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Everything posted by katef

  1. I didn't realize that shephards were looked down on, especially since so many "heros" in the bible were shephards. If they were indeed considered lowly, this would make the perfect type of people to tell of the Savior's birth. Just as Jesus was born in a stable and slept in a manger, just as Jesus always ministered to the tax collectors and the prostitutes, he was here to serve. For the least shall inherit the earth. Nothing but humbleness, total faith in God, and salvation.
  2. The journey was physically difficult. Long travel, late in pregnancy, still unmarried. It would be hard not to doubt that this was part of God's plan. Pleasure has nothing directly to do with if we are in God's will or not. Sometimes lack of pleasure is the growth that God feels we need to become who we were meant to be. Sometimes lack of pleasure is due to not following God's will at all. The closest exaple I can think of in my life is boyfriends and marriage. When I was dating, I dated some unethical and unGodly men. There was lack of pleasure in the drama of the relationship, and in one break-up I had a mental break-down. When I started dating my husband, it was different. It wasn't easy, because I had a close friend telling me he was no good for me, and neither of my parents supported our relationship. But now, I can see how this man is so much more of what God wanted for me. I needed those unhealthy relationships to appreciate and work towards the loving relationship we have now. I also discovered Jesus, though not directly through my husband. He lead me to Him. I strongly believe that being a true Christian is more difficult than "going with the flow". Firstly, standing up for what you believe is not always easy. Secondly, I believe God puts us through hardships to both test us and help us grow. I believe that "going with the flow" is a very wordly, lazy, unthinking way of living. When you don't control your actions, and you don't believe God is, I believe it is very unlikely you will end up in a healthy loving relationship with Jesus. In this earthly world, it is usually harder for you, but the afterlife your chances are very low to be with Christ.
  3. Adds historal perspective, both to the reason for the location, and to help make a timeline. To add credibility to the authenticity or Christ's birth. Luke was very focused on conveying facts. It also helps to establish the fulfilment of some of the prophesies.
  4. The thing that most attracts me about this psalm is that the unity is brought about from the Holy Spirit, but must be something that we as a community really focus on. It is something we can do, with help; instead of something that we couldn't do without help. For exaple, some passages of the bible I can't understand without the help of the Holy Spirit, no matter how often I read it or how hard I try. But getting along with others usually isn't that difficult if you try (there are some exceptions). Dwelling together is difficult sometimes because it is easy to be distracted by differences, rather than similiarities. Focusing on differences is easier to do because it is what you see first, before the person speaks or acts. Commitment of unity requires overlooking some differences, but focusing on the similiarities. It involves forgiveness of transgressions. It involves asking for forgiveness when you realize you were at fault. Unity and purity don't seem to conflict to me. Unity in Chirst creates a purity of heart. Reconciliation and unity are necessary to overcome any differences and to come together in Christ.
  5. I read a commentary by Holman that describes the areas discussed in this psalm as character, conversations, contacts, company, committments, and commerce. I like that summary. It is also important to me to compare how similiar this teaching is to that from Jesus directly. I also appreciate the fact that the original question reminds us that we must be ready. We can't stand on the fact that we were ready yesterday, it takes every day to develop these characteristics within us.
  6. The thing that stands out most to me is the slow slippage into the way of the wicked. They walk, then stand, then sit. It is a gradual process sometimes that isn't easily spotted when it starts.
  7. He saves. To emphasize that the angels were truely messangers of God and to eliminate the possibility of either considering not important. For emphasis.
  8. Mary's options were slim and grim. Her only hope was the God who requested this of her. Having the faith that she could become pregnant by the Holy Spirit and give birth to the Son of God is more important than social stigma. If God would make her pregnant, God would protect her. Joseph showed kindness and loving care. He had as much at risk at this point without knowing that God was involved in this whole ordeal.
  9. Jesus would have learned hard and honest work. The experiences Jesus would have been exposed to would have involved making deals, helping people, planning, delivering as said, honesty and integrity.
  10. Great question, I can't wait to read others responses. We are saved by faith, or belief in God and his love for us through Jesus Christ. From this and the grace of God, we are saved. It is a wonderful comfort to know that God will love me no matter how I am feeling about myself. Calling God the Father helps me understand the completeness of this love, but that wasn't true for me until I became a mother. The realization of this love from God is a relief. I don't have to be who I am not, I have to be who God made me to be. I don't have to worry about my differences, or what anyone else thinks of me. The most important thing in my life is that God loves me and always will. If I do something wrong, God doesn't stop loving me. I repent, he forgives me, and I grow in Christ through my errors. I just continue to follow Jesus' path. This realization brings security to me.
  11. These psalms meant a lot to me. I battle with depression and am relatively new to reaching to God for help. The psalmist is feeling down, alone, forgotten. He combats this through remembering the good, praising God and singing. I have felt this way, and have started reaching to God for help in these times. I can remember the good, but that doesn't help by itself. It doesn't change how I feel at that time. I have started praising God and believing that he hasn't left me, and that is helping more. I acknowledge that there is always a reason that I am going through something, and God put me there, God will get me out. I am starting to believe more in the power or singing or praising out loud. Some of this has come from this study. I find a difference from reading the psalm, no matter how thoroughly, and saying it out loud. Saying it out loud really makes the psalm be "felt" for me. I am exploring the singing of the psalms. I have also started really enjoying the worship team at church more. The songs are really speaking to me in a different way than the bible does.
  12. dwell in the house - being close to God seekhis face - know God intimately hope - wait, be strong, believe, wait. The believe and be strong are surroundedby faith and belief.
  13. To be asked to bear the Son of God is to be blessed, no other way to say that. And the whole point is that she was a virgin, so blessed virgin Mary seems very natural to me. Mother of God is not as natural for me, more for the confusion it may cause for other people. Some take the message of the bible out of context and don't understand the main point, that she IS the mother of God by the fact that her child WAS God, but not that she supercedes God in any way. I am hesitant to exalt her because I don't want to take my eyes of of Jesus. Ther are many great people in the bible, how can I judge one to be better than another? How does the verse go? The eyes are nothing without the mouth, it takes all of the parts to equal a body.
  14. Mary's response is total faith and dedication, before she had time to 'analize' it or 'think it through'. As the lesson said, her cost could have been very great if others didn't have the same faith as her. Accepting what God gives me when it is not what I was expecting is difficult for me sometimes, and I am working on placing my faith into the fact that God knows better than me. Even if this really isn't the best solution in the short run, it will be in the long run. Mary's response was 'informed consent' since she could have responded in an unaccepting or doubtful way. She could have denied the risk out of fear or disbelief. Consenting to God is to take the hand that he deals you, and be greatful. We acknowledge the superiority of his will for us over our sinful nature. I like the idea of accepting God's will for us as consent, I hadn't thought of it that way before. It reminds me that I have a very active part, but that part isn't always making the decisions.
  15. Jesus is FROM the Holy Spirit and IS God. This point is one of the most crucial points in the Christian message, along with saved by famith through grace, and the resurrection. I consider these the three most important things for a Christian to understand.
  16. Zecharia responded with 'How' in the sense of disbelief. As in you have got to be kidding me. Mary responded with wonder, but belief. As in God is so amazing, do you mind sharing his ways with me?
  17. Her son would be very great and the son of the Most High. His kingdom will never end.
  18. Hello all, My name is Kate and I live in Maryland. I am married with two boys, age 7 and 9. I plan on using parts or all of this study with my family (and completing the entire study myself). We will see how long the interest stays with my youngest. This is my second online bible study with Joyful Heart technically, but I am only in my second week of the first study, so I am doing two studies at once. I am working very hard to raise my children with the importance of giving and caring for others, and to keep away from the commercialism and depersonalization of what Christmas has become. I hope this study helps with that goal. Kate
  19. As I had mentioned earlier, the Psalms are difficult for me to get the true feeling across. I feel the Holy Spirit when reading many parts of both the old and new testament, but haven't yet with the Psalms. I also am not good at memorizing, so have always hesitated to try. I get the meaning, but not the exact words or get them out of order. I decided to memorize part of Ps 139. I really like the way it is personalized to me, as another reader mentioned. I memorized vs 1-4, 17 and 18, and 23 and 24. I need to keep practicing so that I don't have to think so hard, and would like to begin praying this way. I am excited to feel that God is making progress in me with the Psalms, and encourging my prayer life at the same time. I really enjoyed the responses of all. I usually post my answer first, then read others posts so that my post is reflected from my discoveries only. For the excercies, I feel inadequate, also as another reader expressed, and realized again that we are all in a different place in our walk with Jesus, and as long as I stay on the correct path, I am doing OK. Everyones posts were so personal, and so intimate. I was overwhelmed by the power of the Holy Spirit in all who wrote. I have been encouraged by the support of all of you, and the lack of criticism and judgement. I feel safe to share here in my journey, even though I feel "farther behind" than most of you. Thank you God for blessing me with this study group at the best time for me. You are the Alpha and the Omega, forever.
  20. Being created by God is a humbling thought. Again, God is so all-knowing and powerful, and the fact that he wants to give attention to me before I even breathe is difficult to relate to. The closing verse askes for both the sins known to me and those not known to me be cleasned and purified. Let me be, think, do, and feel only what is pleasing to you God.
  21. 1. God speaks through creation, and God speaks through his word. Both are wonders of God and his greatness. 2. Basking in God's word by reflecting on what he says, and the benefits of his word. For example, the first part of the verse is God, the second part is the benefit in each verse. I feel I have had some "basking" in God's word. It is something that once you have, you don't want anything else. 3. The wonder of creation is but a small example of God's power, glory and all encompasing control. It makes the psalmist feel very small in comparison. 4. V 14 is asking God to help me be a better person than I can be by myself. Help me correct what I don't even see needs correcting. Let me do nothing that isn't pleasing to you alone. I am finding these questions helpful. Even rewording what is said helps me understand it better. I am excited that one by one (ok, only 2 now) these psalms are starting to make sense to me. I can see how comforting they can be.
  22. This psalm reminds us that God is the creator and coordinator of all things. He is all seeing, but still cares about the most intimate details of our human existence. He also makes sure that we remember that all the good that we do is from Him and his works. This psalm reminds us as humans that we are absolutely nothing, wouldn't even be alive, if it wasn't for Him. We must always remember that all good that we do is a direct result from God and his blessings. It is significant that God brings us down low to bring us up higher than we could imagine on our own. He has his own way of reminding us of our place below him, yet given honor. We have the responsibility to follow the word of God and listen to Him. Our actions and our behaviours must reflect these beliefs. Most importantly, we must remember that these wonderful success are due to God and God alone. Credit must be given where it is due. Sorry so short and to the point, children and husbands are calling. The study of this psalm has helped me remember that even the lowest can be made to do the most, and that even working your hardest, if you do it without God, means nothing. It's almost a relief to know that it isn't up to me alone, and reminds me that every person has an important part in the life of God. Kate
  23. Hello, This is my first online bible study. I am excited to start a new way of studying the word of God. I live in Maryland, am married, and have two sons, ages 10 and 7. I have never really understood the Psalms well, and am excited to explore them. God bless, Kate
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