and dead in our sins. Praise God He responded to those prayers and we now know what it is to call our God Father and savior, because of the blood of His Son shed on our behalf and who rose victoriously from grave defeating sin and death.
  15. You and I in Christ have a special relationship to one another. And as we love one another and serve one another the world will see that and Christ will be Glorified. The idea is thst God wants us to take full advantage of our opportunities to represent Him in this sphere of our lives. And so Peter says in ( 1Peter 2:15) " For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence talk of foolish men." In other words, don't dishonor God as we represent Him before the world, because God has given authority to punish evil-doing when Christians do it. That's not the message God wants us to send to the world. We are free in Christ, so let's not be in bondage to anything that would drag His name through mud. Peter addresses this in ( 1Peter 2:16 ) " Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. ( verse 17 ) Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brothrhood of believers, fear God, honor the King." God has given us freedom, but it's freedom from sin and its effects. It would be sinful to discount governing authorities which God has placed over all men for their benefit. Let's not put ourselves in bondage by entertaining sin. Rather, let's flee from it and honor God through obedience. We have been called to freedom, but this freedom is meant to allow us to be bond-servants of God. God wants to restore us to the original intent of loving and serving Him rather than serving the enemy and our sinful selves. And that's what Peter has in mind when he says in ( 1 Peter2 :16 ) "Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Peter then summarizes our responsibility to God by living out our responsibility to men in this world. This is why we are instructed to pray for such leaders. And so Peter ends this section regarding our responsibility to government.
  16. I like what James says in ( James 4; 7 ) " Submit yourselves ,then ,to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" It takes spiritual effort to walk away from temptations of the enemy and of the flesh, but we're not in this war alone. Remember, it is God who has called us to Himself. " We are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. But what is all of this walking in the Spirit going to accomplish for others in this world? Peter tells us in ( 1 Peter 2: 12 ) " Live such good lives among pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits." We are to be witness for Christ, not only by what we say, but also how we live for Him. The world will falsely accuse of all sorts of things, but God says, don't let that stop you from continuing in my grace and strength and living to honor Me. In fact, it's through our good deeds, as Peter puts it, that there will be people in this world who will take and be touched by what Christ has given us. "People may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits.", cannot be referring to His second coming. When speaking of the day He visits us, the Greek language is literally translated, in a day of inspection. When unbelievers stand before Christ's judgement seat, though every knee will bow, it will not be a day where they glorify or praise God when they receive condemnation. This thought Peter conveys is similar to what Jesus says in ( Mat. 5:16 ) " In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven." The idea is the through our lives Christ draws men to Himsel that they may seek forgiveness and eternal life in the Savior. This is what Peter is implying that as we live to God's Honor and Glory it will effect the world in a way that the light of Christ has given us will pierce the darkness of sin and people will seek our Lord as the Spirit of God illumines their their minds and hearts. What a great privilege to be used by God in this way in this world. We are called for a purpose, a Holy purpose to be used by the Creator. And He doesen't send us out into this world on our own. He gives us His Spirit and all of the gifts and the power we need to accomplish His purpose. But we need to lovingly submit to God and walk as the people of God He's called us to be. Trust God. The victory belongs to Him and in Him we are in Him we are more than Conquerors. And don't ever forget your standing before God in Christ: " But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."
  17. There are a number of things we need to see here. First, notice the way Peter addresses these Christians. In the NIV it reads Dear friends. But the Greek word here is agapetos. It's a dirivative of the word we know as agape, which speaks of God's love. It goes much deeper than dear friends. The word is better translated beloved. And in the Greek it carries the idea of being loved by God and by Peter. Remember, This is God's word inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is essentially addressing you and me and calling us beloved. This is how God sees us, because of what Christ has done for us, not because of some inherent righteousness we possess, but because of Christ righteousness put to our account by faith. And so God calls us beloved. But because we are beloved of God we belong to Him and are His people by virtue of His purchasing us with Christs blood. Therefore. He speaks to us as His people who are to faithfully represent Him here in this world. And so Peter says, " I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinfful desires, which war against your soul. Peter, as an Apostle, could have put this in the form of a command. And though it carries the force of something we should be doing, the form here is an appeal to their hearts, but it's a very strong appeal. " Peter knew what was best for these people, as he knew what's best for us. And though he is pleading for our obedience to Christ. he wants it to be an obedience which is not under compulsion but out of gratitude for being shosen of God to be with Him forever. He's talking to you and me. And though we may seem like creatures from other planets at times, Peter is suggesting that our status in this world is such that we don't belong here forever, this is not our home. I know it's very easy for people to get comfortable in this world that they seem to have put down permanent roots. Peter is saying that we need to be living as aliens and strangers. These two terms imply that we may be living in a land we call home, but in fact it's only a temporary residence until we reach our true homeland which is heavenly in nature.
  18. Worship, according to scripture, involves the participation of the whole body, mind and spirit. It includes passion, emotion, will, thought and physical expression. Can we really say we love someone and yet not express some or all of the attitudes? Are we to be more moved by natural events than the love and mercy of our heavenly Father? We have a God given right to show our joy and gladness in Christ our Saviour. Accordingly, ( 1 Peter 2:5 ) states that we are New Testament Priests raised up to minister unto Christ due to His Name. This was never meant to be a dead ritual; mere words without heart feeling. WORSHIPPING THE LORD WITH OUR VOICES. The voice is a wonderful gift of God. May we use it to glorify Him. Wesley wished for a thousand tongues to praise Him! " Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and the two-edged sword in their hands." ( Psalm 149:6 ). " Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. that is THE FRUIT OF OUR LIPS, giving thanks to His name. ( Hebrews 13: 15 ) SINGING " Sing praises unto God, sing praises unto our King, sing praises" ( Psalms 149:6 ) Shouting, lifting our hands, Clapping our hands, Dancing, Bowing or kneeling, Standing. Just loving Him
  19. " As you come to God." Peter is assuming that we are coming to Him, And as such this is the beginning of our walk with the Lord. But coming to Him we should have an anticipation of His personal touch in our lives. Jesus wants us to come to Him with expection; not necessarily expecting what we want, but what He wants for us, knowing that what ever He wants of us He will give us the grace to go through. As we take His yoke upon us we will find rest for our souls. As we follow Him He will always lead us to paths of righteousness and like a deer who pants for waters He will give us refreshment in Himself. But when we come to Him we must come with an understanding that He is who He says He is. That's why we can trust Him, Peter says, " And coming to Him as a living stone." Sometimes we may find ourselves looking at this stone and wondering, can people be wrong? So many deem this stone of little value. Though we may not conciously say it, at times we begin to act as though this stone is of little value. In verse 5 we can appreciate why this living stone is so important and what this living stone has done in our lives. ( 1 Peter 2:5 ) " You also,like a living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a Holy Priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." God's master plan as a Master builder is to unite us with Him in this living hope and to use us to build a future for the dying world. But this future is found only on the living Stone, Jesus Christ. We are His Stones which He has cut out for a special purpose, to build up as a Spiritual house In Short, a priesthood is meant to give a picture that we represent our Great Hight Priest, Jesus Christ, As priests we have a purpose in this world. A priest is one who has access to God. And we believers in Christ have such a relationship. A priest is one who extends God's love to others as we bridge the gap to people with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  20. Perhaps because of life circumstances or habitual thinking, we come to believe we are worthless in the kingdom and of little value to the Lord. As feelings of doubt and depression increase, we may decide we don't like ourselves and thus lose confidence in our ability to obey the Lord or do anything spiritual. we have forgotten we are valuable. This is not humility; it is self pity, It is the temptation to be swallowed up by too much sorrow. Proper humility leads to spiritual productiveness, but self-pity leads to spiritual stagnation. Consider these differences. Pride says, " I can and will by myself" Humility says, " I can and will by the Lord's will". (James 4: 13-16 ) but self pity- says, " I just can't. Why did the Israelites panic at the doorsteps of Canaan and decide to retreat at the grim report of 10 spies? ( Numbers 13:30-14:4ff) Why did the Israelite army cower in fear at the challange of the Philistine gaint, Goliath? ( 1 Samuel 17:4-11, 12) Why did Elijah run away and hide in a cave? ( 1 Kings 19:1-18 ) These people became inactive because they lost confidence in themselves as servants of the Lord. They were thinking, " I can't and thus they didn't. For us, the scriptures frequently prod us to obedience by reminding us our worth and place in the kingdom of Christ. Our value comes from the fact we are wonderfully made in the image of God. and possess a soul which has a greater value than all the riches. God further demonstrated our value by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for us. Our price tag is the blood od Jesus Christ. ( 1 Peter 1:18-21 ) Though in humility we know that we do not deserve the love, and attention, and sacrifice of Deity, nevertheless , we must by faith believe what the Bible says about our value in the eye of God. So, how valuable are we? The way we perceive our own value has a direct effect on our conduct. Knowing all these wonderful things keep us humble and motivates us to serve Jesus with confidence and hope. ( Philippians 4: 13 ) In confidence we can say " I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me." There is joy in knowing who made me, who sacrificed Himself for me, and in giving Him all the Glory.
  21. Because of pride, because they are hurt through betrayal, Sometimes they are misjudged. and because some are being exposed in their sins. When Solom received his kingdom he asked God to " Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, That I may discern between good and bad; for who is able to jude so great a people? " ( 1 King3:9 )( James 1: 5 says )" If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" We should pray for good judgment ability. Do not judge another when you do not have all the revelant facts. ( Jeremiah 5: 1 ) says, " Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seekth truth; and I will pardon. " A true judge is one who seeks the truth, If you must judge, be sure and get all the facts. Remember the words of Jesus in ( Matthew 7:2 ) " For with what judgement ye judge, Ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete out., It shall be measured to you again" You'll reap what you sow ( Gal. 6:7-8). If you are swift to judge and harsh in judging others, then God will see to it that you receive the same from others. Has God not been very merciful to you, even though you deserved it not? Likewise, you should exercise mercy toward others. Let me put it finally in a systematic way: God's purpose in the blood of Jesus is our justification and our sanctification. Our pardon and purity. They cannot be seperated Therefore, if in our conduct we are tempted to act as though the preciousness and the perfomance of the blood of Jesus were impotent to hold us back from sin, then we shuold fear. Because if our lives bear constant witness to the powerlessness of the blood of Jesus, then Jesus is not really our hope and joy. And we do not belong to Him. And that is a fearful prospect. The sum of the matter is this; hope in the grace of God! And fear not hoping in the grace of God! Fear the behavior that would show you don't trust in the all- satisfying preciousness of the Love of Jesus. If it were not for the purifying blood of Jesus and the forgiviness of God who chose us out of the sinful world and died on the cross for us. where would we be. There is a final judgement before God Almighty. That is the true judgement with us.
  22. Being holy means living so others will say, "She serves a wonderful God," and that God will look down from Heaven and say, " That's my Girl!" or " That's my boy!" We bear the name of God every where we go, and that ought to make a difference in the way we live. God when I wake up, on the way to work, in the office, at the grocery store, on the way home, at the dinner table, while watching T.V. while reading the mail and paper, while surfing the Internet, while on the phone, at bedtime, while I sleep, In every word, every thoughts, in my doubts, in my failures, God always and forever, Always God, Always with me now and forever. This is true Holiness. This is true joy. THIS IS THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH I WAS CREATED. Without God, I have no meaning, no purpose, and no reason for being here. " We've conquered outer space but not inner space. " Inner space" is were we must begin. A message like this calls for searching ,self-examination as I said in the other question. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. Ask God to fill you with the fullness of who He is. Ask the LOrd to make you Holy in every part of your life. If we want to be Holy, We must conquer our "inner space". To do this your life will change, and the world around you will change. AMEN
  23. Where do we start? What changes do we need to make? PETER suggests 5 things that we need for our lives to be filled with God. Remember what the man said. " We've conquered outer space but not inner space." If we're going to be filled with God, " Inner Space is where we must begin. 1. WE NEED a NEW MINDSET ( v. !3 a ) NIV-- " Prepare your mind for action." "Gird up up the loins od your mind"- means " Don't let your mind get fat and lazy." The mind wanders unless we strictly control it. SPIRITUAL TROUBLE ALWAYS BEGINS WITH A LAZY< UNDISCIPLINED MIND> All our problems start between our ears. First we think it, then we dwell on it, and then we do it. So it is with anger, bitterness, impatience, ****, greed, and every other sin. If you want to be Holy, you've got to control your mind. 2. WE NEED A NEW FOCUS> ( v. 13b ) " Be self-controlled " or " Be sober. " Speaks of the need to be free from a clouding influence. In a broader sense, the Greek word means to be free from anything that clouds your moral or spiritual judgement. The point is you know the truth about things that does this, because the Holy Spirit lives in you. If you will listen to the Holy Spirit, He will give you clear guidence. But even the Spirit can't help you if you reject His leading. Keep your eyes open , Don't let anything cloud your vision. 3. WE NEED a NEW GOAL ( v. 13c ) PETER says, " You will see Jesus when He returns to the earth. Keep your eyes on the prize". The Christian life is not a 100m sprint it's more like a marathon. KEEP RUNNING< AND DON"T STOP UNTIL YOU SEE JESUS STANDING AT THE FINISH LINE. The race is hard and long, difficult, at times discouraging, you'll never finish if you don't keep your eyes on the goal. ( The coming of Jesus Christ ) It will change the way we live, the choices we make, the words we speak, and the path we follow. 4. WE NEED A NEW LIFE STYLE> ( v. 14 ) Don't slip back into the your old ways of life. Let your life by its outward character demonstrate the inner change that Jesus Christ has made. We must make a decisive choice, a character-shaping decision to break with the old life once and for all. We will be what we choose to be. 5. WE NEED A NEW STANDARD oF CONDUCT> ( v. 15-16 ) We know God and God is Holy. Holiness is the essence of what it means to be God. If you are a Christian, there ought to be a family resemblance , God's children ought to reflect their Father's basic character to the world. As a Christion, I bear the name of my Heavenly Father, And so do you, If you know Jesus Christ as a Saviour, To be Holy means to live so that others will think well of you. To be Holy means bringing credit to our Heavenly Father . This is true Holiness when "We've conquered the inner space so the outer space will reflect Jesus Christ. A message like this calls for searching self-examination. Jesus Christ came to bring God to us and us to God.
  24. This kind of Joy is not emotional, To speak of it as an "inexpressible" or unspeakable " joy is to say it is mysterious, there is something about this joy that is difficult to explain and describe, That defies outward expections. What does Peter mean? This is, I think, a most important question. And the answer to it lies, I believe, in the two adjectives that Peter employes to describe this joy that Christians have: "inexpressible and glorious. We can understand we have moments where the exhilaration of a moment of luminous insight into the glory and love of God, or the first discovery of things in creation is one thing. To be filled with JOY as a condition of life, That is another. Clearly, then Peter is not talking about natural gaity nor even about actual merriment or hilarity, such as we se when people are laughing together over a good joke or when they are exuberantly pleased and show it in their rejoicing over something good that has happened to them or to someone they love, that kind of joy does not go with fear and sorrow. The joy Peter is talking about is something deeper, more fundamental, more structual. It is a joy that lies deep in the heart as something permanant, something that creates effects in the life that can be seen on the surface from time to time, but which itself lies hidden in the core of one's self-conciousness, even some of it below the level of self-consciousness, down at the place where God is at work on a new creation, down in the heart that He changes and out of which flow the issues of life. There is in Christ a joy far deeper, far more wonderful, far more pure, far more solid, than what the world can offer. this joy in a sense, is a sense of goodness, and purity. and love deep in the heart, that transforms our outlook on life and the world, a joy that is, as the scripture says, indestructable because it is founded in the deepest and surest reality and not shifting tides of worldly experience. This joy is a fixed point deep in the soul, Then, to speak of this joy as " glorious" is to say that it is a joy founded upon the realities of the Living God, The God of Glory, and His love for sinners, upon the promise of the gospel and the hope of everlasting life AMEN.
  25. Richardson Springs before Y Wam I was on staff at a christian conference center with my 14 year old son. We were put in small quarters with one bedroom for almost a year, I kept asking for a two bedroom house. All the accomadations were small for staff. But that was o.k. as long as they were two bedrooms. As people would arrive for volenteer they would always get the two or 3 bed rooms. For a while I would be patience but one day I was angry and I went for a walk and reminded God His word said He would take care of the widow and orphans, ( which was what my son and I were I had lost two husbands. ) Then I started throwing rocks at the devil and told him he had no right to whith hold God's blessing's from me and my son. I then went back up to the hotel and the housing selectors had been looking for me. I was told I had a choice of one of the house's on the hill with two bedrooms. I started to cry and laugh at the same time. We had a two bedroom by the creek. God had honored my waiting. and also proving His word is true to what He promises. That day my faith soared. I was told by a friend. my faith had been tested to the Glory of God because of my patiently waiting for almost a year with out complaing. Praise God for His love, mercy, and favor.
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