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Everything posted by Cheni

  1. (Psalms 42-43). What is the psalmist feeling during this spiritual struggle? It appears that he feels as if he is cut off from God or from the blessings of God. He is struggling to keep his spiritual sight and focus on the Lord. He is in preparation for a leadership position within God's kingdom and he is learning that he must depend only upon God, not his friends (who now are mocking his God) or to otherwise place is faith in anything or anyone else but God. How does he combat his spiritual depression? His spiritual eyes and ears are opening as questions the condition of his heart and mind. He knows (as God is teaching him) that he put his hope in the Lord and to praise him. He brings into memory times of spiritual blessings (deep cries out to deep) when the Lord directed his ways. Have you ever felt this way? I have felt this way many times as I am in the "wilderness" now praying without ceasing and seeking the Lord. My deep is crying out to deep. How did you reach out to God at this time? I reach out in all ways, in all things I acknowledge Him, I give thanks for everything even pain and misery, spiritual pain, emotional pain, physical pain, psychological pain, etc. We have to reach out to God in such times as these. These are tiimes of preparation when the Lord is going to bless us. Jesus went to the cross, his life prepared him for it, but he kept his focus on what was on the other side. He died for our sins before he would let us die in sin! With his spiritual eyes set upon this purpose, he overcame this world and endured the cross, and defeated even death. The victory has already been won. We as believers need only to claim the victory - but in order to do so, our deep must cry out to this deep.
  2. (Psalm 27) What does it mean that David desires to "dwell in the house of the Lord"? To dwell in the house of the Lord is seek Him in all things. He draws us near to Him with ever lasting kindness and loves us with His everlasting love (Jer 31:3). Therefore, to dwell in the house of the Lord is to know and to share his ever lasting love and kindness. When you do this, people notice not just you, but God who works through you. What does it mean to "seek his face"? Seeking His face is seeking audience with the Lord, personal intimacy, a yearning with intention and God-fidence that results in fulfillment. I seek His face by withdrawing into the wilderness and praying (Luke 5:16). How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? David is assured of his salvation because he can see the goodness of the Lord today as he waits on the Lord, his heart is is made strong and this is the birthplace of hope in the Lord.
  3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? We miss a good deal of God's awesome love and character if we fail to understand this psalm in its entireity. The psalmist has become aware that he is not alone, unknown or insignificant: "LORD, you have searched me and you know me (...) when I sit and when I rise (...) you perceive my thoughts from afar (...) discern my going out and my lying down (...) are familiar with all my ways (...) Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in -- behind and before you have laid your hand upon me [in this we are identified as being chosen by God even before we are born and become aware of it ourselves], Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain [we never will comprehend fully the pureness of his heart and love he has for us and in us]. Where can I go from your Spirit, (....) flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there (...) make my bed in the depths, you are there (...) rise on the wings of the dawn, (...) settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me (...) your right hand will hold me fast. [We cannot escape God's love for us and his gentle pursuit and offer of eternal salvation and communion with Him. His gentle touch and love is found everywhere.] If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. [it is in our darkest moments that His word and awesomeness shines its brightest guiding us into his presence and truths.] For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. [To me, this consecrates that ONLY GOD can create a blessed life for we are created in HIS SECRET PLACE - woven in the depths He sees our unformed body and thus our days are ordained and written in His book before we come to be.] In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? The psalmist asks God to create in him a pure heart, one worthy of his everlasting covenant through salvation. He asking God to help him move into a greater, richer, and deeper relationship with the Lord through searching his heart, knowing his anxiousness [lack of faith and trust in the Lord] and to show him these offenses so that God can lead him into everlasting covenant. I ofen pray this before I take communion.
  4. (Psalm 19) Verses 1 to 6 seem very different from verses 7 to 13, but there is a common thread that relates the first part to the second part. What is it? The first 13 verses are all about how communicates to us and then with us. In 1 through 6, God communes with us through his show of majesty through which all of creation testifies. In 7 through 13, God demonstrates his immeasurable character and moral attributes as just and righteous and how his words in his commandments are meant to be a beacon to follow as our just God endures forever. He is the only way. In what way does the psalmist seem to bask in God's Word? The psalmist immortalizes his great love for the Father and its worth that far exceeds that which this world has to offer. Have you ever felt that way? I have never known love except the love of the Father through Christ Jesus and the psalmist is correct, God's love surprasses all that this world has to offer. How does the psalmist's wonder in creation seem to affect him in this psalm? When God communicates with us it is a reward, we find our hidden faults, we are exposed though he holds us blameless and innocent because is so eager to forgive. In the classic prayer of verse 14, what is David asking God to do? David is asking God to find his words and meditations pleasing - for it is through pleasing God that we give him glory and he thus glorifies us. It is a wonderful rich and rewarding relationship full of favor and love.
  5. What does this psalm teach about God? God is majestic, worthy of all praise and of glory as his greatness has no boundaries. What does it teach about human beings? "From the lips of children and infants" to me refers to a spiritual level of development taking place in indivdual believers rather than to an age range defined by secular speculation traditionally assigned to children and infants. Praise brings strength to God's children independent of age but rather tends to mature God's children spiritually in order to silence the enemy of our soul and the avenger of our spirit (satin). Prase therefore is a tool that spiritually mature children of God can use to fight off the enemy. What does it teach us about Christ? The Father sent the son of man because of His great love, mercy, and grace; who took on our humaness to gain victory over the enemy and to overcome the world! In doing so, we all are drown with Jesus in that honor and glory for the Father. What oes it teach about our responsibilities? We are to be good stewards of all the Father has given us for it truly all belongs to him. Being good stewards exhalts our Lord to the majestic due him above all heavens and of earth. Worthy is the lamb!
  6. Where are you from Pastor Ralph?
  7. Peace be unto you! I am Cheni and I have done these studies before also. I just turned 51 and I live alone in a rural northwestern Michigan community close to the Great Lakes and all the wonders of God's own paradise. I have a wonderful Pomerian, Tehya (means precious one) who is very much company and I love her. My hobbies are bible studies, researching biblical meaning and purpose, seeking God, spending time with Tehya, occassionally I travel. I have a son in Santa Barbara, CA who is an engineer at Raytheon and a daughter in Virginia Beach, VA who is in the Navy and will soon be relocating to Missouri. I love gardening and swimming, walking, sunrises, and sunsets, picnics, praise and worship, and I often pray intercession. Blessings to all.
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