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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Patricia A

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Everything posted by Patricia A

  1. We believe by faith that Christ died for our sins and that as His children, we died to sin along with Him. Therefore, sin no longer has control over us as we have God's strength to help us "stand up" against sin.
  2. The death of Jesus was a actual historical event. We unite with Christ's death in a spiritual way so that we die to the sinful life. This is real--not just some unrealistic chatter.
  3. In baptism, being inmersed corresponds to death of the old life. Rising out of the water corresponds to being resurrected to a new life in Christ.
  4. Q1. (Romans 6:3-5) In what sense does baptism bring about our union with Christ? Paul is saying: It is a fact that we were united with Christ in his death and have continued to grow together with him in his death. Our union with Christ is obviously spiritual rather than physical, but that doesn't make it unreal. Paul speaks of our union with Christ's death as a spiritual reality, not just a figure, analogy, metaphor, or symbol for something else. In what sense does baptism symbolize our union with Christ? Since baptism by immersion symbolizes Christ's resurrection, Paul sees in baptism the promise of our own resurrection on the Last Day, the point in the future when we will be united with him, in that now we too will have resurrection bodies like his (1 Corinthians 15:35-57). Beyond typifying Christ's burial and resurrection, Paul indicates that rising up out of the water is symbolic of us rising from the grave to a new life.
  5. Q3. (Romans 5:15-19) By what right does Adam represent all humankind? Adam was the first man and his sin became our sin. [/size]By what right does Christ become head of all who become his disciples? Christ is God in the flesh. If Christ is not our "representative" or "head," how can his death for sins be effective for us? We would be lost and not have the gift of salvation.
  6. Q2. (Romans 5:13, 20) What is Paul saying in these verses? Before the law, from then time of Adam, there was sin and death in the world. All have sinned and all are punished with death. This is the result of the sin of one man. (Rom. 5:12-13) This proves that mankind is one, there is no difference between people. There is also no difference between the time before the law was given, and life under the law. Before and after, all people die because of Adam
  7. Q1. What kinds of circumstances in modern life can you think of where a single person acts for an entire group? A President of a corporation can affect all the employees by the decisions he or she makes; The teacher in a class can have a profound effect on the students by his or her decisions and actions. In what ways are members of the group tied to this person? The members of these groups look to this person as a leader and one to follow.
  8. Q1. (Romans 5:1-2) According to verses 1-2, faith is a key to salvation. For Abraham (4:3), what was the relationship between faith and justification? What does Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and that faith was regarded by God to be his approval of Abraham." [/size] For us (5:1-2), what is the relationship between faith and justification? Jesus tells us that if we believe in Him as the Son of God who came to forgive our sins, we will be made right with Him
  9. The Scripture nourishes Christian with the Truth as it equips Him for Christian ministry. As the Scripture is studied, One becomes more clear on how God wants us to live and how He loves us thus teachers are inspired to want to share the Word. The Scriptures teaches, corrects, rebukes and trains us to live a Godly life.
  10. Inspiration of Scripture means that God guided man in some way as the words were written. "God-breathed" tell us that the source and authority for these words came from God. The doctrine of inspiration of Scripture is important because this doctrine says that the Scripture is directly from God--His message to us.
  11. It is so easy to become a hypocrite as we humans want to take credit for good things that have happened in our lives and are so wrapped us in ourselves. Love is missplaced. We must remember that we have nothing except what has been given us by God. We should love because He first loved us making it possible for us to truly love all His children. If we always strive to remember that all we have and all we are comes from God then our religion can have power because we live for His glory and to serve Him. We take credit for nothing.
  12. [quote name=Pastor Ralph' date='Feb 2 2009, 06:12 PM' post='42418] Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? A Christian teacher must be kind and not argumentative and not trying to win a debate. He or she needs to be skillful and organized and not resentful but rather tolerant. This teacher needs to be humble, caring and trusting of God to do His work, to lead and guide and change hardened hearts. Lack of these traits hinder the Gospel because living as a Godly example is the most important part of teaching.
  13. [quote name=Pastor Ralph' date='Feb 2 2009, 06:10 PM' post='42417] Q1. (2 Timothy 2:20-22). When do you put your good plates and silverware on the table? When do you use your everyday tableware? What point is Paul making with this example? In practical terms, how do we "cleanse ourselves" so that we might be useful and ready for the Lord's use? Good plates and silverware (our very best) is used to noble purposes. Paul is trying to make the point that we give our very best to serve God. We cleanse ourselves by repenting of our wrongdoing and striving in all we do to glorify and serve God and always to be ready for Him to use us as His vessels on this earth.
  14. I believe our view of money and wealth depends on the condition of our heart. If the wealth of the world is the most important thing in our lives, we will distort God's Word to make it mean that by following it, we will gain the wealth of the world. If serving God is the most important thing in our life, we will strive to do that irregardless of what the results are related to wealth of the world. Granted, we can't outgive God. Perhaps what we receive in our serving and giving will be the world's wealth along with the joy of serving God. If we receive the world's wealth and we truly want to glorify God, we will use any wealth to glorify Him. Money and wealth is not bad. It is how important it is to us and how we use it which determines whether it is good or bad.
  15. Q5. (1 Timothy 6:1-2) In what ways has the Gospel sown the seeds that will eventually destroy slavery? The gospel teaches we are all equal in God's sight and are all children of God. We need to love each other. Why does Paul seem to condone slavery in this passage? Paul does not actually condone slavery but encourages slaves to act in a Christian way--a manner that will further Christianity. What is Paul's motive? Paul's motive is to further Christianity by being a good example.
  16. Q3. (1 Timothy 5:19-21) Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and "try" the false teachers? This was necessary so that the wrong being taught in the church could be changed and God's true Word being taught. Otherwise, there would be a continuation of this wrong. Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? It can be difficult to carry out discipline knowing there could be reprecussons from those who are popular, weathly, etc. However, God requires us to stand up against wrong and wrong teachings irregardless of how difficult it may be. Why is it so difficult to exercise church discipline today? There are many very involved reasons. Sometimes the judical procedure is very involved almost to the point of protecting the guilty (and yet we don't want one accused who is innocent). Often the accused is very popular or weathly (and money can have influence). Overall, it may take lots of effort and emotional energy and yet God requires us to strive to right what is wrong.
  17. Q2. (1 Timothy 5:17-18) In what circumstances should elders be compensated financially? What is the Scriptural support for such a practice? Paul especially honors the elders who labor231 in teaching and preaching,232 over those whose main tasks are administrative. And they should be honored by compensation when they do their work well. Paul directs here that elders are deserving of financial remuneration for their work. That's the meaning of "worthy of double honor" (5:17) -- (1) respect for their work as well as (2) the "honor conferred through compensation, honorarium."230 Elsewhere Paul explains that those who labor in the Lord's work are entitled to support, using examples from support of the Old Testament priesthood as well as the right of farmers to share in the crop they work on (1 Corinthians 9:5-14; Galatians 6:6). In verse 18 he cites Old Testament precedent as support:
  18. Q1. (1 Timothy 5:1-16) What responsibilities do we have to help aging family members? We have the responsibility to take care of them when they need help. According to Paul, in what way is this our Christian responsibility? This is our Christian responsibility just as Christ cares for us. In what way is this a "repayment" of a debt? Taking care of older parents and others is a repayment for what they did for us. To what does Paul compare to those who refuse this responsibility? One who refuses to do this is worse than an unbeliever.
  19. Q4. (1 Timothy 4:12b) Rigid, unsmiling orthodoxy can teach right doctrine, but cannot produce godliness. Why not? Why is a strong example of godliness in church leaders essential to a healthy church? To be a Godly example, we must display the fruits of the spirit in our lives. This means we need to show love, joy, peace and gentleness along with the other fruits of the spirit. God told us to love one another as I have loved you and this should foremost in our lives so that others will be attracted to the Christian life.
  20. Q3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? Godliness comes from seeking to please God, from submitting as a way of life to the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit, as well as to his occasional rebuke. What produces godliness in a person? A real desire and effort to serve God led by the Holy Spirit. How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality? Godliness can only be the fruit of love for God -- not an outward obedience or legalism, but an inward seeking of God in love.
  21. Q2. (1 Timothy 4:3-5) Why is performance of legalistic requirements so attractive to people? What fruit does it produce in a person's life? In what ways is this emphasis so different from the true gospel? Performance of legalistic requirements can be attractive to people for various reasons. Sometines, this has been passsed down from the previous generation. Maybe one feels he needs to earn salvation rather than knowing it is a free gift from God. The true gospel is all about salvation being a free gift from God and when we accept this and reall grasp how loving our God really is, we want to serve Him with all our heart.
  22. Q1. (1 Timothy 4:1-2) Why does Paul remind Timothy (and the church) of predictions concerning widespread apostasy? What effect should this knowledge have on his ministry and the church's perception of the situation? Paul wanted to remind Timothy to be aware of apostasy which was to occur. This knowledge would make Timothy constantly sensitive to false teachings which may come about and we need to constant evaluate what is happening in the church as to whether it is true to God's Word. Satan wants us to be deceived and is sly. We need to stay close to God and be constantly alert.
  23. Q4. (1 Timothy 1:18-19) Why does Paul need to remind Timothy about the prophecies spoken over him? To advise him to be positive and to encourage him. In practical terms, what does "fight the good fight" really mean? It means to do one's best to serve and glorify God. Why does Paul tell Timothy to "hold on to faith and a good conscience"? Timothy could have easily been influenced by the false teachers and Paul is reminding him to stay firm in teaching the truth. What temptation is Paul trying to counter in his prot
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