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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Deb W.

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Everything posted by Deb W.

  1. When David contemplated all of creation, including himself, he was overwhelmed and awed . . . he realized he could never fully comprehend who/what God is, but he rests in the true assurance that God cares deeply for him. David asked God to search his heart for hidden sins he (David) may not recognize so he could repent and then he asks for guidance to/through eternity.
  2. The common thread is that God's creation/law teaches us of Him and His glory, we don't have to have His written word to know of Him; although the written Word expands upon what we see when we study creation. David realizes the value of the Scripture exceeds anything known to man, including the purest gold, and is therefore to be sought ernestly. In verse 14 David asks for the Holy Spirit to guide every aspect of his life, that he may please God. This is my daily prayer as well, and when I ask for that guidance He never fails. Yes, there have been many times when I, too, have been explicitly aware of the glory of God, as He reveals Himself to me through His creation; I have also known the delight (amazing!!) that He feels in me (although not nearly as often as I am in awe of Him).
  3. God - how excellent, how awesome! Creator of all heavens and earth! He needs no assistance from any man's strenth to prevail over His enemies. He is so overwhelmingly wonderful we are unable to fully comprehend His characteristics. Man - created a little lower than angels and crowned with glory and honor - I need to remember that when Satan seeks to discourage me with his lies about who/what I am! Amazingly, we are vastly important to God - which is a great mystery! Christ - His name is excellent, He is the Creator who seeks to restore us to glory and honor. When you consider who He is, it is impossible to fully understand His love to us. Our responsibility - dominion over the creation - we must seek to preserve the earth and the creatures created as less than we are, a solemn trust given to us by He who created all.
  4. Good Morning! My name is Deb; I live in Montana, but am currently working in Oregon. I am a traveling RN in Labor and Delivery (so I get to see miracles almost every day I go to work!). I am 51 years old, married, with three grown children and eight wonderful grandchildren. One big disadvantage to frequent traveling is missing my church family, and having regular Bible Study groups. So, I'm quite excited to find this study. I'm looking forward to a closer walk with our Savior through this study.
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