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About bwithubob
- Birthday 04/17/1944
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Nottingham UK
Outreach, Men's Ministry, Mentoring 'newborn', Family, France, Classic Cars
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Thank you pastor Ralph and your team. Both I and the home group, which my wife and I run, enjoyed and learnt from this study. we have seen many new insights and I am sure have a different view of the Christmas story. This will not stop us enjoying mince pies and wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a truly blessed New Year
In both the Old and New testaments the message is the same, God's love is for everyone and not just one faith or section of that faith. We are all God's children. We may have accepted Jesus (God saves) but He told us to 'spread the good news and make disciples of ALL MEN. So that means for us living a life as close to Jesus as we can and not be afraid to share the gospel. CThis reminds me that it is near to time for our Carol Service with the Community Brass Band so I must leave the secure isolation of my computer screen and get out there where God is at work and join him.
Anyone visiting a foreign king would take gifts. This still happens today. For the Magi visiting the ultimate king, the messiah, no gift would have been too expensive. As it turns out those gifts would have come in for supporting Joseph and his family in their escape to Egypt. Again that sort of God inspired providence happens today. Hallelujah! For us today nothing is too good to put before God an nothing is too insignificant. There is a carol which tells us to give him ourselves, just as we are. Don't hold back it's Christmas
Some denominations and faiths view lying prostrate as a high form of worship. presumably it shows complete humility and submission to the rule of those they are lying before. In the case of the Magi lying before a child it would have been amazing. For us the lesson surely is humility and putting God's plan before our own even if that stands our worldly aspirations on their head.
I think it may be easier to respond to this in reverse. The Israelites had been in exile for many years in countries to the East and North. They would have taken their scrolls, books of the law and other writings with them. To this the Magi would have added their own understanding n and so prophecy of both Jewish and other writers would have formed their interpretation as to why a star had appeared. They would have wanted out of curiosity and reverence to find the Messiah and worship him.
Q5. Naming the Child
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
I realise I have already replied. -
Q4. The Prophecy of Immanuel
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Isaiah prophecied to King Ahaz that a virgin would become pregnant and would name her baby immanuel (God is with us) and this is precisely what happened about 1000 years later. Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit and God came to earth in His son. This completes the prophecy but now in an update to the plan the baby is called Jesus (God saves) to tell us precisely why 'God is with us.' -
3. The Name Jesus
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Jesus was a common name at the time and as such it would not have caused a great stir. The baby needed to grow up normally so as to benefit from a full range of human experiences. The fact that it translates as 'God Saves' was an irony waiting to be fullfilled. I see a twofold reason for the angel telling both Mary and Joseph to name the baby Jesus. Firstly it just emphasised the reality of the message and that they were in it together. Secondly it would have become their shortcut way of secretly reminding each other of the events which they knew would never be believed in their lifetime and sadly still are not believed today by too many Jews and Gentiles alike. Lets bless each other by sharing HIS name JESUS <>< -
Q2. The Character of Joseph
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
I thought I had already replied to this topic. has there been a computer glitch or is there a censorship? Mary was truly in a pickle. She could not claim 'virgin birth' as she would just be laughed at. Joseph was unlikely to go through with the marriage. She had no chance of a future husband so she would have to rely on her family to cover her and carry the shame. To a 21st century man Joseph might look a bit wanting. Did he not talk it through with Mary. Was he not prepared to believe her incredible story (stand up if you think you would!). His quoted 'lenient action' toward Mary because he loved her nicely got him of the hook but still left her to cope with it all on her own. However Joseph was a 1st century Palestinian and as such he showed great character in going against the religeous law and avoiding further difficulties for Mary. -
Q5. Naming the Child
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
From a 21st century perspective Joseph's first reaction did not show him in good light. It would appear he didn't listen to Mary's explanation or he didn't believe her. We are told he took pity and was lenient so as to avoid Mary being punished but his action would have still left her in a mess and her problems dumped by Joseph onto her family. Fortunately this was 1st century Palestine and 21st century man had not evolved for Joseph to be measured against. His initial reaction shows us his worldy uprightness but it is his unquestioning response to the angels visit in his drean that shows his spiritual righteousness in that he obeyed God over the man made Jewish law. By naming his boy he officially 'adopted' Jesus into the earthly line of David. I like to muse over whether, after the birth, he was not too busy making ends meet and fleeing herod to spend some good 21st century bonding time with his baby boy? -
Q1. Son of a Carpenter
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
With Joseph as His earthly father Jesus would have learned scripture and the law, which from his teenage years on he would put to good use. As a carpenters son he would have seen his father making and fulfilling agreements, being patient and diligent. He would have discovered that woods are not all the same and have to be treated differently to bring out the best in them. He would have learnt the value of community life, how to give and receive gracefully I don't know how conscious he was in His early years about why he was on earth. Did Mary and Joseph tell him of his virgin birth? I'm sure he was a model child but what did he say whenever he hit his thumb? -
Q5. Titles of St. Mary
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
It has not been my ubringing to concentrate too much on Mary but this study has shown that both titles are relevant and significant. Clearly she was blessed and unique. As we belive in a three in one God then as the mother of Jesus she was the mother of God. We can be amazed at and uplifted by her willingness to accept God's lead but I feel it is Jesus not his mother who should be centre stage in our lives. -
Q4. Mary's Response to the Angel
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Although mary was a young girl her upbringing would most certainly have included accepting the rule of a loving earthly father and we know she loved her God in a similsr way. However although shell shocked at what the angel had said to her she would have also been aware of the pottential consequences of accepting God's plan for her. Her response of as you say so may it be is therefore I believe 'informed consent'. Our consent to God's plan is to humbly acknowledge that God knows what is best for us as individuals and as planet earth and we consent to him bringing about changes in us and our earthly life direction. -
Q3. The Virgin Conception
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary was a young girl, innocent and full of faith in her God. The virgin conception by the power of the Holy Spirit means that Jesus is God fully holy yet fully human. Any other arrival of God on earth could be seen as alien intervention. It fullfilled prophecy and is at the very core of Christian doctrine. -
Q2. Mary's Question to the Angel
bwithubob replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary wanted to know 'how' this would be achieved as she was still a virgin. Zeccariah on the other hand was questioning the authenticity of the angel's statement. Mary had faith and was rewarded. Zeccariah showed disbelief and was shortterm 'disciplined'