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Everything posted by snowrosies

  1. we are not supposed to be in fear ,we are to be of sound mind and love Jesus tells us softly in our heart "do not fear" because we lack often the faith to realize that we can not be destroyed , we pray to a living arisen Christ Jesus who loves us and hears us when he gave the instructions he was telling us to have FAITH were not to fear because fear is the opposite of having Faith Jesus defeats evil and no evil can befall a Child of God that is watched over vigilantly by a all seeing God God wants us to fear not .
  2. I think the anti Christ that John expects to come ,will have obvious super natural powers to deceive, so much so that he will some how broker a false peace between the nation of Israel and Islam , and he may even manage to get the Islamic leaders to give up their third most holiest site so Israel will be able to build their temple , now Im sure the Islamic leaders will have to swallow hard to go along with that but some how the anti Christ assures them that he will turn on Israel and literally annihilate Israel and their temple forever the one to come has phenomenal powers over the Nations leaders and does the unimaginable the difference Im not real sure , I am not getting or grasping all the difference we see the spirit of the anti Christ working when we see falsification and hostilities toward God's sovereign word , we see it when we see people try to exalt them selves rather than exalting God .
  3. the One who confirms us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, is God; The ministry of the Holy Spirit is the continuation of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
  4. A BIG AMEN TO THAT JUANITA , and sending a Big Hug to u also
  5. Goood Post since we are bought with the precious blood of our savior Jesus Christ ,we should not live in sin or in slavery to sin
  6. Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? It should fill us with Joy because what a total act of perfect love and he sacrificed for us all . Jesus is LOVE
  7. I believe the I AM means that Jesus is the True vine , the true religion because religion means to bind back to the source of God, and Jesus had spoken and told the disciples some more things also ( you are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you) 15:3, abide in Christ Jesus
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