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Everything posted by Omie

  1. + We humans don't understand that God's timeline is different from ours and so is his vision of life's circumstances. God sees the whole picture as I creep along on a mission I am not certain of.
  2. + For me the danger of asking for a sign from God about something I wanted reassurance on how to respond to a need didn't work out well. A pastor taught our class that asking for a sign was the way to be reassured that I (we) was doing God's will after I (we) prayed about it.
  3. + Gideon needs more assurance - yet to ask this twice of God is puzzling to me. Gideon has been chosen by God for this mission and God knows Gideon better then anyone. I suppose God expected this from him. + This is a "testing" to reassure himself that God is still with him. + I don't agree with the reasoning of the exposition on this. Satan's testing of Jesus seems much different then this testing by Gideon.
  4. + 7:13-14 Gideon heard the dream's explanation because he was receiving reassurance from God for the coming battle. The dream was explained as the bread being "the sword of Gideon" which would destroy (Liv.B. massacre) the enemy camp. With the enemy now showing fear Gideon has the courage to go forward. + The Lord shows Gideon this as encouragement and as a sign that God is the one who will conquer Israel's enemies.
  5. + God's Spirit entered Gideon, he blew the Shofar horn for the Abezrites to follow him into battle. + The Spirit of the Lord was with each of these leaders mentioned. These men all had powers given to them by God. In Samuel it is Saul, that mighty man of God who destroyed the enemy of Israel. Saul then became King.
  6. + God's Spirit entered Gideon, he blew the Shofar horn for the Abezrites to follow him into battle. + The Spirit of the Lord was with each of these leaders mentioned. These men all had powers given to them by God. In Samuel it is Saul, that mighty man of God who destroyed the enemy of Israel. Saul then became King.
  7. + I am an oxymoron - more of a moron then an oxy, and a disciple of Christ, what other kind is there? Praise God's Grace and Christ's sacrifice for me which Gideon did not have. + Yes, Gideon had a choice, he could do what God commanded or he could choose not to. Gideon heard Yahweh (6:22) and was assured of his protection. In faith he stepped out and trusted the Lord God Almighty with his and his family's well being. + I believe we have choices. I am not a pawn that God moves around a board. If so, I have been judged and found guilty, before I ever had a chance. I do recognize the fact that some major denominations have this belief.
  8. + Joash has "gone along to get along" he didn't serve the True God. + Gideon's action ultimately caused Joash to turn to worship The One True God. + Joash now is a loving father, defending his son, turning his back on Baal and the crowd who cried out for Gideion's death. * My thoughts here turned to Jesus when the crowd cried out for his death...because of that we have His sacrifice for our sins. + Joash became a follower when he renounced Baal as the lord and master - making a mockery of this idol.
  9. + Jesus tells us we are to put God *first* always. We honor our parents but God must come even before them. + Jesus discourse here is fearful as He says: we are to take up His Cross and follow Him, no one is worthy if we love parents (or anyone or thing) more then the Lord. The cross is a symbol of death here and this applied to Gideon and to us. Gideon's struggle here is to do God's will - even over his father's wishes. +It is only through God's grace that I am still alive. [Paraphrase of Rom 8:39 Liv.Bible- nothing will be able to separate us from the Love of God, ... for our Lord Jesus Christ died for us.]
  10. + God has anger at anyone worshipping something other then the true and only God. They knew the commandment about worshiping false gods. + Gideon is chosen to oversee and work with his servants to build a "proper altar" (see Exodus 20:25 -NIV) to the True God. + He risks death! (verse 30) The Israelites would kill their own for the cause of Baal. + The darkness covers the work which needed to be completed before the people awoke and destroyed this "proper alter" to God. + I don't see it as a weakness, God had not commanded him to do it in the daytime, Gideon is not evading God's plan. He and the 10 servants must have had God's help in doing this in *one night* - as it was quite a large undertaking to destroy and rebuild the alter.
  11. Lois Turley has approached this in a way I had not thought about. I think she has good insight on Gideon and us. God does "see beyong ourselves and the present circumstances we may find ourselves in." Thank you Lois, Omie
  12. Gideon questions the Angel, calling him "Stranger," he feels that miracles have ceased because God is on the side of the Midianites. He feels ignored even "thrown away." It is easy to feel as Gideon does, for when we ask in confidence and we see no evidence it does seem as if the Lord is not listening or even helping our enemies. It is easy for us to look at Gideon and place blame on him, because we see the whole picture. Gideon can't and in the same way God sees the whole picture that we ourselves can't see.
  13. As Gideon tries to explain that he is not up to the task God asks of him, God replies in no uncertain terms that Gideon will have God as a partner in this project to deliver the Israelites just as Moses had. To Gideon this must have had a fearful impact, as he still sees his tribe (family) and himself as too weak to do anything. In 6:3 we read where their country was invaded time and again, with great destruction. How fearful the thought of going into battle against this hoard of people must have been. I would have felt all the same fears Gideon does. Barbara Momphard, above, has answered this with one I would have chosen, such as Phillippians 4:13. I have no more faith then Gideon; will God really be with me? The God in the OT has this magnificient glory and He appears to people in the roles of angels, etc... I have a problem knowing when God wants me to step out and do something. My Prayer: Lord search me and show me the strengths I have. Help me to find You in my life's struggles. Take my doubts and fears and use them to Your purpose. In your son's name, Amen!
  14. God knows us, and knew Gideon had the capability to become a great soldier. God promised Gideon that He would be with Him all the way! Gideon did not know his own strengths and felt he was the weakest in a weak family. He questions that God about this. Our self perception is often false, it is only when we try that we will be able to step out to do whatever is needed. With God's help we are stronger and more capable.
  15. The Israelites broke the 2nd Commandment of the Ten Commandments - "Thou shall have no other gods before me." Yet at every opportunity they did just that. God expects us to put Him first in our lives. Not to worship anything but Him, this includes much in our present world, ie: money, fame, the good life, television, etc... I too often do not put Him first, it is a mind set I am working on.
  16. Gideon believes that God has "thrown them away" (Liv.Bible). Gideon isn't walking in faith - but allowing feelings to provide his reason for the fear he has. I don't blame God, I often wonder where He is. I have learned my time line is not His and this hard to understand and accept. I am going to be more aware that my actions affect His decisions.
  17. Hi to all, I am "Omie", which is a diminutive word for grandmother in German. I was born and reared in South-Central Texas, married a guy from PA. We live in my home-town, "The Beauty Spot Of Texas." This is my first internet Bible Study. I have studied Judges some years ago with Bible Study Fellowship. I don't recall Gideon. I look forward to getting into a study again. I am not sure of what the above tabs mean, such as "code", can anyone help me with this? I am grateful to be with you all. Love, Omie
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