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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Geoff B

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  1. I have been struck by the number of replies that have quoted from Matt 28: And I wonder if part of God's answer to my low self-image is simply, "Go ...". Any thoughts, anyone?
  2. Mighty warrior was not how Gideon saw himself, as he was down in his hole in the ground threshing wheat. I wonder if God waited for a moment when Gideon was really low to say these words. Gideon wasn't a mighty warrior, but he started becoming one when he believed God's word, 'Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?' For Gideon, he started becoming a mighty warrior when he began to get hold of a bigger picture of who God is. May the same happen to us as we do this study!
  3. The Israelites hadn't listened to God's instructions. The particular instruction was a warning not to do what the people around them did, and worship false gods. I don't think the Israelites deliberately abandoned God, they probably just drifted away from him. God gave them this instruction to act like a boundary, something they knew they shouldn't cross. But it was no use to them if they'd forgotten it, or if they heard it but didn't measure themselves against it; it could only help them if they listened. I think this passage makes me see why it is important not just to listen with our ears, but also to apply God's word to our lives.
  4. Hi I'm Geoff and I live near Cambridge in England. I'm an Anglican who attends a Baptist church. I've really enjoyed the study on Luke. It has made me read the whole gospel with a new understanding. I think I will find plunging into Judges quite different, and I'm really looking forward to it.
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