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Everything posted by Suellen

  1. Spiritual warfare is a scary thought. We often take "a pass" to this idea due to fear and weakness. Paul wanted us to be aware regardless of how we might pretend that it is not real, those spiritual powers of darkness and dimensions is real. It is so easy to feel powerless over something you can't see and touch. But Paul was assuring the Ephesians as well as us that through Christ we have the strength to fight these powers. Through this encouragement we should never feel weak and afraid over things we cannot see because Christ sees all.
  2. We in and of ourselves are powerless ALL THE TIME. It is only through Jesus Christ through us that we receive any type of power. Once we start believing that the power is in us individually that's when we get in trouble. Believing in Him and the limitless power that He has can help us to move mountains. It is the lack of faith that slows us or stops us in our tracks. Trusting that we can do all things through Christ is how we can change and become that miracle believer and push that wimpy faith aside.
  3. Until I received the money, I'm one of those people that don't count their chickens before they're hatched. Too many things can happen to change things. However, our expectations of God's promises are secure that is definite and we should be affected each moment with that assurance and because of that common promise we should be able to love each other unconditionally and regard each other with a mutual respect of feelings.
  4. We have the awesome future of being able to be in God's presence for eternity. Everything else should fall into place. With the beautiful eternity that God promises us we shouldn't be so concerned and full of angst of everyday living. So each moment we should be focused on Him and what He desires for us to do. With the great hope our outlook should be excited of the things to come something that non-believers don't have.
  5. The seal and the downpayment is an analogy based on what Jesus Christ did for me on the Cross. God sealed the deal and purchased me with the love of giving His only begotten Son to save my wretched self. The balance to be paid at the end of the term is when everything is finally complete and we will leave with our Heavenly Father for eternity. Using analogies like these help us to fully understand what it is all about. The Holy Spirit convicts us in everyday living to hold our side of the deal as honest and legitimate as we should be. When we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts we have entered a transaction that is sealed with His love and we are to honor that transaction with the right attitude every moment of our life.
  6. God's purpose for our lives is that we give Him all the glory. In every day, work, home , church, school, whereever it may be, sitting in the dr's office, we are to praise Him , to glorify Him, to lift Him high above all our trivial worries and petty squabbles. It is important that we understand that He is in control, and we are here just a short time and we need to make the most of it through Him, not through our own desires. To fulfill this purpose we need to be drenched in His word, encompassed with everything of Him, whether it be listening to praise music, watching tv shows focusing on Him, reading books mostly the Bible, studies like these. Finding Him in every moment. Matthew 5: 13-14 helps me to understand that I am important in this life, what I do and say can and will probably have some sort of effect on someone, good or bad. So I need to stay on track, be careful of the words that come out of my mouth or the actions that I display because someone is always watching . If I lose sight of God, I will most definitely stumble and fail Him.
  7. The whole significance of that scripture is about completeness. Everything will become complete when all is brought under that One head. What our creator "God" has begun it will be fulfilled. It is all about Him and I am grateful and humbled to just be a part of His Glorious plan and creation. Unity is bringing everything into one accord under God. One God, One Faith, One Baptism, as it says in Ephesians. xtra credit: These scriptures just reiterate what we are studying. Everything and everyone will understand that He is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord. God is all in all. It will be complete.
  8. I have been redeemed from living a life in bondage to my sins. If it wasn't for Jesus Christ redeeming me, my life would more than likely have been twisted into a pathetic world of misery and hopelessness. probably ending in suicide. for the future without redemption; there would be no future at least not one in peace and love with Jesus Christ but would be an eternal life doomed to damnation and worse; void of the comfort and love of God.
  9. The nature of adoption is extremely relevant in my personal life. I was adopted by my stepfather and the one thing that the judge told me that has stuck in my mind for years is that I am chosen by my stepfather and I have a firm place in his life. He said I wasn't just born in my stepfathers life but He chose to make me his own. So when I think of my heavenly Father I understand what it means. He chose me and will never let me go. That encourages me every day, no matter how I fail in my daily walk, My Father will always love me and be there for me.
  10. Holy: being different, being separated from the rest of the pack and just totally belonging to God. The only way I can stand "blameless before God" is through the love of Jesus Christ and how He gave himself to wash my wretched self of sins. It is only because of Him that I can speak the Father's name. Without him I am nothing. The moment I begin to think of all that He has done for me, I am struck so humble in my stature that I feel I have no right to even remove my face from the ground. God is so awesome in His love.
  11. what is scary about predestination? Just the idea that I might not have all the control I believe I should have. What is comforting? The fact that God is the one in control. As long as He is the one in Control who cares about the rest? The cool thing about Paul is he was always praising God. I believe that Paul was excited seeing what God was doing and knowing that God loved the Gentiles just as much as the other guy.
  12. "in Christ" - How awesome those two words are and how secure that makes me feel. To me it means that no matter what goes on in this old world, I belong to Christ and I belong with Him, and with that I will never be alone, He is always with me and for that I am truly grateful to my heavenly father for the gift of His Son.
  13. Hi: I'm Suellen from Arkansas, a little late getting started but excited to be a part.
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