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Everything posted by Agnieszka

  1. The Psalm shows God as a Rock that is higher than our troubles, a refuge, and a strong tower in which we can hide from the enemy. The Psalmist also shows how loving and intimate God's protection is by refering to the image of a mother bird which protects her children under her wings. I love the idea of hiding under Gods wings. This image is so delicate and full of love.
  2. When I realise that God cares for me personally it encourages me to share with him with my troubles. I sometimes tend to look at the sittuation around me and doubt whether God is present, but now I know that His Word says something different. I want to learn to trust Him and not doubt in his care when things are not happening the way I would like to.
  3. Psalm 98 says that God is worthy of praise because He delivered Israel from their enemies. The Lord fought for His people. He remained faithful and showed them His love. The praise is exuberant in this psalm because the psalmist is grateful that God led Israel in his faithfulness and that he continued to love them end show this love by fighting for them. My praise to God is not really exuberant. When I'm in trouble and I pray for that, or when I pray for somebody and God answers my prayer and helps I forget how difficult the situation was and don't offer joyful praise Only sometimes it comes to my mind how great God has been to me and how He showed me His love. I too often pay more attention to the sittuation I'm in and to how I feel than to God's word and the proofs of His faithfulness and love in my life I hope to change that.
  4. I will use this psalm to instruct myself first and if I have children someday I would like them to see these things in me. God wants me to always tell the truth, what is really in my heart and not what I think others would like to hear. It is difficult for me as I often fear what others will think about me. I also shouldn't gossip and be unkind to my neighbours and other people. I would like to learn to treat the people around me who " fear the Lord " as the psalm says as examples and respect them.
  5. In this psalm we have a promise that if we live with God's Word in mind, so that it guides us in our decisions and influences our behaviour every day, we will experience good things in our life. It is also a warning, as it tells us what will happen if we won't live according to God's Word. I like the line in which the psalm says that the righteous has delight in the law of the Lord. This word " delight " is special for me. I would like to change my way of reading the Bible so that it is not plain reading, but that I would realy delight in God's Word. I think that this image of a tree planted by the stream is also beautiful. I imagine the cool, fresh water of the stream... I need to change so that I would bear fruit in my life and this psalm gives me advice what I should do.
  6. When David becomes aware that God created him with great love and care he wants to surrounder to Him. David understands that God knows everything about him even when David doesn't speak about his problems and "anxious thoughts" with Him. However, he wants all his thoughts, everything that is inside him to be revealed before God so that God can clean it. David wants to open himself because he knows God loves him. He wants to follow Gods way so he asks God to lead him the way to eternal life.
  7. Q2. (Psalm 19) Verses 1 to 6 seem very different from verses 7 to 13, but there is a common thread that relates the first part to the second part. What is it? In what way does the psalmist seem to bask in God's Word? Have you ever felt that way? How does the psalmist's wonder in creation seem to affect him in this psalm? In the classic prayer of verse 14, what is David asking God to do? When we look at the sky at night or during the day, we can see how great is the God who created it. It tells us about Him. His Word also tells who he is, teaches us about his characteristics and reveals his glory. The psalmist tells us how precious is God's Word to him and what it brings into his life. He says that it is the source of joy, that it opens his spiritual eyes, it brings new life to his soul. It also makes him wise and teaches him the fear of the Lord. I would really like to experience God's Word as David did. Sometimes I come across a Bible verse and I think that it is so beautiful. It gives me new hope and something I can refer to in my hard times. When David observs God's creation he understands that he is sinful. He sees God's greatness and becomes aware of the fact that there are things in his life which God doesn't like. In his prayer David asks God to make him clean of all the sins he is not aware of. He also asks God to make him free so that there is no sin, done out of rebelion, which has its control over him. David wants to be clean of all his sins, so that they won't be unrevealed and won't grow into great transgression.
  8. What does Psalm 8 teach us about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach about Christ ? What does it teach about our responsibilities? All the earth and the sky which God created tells us how wonderful He is. Although He is so great, he cares for every single person and is interested in our life. Human beings are so little and weak, as David saw it, compared to the greatnes and wastness of the night sky and the universe. Christ, the son of God became the son of man and because God loved us so much, Jesus became lower than angels. He sacrificed His glory for us. God gave us responsibility for all his creation. We rule over it, but we need to remember that He gave us this right. That is why we need to protect the nature and treat it in a way which God would like.
  9. Hello, My name is Agnieszka I'm 24 and I'm from Poland. I study English philology at the University in Cracow. It is very inspiring for me to read the comments of other people, that is the answers you give to the Bible study questions. I like the Psalms very much so I'm happy about this Bible study. I just hope I will manage to be systhematic. It's also a great language practice for me.
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