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Everything posted by DebChats

  1. India, China, as well as many of the middle eastern countries face persecution as Christians, today. These Christians can rest assured by the book of Revelation .. that the victory belongs to Jesus! Hallelujah!
  2. This tells me that God is saying .. What God has begun, God will finish to the end. 1:17 - Jesus is referring to His being the first of ALL - first death, first life, first resurrection, first begotten, etc. - And He will be the last to be first. There can and will be no other Messiah's. This is Jesus as the man Jesus Christ. 22:12-13 - This is Jesus of the Godhead - He and the Father are One. This is Jesus as God.
  3. Our belief as Christians is what sustains us in times of trouble and doubt. Jesus is speaking to the churches in a time of trouble and doubt. He encourages us by revealing both right and wrong behavior. Wrong behavior can weaken the foundation of belief and faith. Right behavior is the primary focus and where we gain our strength. Persecution is persecution, whether it be stoning or snubbing. Our fears of being rejected and/or our lack of right behavior is why we have trouble being a 'clear witness'.
  4. Oops .. I forgot something. Thank you Pastor Ralph .. You go to a lot of work and I appreciate and enjoy these bible studies. God bless!
  5. What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? I do not presently attend a church. I have not had good experiences with churches. I do know, however, that God does intend me to be in church with other worshippers and this study has increased my desire for being with fellow worshippers and my belief that I do belong in a church. Towards the greater Church around the world? It has shown me that if we do not gather locally, there is no greater church.
  6. (Ephesians 5:28-30) In what sense should we love the Church because it is our own body? Our bodies need nourishment and we must cherish them .. We can use this same sense, for the church. Because we are part of it? We take care of our bodies because they are part of us .. We should see the church in the same way. What will that kind of love produce in our actions? It will produce a sense of moral responsibility where the church is concerned. Why do we need to repent of despising the Church and begin to love her aright? I do not think most despise the church, I know I do not. I do despise the false doctrines and the reputation the church has received in this day and age.
  7. (Ephesians 5:27) In what sense is the Church "glorious" or "resplendent"? It is sanctified and cleansed by the washing of the word. Is Paul talking about the present era or when Christ comes? The present. How do you determine this? Eph. 6:9 .. claims Christ to be in heaven.
  8. (Ephesians 5:26) How does the word of God work in the cleansing, purifying process? What we hear and see and speak becomes a part of us. When we are hearing, seeing, and speaking the Word of God we are being purified, as the Word of God is holy. How should the word of God be implemented in a congregation to achieve these purposes? Daily. The Word of God should be read and heard daily to achieve true holiness. How can we use the word for purification without relying upon threats of hellfire to scare people into repentance? There are some churches who use hellfire to scare some into repentance. However, hell is a real place and those not receiving Jesus will end up in hell and I see nothing wrong with trying to communicate this to the unbeliever as long as it is in love. The best way to use the Word for purification is to live the Word, as this will impress others the most.
  9. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? A glorious church, one without spot or wrinkle or blemish. Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? I tend to believe it is because of both. 2 Corinth. 11:2&3.. as Paul is desiring to present a church to Christ but they have been listening to false teachings and Paul admonishes them. So, therefore, before Paul can present this church as holy, to Christ, he must set the church straight on some things. How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another? Being in love. Love does not mean to tolerate bad behavior. Those that admonish without love are being legalistic and judgemental. Those that admonish in love are simply, loving. (This is also covered in 2Corinthians 11)
  10. (Ephesians 5:25) What does it mean that Christ "gave himself up" for the Church? In Gen. 2:24, the law states that a man shall leave his mother and father and be joined with his wife as one flesh. We, being the bride, needed a groom and God provided us a groom. This groom endured much and conquered all to give His bride the gifts necessary to 'hold down the fort' until His return. Jesus is the groom and He left His Father/Mother and upon His death and resurrection became one with His bride .. the church. What does this teach us about God's commitment to us? That God obeys His own laws and written Word. Was this sacrifice altruistic or self-serving or both? Both .. as Jesus's sacrifice was for one and all.
  11. (Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? Submission means to 'consult,ask, bring forth, submit, display,' an idea or thought to a higher or equal partner before taking action on this idea or thought. What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? The same 'definition' applies for an individual as well as a group. My own submission means to stay in constant communication with Christ. To consult Him for direction and growth. What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? I believe that a congregation that took submitting to Christ seriously, would be quite fruitful and prosperous. I believe this church would be operating in all the gifts and would be like a magnet, drawing in many Christians and secular alike. We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? It means that Christ comes first .. before any idea .. thought .. sermon .. program .. etc. Anything we do in Christ's name we will be held accountable for.
  12. According to Ephesians 4:13-16, what is the purpose of constructing a healthy local congregation? That the body of Christ might mature and become leaders in this world and grow up into Christ. So many Christians are either deceived or do not understand their authority in Jesus, therefore the body of Christ suffers. We must become loving leaders in the name of Jesus.
  13. (Ephesians 4:11) From a strategic point of view, why is it vital that pastors focus on "equipping the saints for the work of ministry" rather than on serving as paid chaplains to the flock? Because pastors cannot be everywhere and their congregation can be all over. The pastor cannot come to my (and every congregation member's) neighbor and tell the gospel. However, we, as a whole, can reach many more than the pastor could reach. What actions might this equipping involve? Praying with a congregation member. Taking time for each and every congregation member, explaining what they fail to understand. If the congregation is large then have ministers available. In what ways is "equipping ... for ministry" similar to what Jesus did when he trained his disciples? Jesus gave the disciples what they needed in order to get things done. He gave them power and authority .. He took time to teach them.
  14. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Well, let's look at church as a cafeteria feeding hungry and even starving people. Pastors and teachers keep and dispense the food. They are responsible for making sure the food is kept refrigerated and then heated as necessary. (Keeping the food from any poisons or toxins.) What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? They assist in keeping order in the church. They also help the pastor with the preparation and dispensing of the food.
  15. (Ephesians 4:11) What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like, in your experience? An evangelist can look like anyone. How does a local church evangelist function? Depends on their gift(s). Most in today's churches function as a messenger of God. How does he or she build up the body? Every time someone is 'saved' the body is built up. Evangelists are reknown for leading others to the Lord Jesus.
  16. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? According to the next two passages (12&13) it is for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, and edifying of the body of Christ .. Until we come to the unity of faith. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). All work as distributors and maintainers of the Word of God. Just think what our life would be like today if those that kept our Bible pure, had done as man usually does, which is to twist things to fit what appeals to us. I am so very thankful to each and every member of the body of Christ for helping me to be perfected. Apostles and prophets are the true pioneers for the rest of the 'gifted' body of Christ.
  17. (Ephesians 4:7) In what way does verse 7 teach that all Christians have received spiritual gifts? It teaches that once Jesus had ascended, He received the gifts promised Him of the Father and the Spirit and then dispensed them unto man. (ps. 68:17&18) If all have received spiritual gifts, what is the implication of this in light of the clause in Ephesians 4:16 that mentions "each/every part". For me the key words in this passage is "effectual working". Though all have received gifts, all do not use these gifts for the body of Christ.
  18. What act of Christian unity could you practice over the next two weeks that would help you live out this truth in your life? Lowliness and meekness .. this requires strict discipline and I struggle to discipline myself. In what area do you need to repent? Forbearing one another in love .. I can get easily offended and love is not easily offended.
  19. (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? In the sense that we get baptized because Jesus was baptized and we are following His lead. How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? We maintain the unity by remembering that salvation does not happen when we are baptized .. We must keep our focus on Jesus first. Remembering WHY we are being baptized should help us to discuss 'the correct baptism' without hostility. Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? It sure seems like it might if we are not strong in the Word. And I believe it can if we get into the 'wrong crowd'. There will always be disagreements about the Word in some instances .. But there are false doctrines out there and this is where we must use discernment. Discern false doctrine from simple 'disagreement'. How do we balance the two? We keep our focus on Jesus.
  20. (Ephesians 4:4-6) What are the seven elements that unite all Christians mentioned in verses 4 through 6? One of each .. body, Spirit, calling, Lord, faith, baptism, God and Father Which one or two are most compelling to you? Why? I suppose the most compelling would be 'calling' .. without the calling, none of the other can work in our lives .. And faith, which brings about knowledge of the rest.
  21. (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity? Who is to maintain it? The Holy Spirit brings about the unity .. And we are responsible to maintain unity. What is a "bond of peace," do you think? I believe it to be a covenant or an agreement .. An adhesive that holds things together. According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us? Endeavouring means working with patience and persistence .. So therefore, it must be a prime goal.
  22. (Ephesians 4:2) What characteristics or attitudes are necessary for maintaining unity with other Christians according to verse 2? Lowliness, meekness, longsuffering, and love. Which of these do you think is most important? Love. Which is most difficult? Again .. Love. It requires a great deal of attitude and work to love another.
  23. (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? In verse 4:1, Paul is telling the church that they must stand out from the crowd, so to speak. That they must not be and do as the world is and does .. In the verses 2-6, Paul is explaining certain character traits a Christian must practice in order to stand out from the crowd. What is "worthy" about unity? Unity is comprised of the body of Christ. What is "worthy" about separation from fellow Christians? The separation enables each of us to have separate gifts to contribute to the body of Christ. What is our "calling"? Our calling is coming into the truth of 'salvation'.
  24. (Ephesians 2:22) In what ways should your congregation be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? It should be as an 'holy temple' unto the Lord. Holy being the key word here. Though we may never achieve true holiness, to strive to be holy is as good as being holy. According to verse 22, how do the members of the congregation help bring this about? By our spirits and God's Spirit coming together. What shape should this take in your own life? In the life of your own congregation? To be in one with God, whether we are in church or not .. Same holds true for each and every church member.
  25. (Ephesians 2:20-21) How do "the apostles and prophets" contribute to your life today? To the life of your congregation? They help me to understand where I failed to understand. They reveal God in ways, I had not seen Him. They do the same for the congregation. In what way should Jesus Christ serve as a cornerstone to your congregation? Cornerstone being the belief in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. No other religion, except Christianity, builds their church on this belief. In what sense does a congregation "grow" (KJV, NRSV) or "rise" (NIV) into a holy temple in the Lord? In what way does growth occur to bring this about? Coming together and worshipping God as one. Teaching one another with the gifts of the Spirit. Everyone has a job and their job or calling, serves to strengthen and extend the body of Christ. In what way does growth occur to bring this about? It occurs when we fellowship. The body of Christ becomes one. What I cannot do by myself, I can do through and alongside of others. God deserves to be worshipped and praised with a loud and mighty voice. I cannot do this alone.
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