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Posts posted by emmaus

  1. We are asking for God's kingdom to come at the end of time and for it to come in this present time, through Christians who spread the gospel. God knows what is best, so we pray for his will to be done. We need to be open to God working through us, watching for opportunities that God has placed in our path though out the day. One bible study calls this, "Kingdom Living".

  2. Yes we have the right to use the force necessary to defend ourselves according to the situation. Should a person be prosecuted for the wrongful death of a loved one or should we take revenge into our own hands? We are to pray for those who persecute us and let the justice system deal with the guilty. Love your enemies? As I understand it, there's different types of love. Sometimes, not to let our lives be ruled by hate for someone is to love them.

  3. If a preacher isn't preaching from the Old Testament it isn't being taught and therefore being abolished. I wonder, is this type of preaching being taught in seminaries? This seems impossible since the New Testament refers back to the Old Testament.

    "Christian" legalism in a church would be one that strictly followed the rules, but one without God's spirit in it, one with blind eyes to the needs or concerns of the people.

    With no moral standards and no obedience in a church it would be a anything goes rule.

  4. The type of person that verses 13-16 describes is that person in 10-12. The person who is the salt of the earth and a light of the world will be persecuted because of it.

    To hide our light is to hide God's glory.

    If we live to give glory to God we have to turn away from the ways of this world. Just as Jesus had to suffer, so must God's saints. We're in this world but not of this world. "If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." (John 15:19)

  5. Someone who has lost their saltiness will overlook things that they know are sin but for the sake of keeping the peace or convenience, they let it slide. A perfect example of saltiness is a story a friend of mine just told me. Her grandson and the woman he is living with and is having a baby with were at her home over Christmas. Come bedtime she told him, "they may be living together and having a baby together but they were not sleeping together under her roof, not as long as they weren't married". For the sake of peace she could have not said anything, but as she said, "It was a sin when she was 15 years old and it was still a sin." She still has plenty of salt, God bless her.

    Yes, I think a person could tell if they had become desaltified, but they would have to be listening for the holy spirit to convict them of it.

    The world would notice if a desaltified Christian because they wouldn't be much of a Christian. Anything and everything might go with them.

    Other Christians would notice that you weren't very close to God anymore, that you were more worldly.

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