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Everything posted by A-M

  1. This is a very good point. I never thought of it like that.
  2. I was one of those persons who had a lot of head knowledge. It is now that I am beginning to have heart knowledge. I think God did a mighty thing for me. This poem by John Newton describes by experience: I asked the Lord, that I might grow In faith, and love, and every grace; Might more of His salvation know, And seek more earnestly His face. Twas He who taught me thus to pray And He, I trust, has answered prayer; But it has been in such a way, As almost drove me to despair. I hoped that in some favoured hour, At once He's anwere my request; And by His love's constraining power, Subdue my sins, and give me rest. Instead of this, He made me feel The hidden evils of my heart; And let the angry pours of hell Assult my soul in every part. "Lord, why is this?" I trembling cried; "Wilt Thou pursue Thy worm to death?" "Tis in this way", the Lord replied, "I answer prayer for grace and faith."
  3. I think the Son is the exact representation of the Father. His very own. He appointed him heir over all things. God made the world through him. The Son's words have more weight than a prophet's words - He made the world with His words. God trusts His Son completely. He gave Him everything.
  4. I just wanted to add that the differences do add to credibility. I used to think the opposite. God deals with each of us in an individual way. Although we all need forgiveness of sins and new life in Him, the desires of our heart and needs are far different. I love the way, Jesus appeared to Mary. It gives me goosebumps just to think of it. She needed that. It was Peter, the one who had let Jesus down so badly that rushed to the tomb. He needed to see with His own eyes. He who is forgiven much loves much. Jesus went specifically to Thomas to show him His wounds. Thomas needed that. I'm sure it turned his life around. We do not understand God's workings but maybe the four different accounts are needed too. Suddenly a Scripture verse will jump out of us and it will be just what we need. God is talking to us individually. Maybe, even the fact that there are differences makes us look into Scripture even more and really accept the resurrection otherwise we just might skim over it as a well known story.
  5. As even a little boy of twelve years old, his knowledge and wisdom was amazing. "Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers."(Luke 2:46). Many of Jesus enemies were well versed in Scripture and would have known to some extent what Jesus was saying. There are many reasons they may have rejected Him. I feel the primary reason may have been that they were afraid. His words rang true (and therefore even his rising could be a possibility). Their whole society was at stake for Jesus had many followers. They feared that all their rules and regulations and laws would come undone and this is what they rested upon. Another reason could have been that they were angry. The truth hurts. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus had many hard sayings and revealed what was in the heart. The heart is deceitful above all things. When we are told the truth, we often want to defend ourselves or attack. Sometimes we are like Jesus's enemies and live by the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. We do not love as we should. Sometimes we are like Jesus's followers. Like Jesus followers, we are unaware and lack understanding. Even when we are told the truth as is revealed in God's Word, we don't listen or obey it. We are slow in seeing things Jesus way. We are content to go on as we have always gone on. The disciples did not want any harm to come to Jesus (they knew better) and did not expect great things to come through suffering (resurrection). We think we know best. Our ways are not God's ways, our thoughts not His thoughts etc. However, as we delve more into Scripture and our eyes are opened the Truth will make us free...
  6. He is the agent of our resurrection. When we look, listen and believe in Him we no longer have to carry our heavy burden of guilt and we have new life, both now and in eternity. He does not want to lose anyone but desires that we all come to Him, to eat his flesh and drink his blood. In so doing, He gives us Himself.
  7. I never thought of it like that. Here we live with condemnation. In heaven, we live without it. It makes me think that to have a bit of heaven on earth, we need to let go of this... to not condemn ourselves or others as much. Thank-you, A-M.
  8. The righteous will come to life. Our bodies will rise. We will have a new life and new breathe. We will be restored and healed. We will have a new beginning, a new day and be in light and not darkness. In God's presence, we will live before Him, shouting for joy. There we will know Him fully with eternal pleasures forevermore. God has not abandoned us or destroyed us but delivered us.
  9. "Sheol" is seen as a place of despair and of nothingness whereas Job sees death as a time of renewal and of hope after the hard slog of life. In Sheol, God's presence is withdrawn whereas God's presence is central and what Job most yearns for after death. To Job, God is his Redeemer, concerned about him, his Rescurer, his Saviour and His Deliverer whereas to the Jews, they are forgotten after death. Job is yearning for this because to him, it will be wonderful and he will be able to praise, whereas in "Sheol", there is no praise, there is nothing to be glad about. God does not show His wonders, His love or faithfulness. Job believes the exact opposite. In death, he will see God as He is. He can't wait. Progressive revelation is the revealing of more truth over time.
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