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About van

  • Birthday 12/02/1956

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    Waterbury, Connecticut

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  1. To seek God's face means to desire to enter into His presence, to spend intimate time with Him. We are to pray to have a desire to know God better. Spending intimate time everyday is important in order to develop that "face-to-face" relationship as Moses did in the Old Testament. Moses entire self changed and he also had a shining on his face which showed that he was in God's presence. Drawing upon God's power is available to all of us. In fact, we will not grow and overcome as He desires without drawing on that power. The natural man can make great progress regarding change, but unless God is involved, all his effort will not be aimed toward the same goals God desires when He motivates those changes. Without God's involvement, a person's works are essentially vain. Living the godly way of life will help you when when you develop a friendly relationship with our maker. The only thing it will cost us is to sincerely seek God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. It's worth it to seek God's face because we will what answer God will choose in a situation, plus you will realize you can't live without Him. Saints live to see Him face to face in His glorious Kingdom.
  2. The glory we will experience will be awesome, just being a part of the new heaven and new earth. No more sickness, sorrow or pain. Every day will be glorious. No crying or death. All of those things will be gone forever. It will be Sunday everyday. We will praise God all day and everyday. We will not get tired anymore. There will be no need for daytime and nighttime because the Father and the Son brightness will light heaven and earth. Everlasting life will be beautiful. All those who are followers of Christ on earth will be glorified by the Father in Heaven. We will get to see Christ as he is, and we will change to the same body. I picture that the new heaven will be gold and shine like beautiful gemstones. On earth there will be no more seas that have taken people lives. Everything we need the Father will provide. Everyday there is happiness. Believers who followed Christ will get to be enjoy all the fruits of everlasting life. Awesome!!
  3. We need to rule and reign with Christ now by ministering to others through sharing the goodness, mercy, grace and forgiveness of sins in believing in Jesus Christ. Spending a lot of time in prayer with God so others will see God's light shining through you. When Christ return he will get his people and we will rule and reign with Christ in God's Kingdom, and possess it forever. We will be sitting next to Christ (the Son of Man). But we must endure against us until Christ returns.
  4. When Christ returns, he will be coming on the clouds in the sky with power and great glory. People all over the earth will see the Son of Man as he is. All those who crucified Christ, don't know him or don't serve him will be mourning. They will try to run and hide, but there is no where to hide from Christ great power and glory. Christ will have the angels gather up His elect people. The rapture will be visible for every to see. I serve Christ with everything I was created with my mind, soul and body belongs to Christ. I would rather go upstairs than downstairs to hell. Daniel's prophecy in the Old Testament of the Son of Man in (Daniel 7:13-14), relates to the same as is written in the Gospels about the Son of Man coming on clouds. Also, in the Gospels talks about the teachings of Christ about the Kingdom of God (ancient of Days) and him sitting on the right hand of the Father. Daniel's prophecy was right on target with the New Testament.
  5. We rule and reign in Christ Kingdom administration by exercising our ministry in order to push the enemy back, or to help Christ body function, such as a Pastor,you are ruling and reigning in Christ place here on earth. If the majority of believer take this seriously, we would live in peace and love and our focus in life would show who we are ministering for, Jesus Christ. After Christ returns we will be ruling and reigning with Christ in Kingdom, and, we will possess it forever.
  6. The basis for my spiritual authority comes from Jesus Christ who is sitting on he right-hand of the Father. Jesus spiritual authority runs from heaven to us and he has commissioned us to go and tell everyone that Christ lives and forgives sins if you repent. Jesus said, "'As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.'" (John 20:21-23). I believe we have a tendency to think it worked back in biblical times but not today. Jesus is the same then and now, it's all about totally believing, "we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us" (Phil. 4:13).
  7. Witnessing to the world of unbelievers what they see is a weak and powerless person that has many natural problems. When we are exposed to struggle, stress, and pain, our inner self is exposed. People can see us for what we are. But as they listen to you witnessing about Christ all they see is Christ light in you witnessing about His grace and mercy, and how he gave His life for us. When they see the amazing Christ within -- his character, his power, his faith -- they are blown away. Paul called it a clay of jars there are several types of clay jars made and it is represented us he said "we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). We have the power of Jesus Christ living within us! Our bodies (vessels) have the Spirit of Christ loved going within us, we live our lives for Christ and put ourselves last, whereas, New age will always put themselves first because they feel as though they are more important.
  8. Good deeds in this dark world brings light. Good deeds bring glory to Christ, when people see your good works and give glory to the Father. Good deeds in love prompt wonder and point to God. Your light shine through doing good things, such as, helping those who needs help, devote yourself into teaching others about Chris. The most important thing is showing love to all people and in doing so you will bring glory to Christ and the Father who is in heaven. (Ephesians 2:10) say, for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
  9. We have a hunger for o have a close relationship with God every minute, every hour. You don't even feel like eating, because you feel full. We will follow Him and not let go because that is the core of His Glory, and experience that change our lives that the Spirit can bring us. We seek Him hard and His blessing is always on time. When you begin to tell lies, your thoughts are worldly. You loose all interest in seeking God. The world and everything in it is the person god. Fasting and praying will help to renew your hunger for God because you are purifying your body and in constant pray with God. When you have a hunger for God you will not let Him go until you receive your blessing. You have faith in God that he is going to bless you.
  10. Light and momentary troubles that we go through is preparing us for eternal glory. Sometimes I do get mad, then I calm down. I pray and Jesus to forgive me.
  11. The effect on a believer from continued exposure to God's presence is regular time meditating on Him, singing to Him, listening to Him, speaking to Him, obeying Him and drinking Him through the Word and Spirit. Many believers remain infants because they are not spending enough time in God's presence. If you are constantly thinking of things of the world instead of focusing on spending more time in God's presences you will remain a infant. Deep exposure with God transforms a person because He or she is spending constant time in God's presence.
  12. I believe "Be holding His Glory", He deserves are worship because of who He is and that is the Almighty Good. Praising God through prayer, studying His words, and worshipping Him. God is like looking in the mirror and seeing His Glory through you. What you are seeing is His continent has changed through you. I have experienced this during worshipping Him,prayer and praise. What people has told me there is a glow in all over me. Praying for people, God has knock them out. The outside world becomes afraid to touch me because of God's Spirit is all over me they don't understand Be holding God's Glory and how He can change you. What would be necessary is put yourself last and God always first, it is important that you have a relationship with God. Sinning would not help you in no form or fashion to live for God. Keep Him with you constantly.
  13. According to Daniel 7:14, the Son of Man was all authority, glory and sovereign power by the Father. Because Jesus was given authority, his miracles shows the authority he was given. For example, he made the blind man see and brought a girl back to life. There are many miracles he perform and that shows his authority. Jesus was given all authority it is delegated to all those who are follows of Christ. When we pray and end the prayer for with "in Jesus name", shows his authority which is given to believers in him. There is no limit to the power we have in Jesus name. It becomes limited to those who lack faith in Jesus name. If you don't believe deep down in your heart that it is power in the name of Jesus, the exercise of his power is very limited.
  14. Through Jesus trial and crucifixion he never tried to stop them from happening, and he could have, but through it all God received he glory and he was glorified by the Father for going through it and never tried to prevent it. He knew what he came to do and he went through with it. Nobody then or now could have endured what Jesus endured on earth. Even when he was resurrected God was being glorified through the person Jesus, and Jesus was glorified by God. One of the thieves on the cross with Jesus realized that Jesus did nothing wrong and Jesus still didn't try to save Himself from being crucified, instead Jesus prayed to the Father to forgive them they don't the truth. The Centurion realized who Jesus was when all of a sudden, clouds and thundering came and it turned pitch black during daytime hours. God's glory often seen in the midst suffering because many people don't give up they often lean of God more through all because He is our creator.
  15. Jesus glory through His transfiguration was displayed through his appearance, because his face was like the sun, and his clothes was white as light. Jesus glory displayed through miracles was shone by turning water to wine at a wedding party. When he raised Lazarus from the dead. I know those that were watching was stunned by this miracle. God got glory and the glory was in Jesus person.
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