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  1. 1.) We rejoice because we have hope of the glory of God (5:2). Though we presently live here on this earth and we're weighed down with the daily struggles of life, temptations to sin, and hardships, we know that we're "foreigners" here and we have a better home with God. Whatever trials and sufferings we face here, we have the hope of the fulfillment of God's promises in Jesus, and for this we can rejoice no matter what this life brings. 2.) Our trials and sufferings allow us to exercise our faith, to trust God in every circumstance, and to grow in our faith as we see God work in our lives, strengthening us to persevere. Withstanding these sufferings, holding on to our faith and God's promises in the midst of them, builds (tried) character in us, enabling us to stand firm in the comforting knowledge that God honors His promises. And this is our hope, that we will be rewarded with all the promises of God through Jesus.
  2. 1.) Abraham believed and trusted God, even in the face of what seemed impossible, and his faith was credited to him as righteousness. Against all hope, Abraham believed and became the father of many nations (4:18). Abraham was justified in God's sight because he trusted God and believed that God could/would do what He promised. 2.) We, too, are justified by faith. Jesus came to give Himself as a sacrifice of atonement, and in this we have faith - that His death was sufficient payment for our sins, and that His resurrection from the dead gives us eternal life because He conquered the grave so that we also will live, as He lives. We have faith in God's promises in Jesus, that if we believe in Him, we will be raised to eternal life with Him. 3.) When we believe in Jesus, we are acquitted of the crime of sin. For our sin, we're deserving of punishment and God's wrath. But because Jesus took the punishment for us, and paid the penalty for our crimes on our behalf, we've been made righteous in the eyes of God. We are justified and restored to a right standing with Him. I dare say this justification gives us a clean slate, as if we'd never sinned.
  3. I'm Heather from Charlotte, NC. I've been looking for in-depth bible studies and came across this site. I'm looking forward to a deeper understanding of God's Word, and pray that He will help me to apply these truths in my life.
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