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Posts posted by mags

  1. If you don't believe that you are spiritually poor then how can you make that commitment, when you don't believe that you need it? You make a commitment to the Lord, you repent and receive Jesus because you realise that you are nothing wthout Him. If you haven't realised this then how can you truely understand all that God has for you? - you are still self-righteous and self-assured. We need to be dependant on our Lord and Saviour - not ourselves.

    As a person becoming a Christian you need to mourn for that real relationship with the Lord, for the things that you have done to separate yourself from Him. But because our salvation is in Christ we can mourn for that - but then repent and be forgiven for it.

    As a Christian we mourn for the things that the Lord mourns, the injustice, immorality, for the lost, etc

  2. Each Beatitude consists of a blessing and a reward. The paradoxes show that God will reward us - they show clearly that we don't have to have it all because God will still give us more. We will be rewarded, filled etc if we seek Him and continue to acknowledge that we don't have to 'have it all'.

    The fruits of the Spirit relate closely to the Beatitudes. It is by the fruits that we can live humbly etc. If we don't have the fruits we will become self-righteous and therefore, won't be poor in spirit etc. Some of the fruits are also similar to the qualities of the Beatitudes.

  3. Jesus' worthiness came from His crucifixtion. He died to take on everyone's sins so that we might live - who could be more worthy? Jesus was and is the Son of God, and perfection. The only one worthy for opening the scroll - who else would be that worthy?

    The opening of the scroll shows completeness of God's eternal plan. Jesus' being is that which is to be praised because of all He did for us! Without Jesus it would be difficult to be in God's presence.

  4. The churches were criticized for their worng doings - the loss of their first love, compromising their faith with pagan practices. There should be no compromise in our faith - we shouldn't compromise the 'big' unchangeable things in our faith. We should be built on God's love!

    The churches were praised for their perseverance, endurance, poverty and holding fast to the Lord. These qualities are ones which we need to hold on to now!

    When we take our focus off Jesus we begin to lose sight of the goal. Satan attacks us by getting us to take our focus off our first love. In today's society we are a very egocentric people - what's in it for me? We need to lose sight of ourselves and gain sight of our Lord whose perfect plan should be our focus.

  5. We are called to be hot - on fire for Christ and yet so many Christians are lukewarm! So many people in our churches are prepared to sit back and let someone else do the work - but then complain when it isn't as they think it should be!

    We need to make sure that God is our first love and that we are open to His will. We are His slaves and should be ready to do His will - whatever that may be!

  6. When we start compromising our faith we are compromising God - we aren't trusting in His provision for us but relying on our own strength and abilities. By losing that faith in Him we are limiting God and not letting Him work in us!

    There are many compromises today - a lot of them are very subtle. TV and movies is a huge one - there is so much that we let into our homes by TV - a lot of things that we wouldn't normally allow! We often think that it won't matter or it doesn't hurt us but in actual fact it stifles our relationship with God. We should hurt for the things that hurt our Lord!

  7. Loosening any standards to conform tot he prevailing morals of the culture is destructive of vital Christian faith and witness. We are called to be different and not compromise our faith. It is this difference that makes us stand out as Christians and is often our witness and testimony. I believe that we are all guilty of falling into the patterns of this world - particularly through culture and pressure but God has called us to rise up and lean on Him, We can only do this if we lean on Him, study His word and spend time in His presence (prayer) - on our knees before Him!

    "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6

  8. A congregation loses its 'first love' for Jesus by putting other things first. We can replace Jesus as our first love subtly as well as sinfully. It can be done with idols etc but can also be done as a church by putting programmes, traditions, selfish desires ahead of what we are being called to do! We have to focus on God and spend time in prayer and His Word. We need to listen to what God is saying and not the people of this world.
  9. Here we see Christ not only as having left His Father's side to be with us, but as LORD! We see He is Lord over His church. He is Lord, all powerful, magnificant. We see His glory, power, honour and ultimately His love for us! This passage reminds us of Jesus' power - He didn't just come to earth to die for us, but He is Lord. This is important to remember as part of our faith as Jesus is more than someone who died that we might live - He is our Lord and Saviour!
  10. Persecution of Christians is global and becoming more and more so. However, there are countries who face it more than others - such as in the Middle East, Asia, Africa etc.

    The book of Revelation offers encouragement and hope to people in these situations! There is a reward for those who serve faithfully through the persecution - eternal reward with the Lord at the forefront!

  11. When we are in the midst of persecution - our testimony and witness can do two things - encourage and strengthen others around us and to encourage and strengthen ourselves, our inner soul/being. We are called to be like Jesus and to follow His example and leading - here it is His faithful witness that we are to follow and be encouraged by. Our culture means that we don't like to be different from the rest. We don't like to stand out but if we follow Jesus' example we will stand out and be different. Dare to be different!
  12. These verses all relate to sharing the Gospel with the world. To go out and share the Good News with all man! The shepherds and wise men were to take what they had seen and heard (the signs and wonders) and to share it with all men. Just as we are to go and share all that God has done for us - especially Jesus' life - with others.

    I don't believe that we are to always 'bashing people over the head' with the Gospel - as many people have heard the news (especially here in New Zealand). I believe it is about building relationships with people and shining God's light in your part of the world. People are driven away by outward preaching but when they notice something different and bold about you it is a door, a seed to share your faith in a non-threatening way.

    We are to be a light unto the world where-ever we are and whatever we do - we are to worship in everything we do and say.

  13. It was appropriate for the wise men to bring gifts for a child as it was a sign of respect and honour. The Lord placed it on the hearts of the Magi to bring the gifts and they did so. This would have been a huge blessing for Mary and Joseph (who had so little).

    The extravagance of their gifts reflects the best they had. God doesn't want us to fight and struggle to bring Him the best of the world. He requires the heart attitude that makes us want to give Him our best (including our gifts and talents). The Magi gave Christ the best they could, they first offered themselves (falling prostrate to worship) and then offered the best they could at that time.

    God doesn't require us to bring certain things but to offer Him our best. In this day and age one of the best things we can offer is our time - to Him and His service!

  14. Men of such stature and wisdom were prepared to prostrate themselves before this child - without question - believing Him to be the Messiah! Jesus' birth shows both poor and rich worshipping Him - there is no distinction between the two.

    We need to worship in everything we do and not worry how we look to the world. God has called us to worship and trust in Him and that is what we need to do at all times at whatever cost.

  15. The star is significant as it is part of the prophecy - it all had to happen as it was said otherwise people would have reason to doubt and question.

    The Magi knew the scripture and prophecy and knew that this meant the King had been born - they wanted to worship this King.

    The birth of Christ was predetermined and there were signs - this was one of those signs and therefore, important to shwo where and who the King was!

  16. Hi - I am Margaret and come from Ashburton, New Zealand. This is my 3rd study that I have done through this website and I love doing them, I find that it is so valuable to have the forums too. I am looking forward to getting started with this study and hoping that Pastor Ralph has some new insights to add to this topic that is so often preached upon.

    May God bless you all.

  17. I think the one most commonly missing from my life (and others') is telling people. This is generally because I don't like to 'rock the boat' or upset people. I do believe that a lot of the sowing of seeds is done through relationships and not through preaching to people (although there is a place for that) - I am talking of people who are not Christians. I am happy to share as appropriate and as questions come up but not to confront people. I certainly don't hide what God is doing in my life.

    Over the past few months I have gotten into the Word more and more and have a real hunger for God. As a result of this time with God, I am seeing those other qualities more and more in my life.

    By studying the Word, and seeking God those qualities appear in our lives. As we become more in tune with Him and His Word we naturally see ourselves doing these things.

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