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  1. Everything about a Jesus contrasted against the world...those who follow him should also contrast against the world. The teachings of the world is to place ourselves first...the teaches of the Lord is to place him first. To place the Lord first requires us to be humble...someone who focuses on his or her own glory can not be humble as well.
  2. It is necessary to be aware of our spiritual poverty before we can become a Christian because to become a Christian means to submit to the Lord. We become aware that we are nothing without him and ask for his involvement in our lives. Those who aren't aware don't realize they have any need for the Him.
  3. Jesus came to care for the "sick" and not the "doctors", but I'm sure some "doctors" were curious about what he was teaching...so Jesus spoke in riddles. Those with the Spirit (and maybe even the appropriate attitude) would understand the meaning behind the paradox. Those who didn't would scoff and walk away. The relationship between the Fruit of The Spirit and the Beatitudes is the Holy Spirit, it seems like its more of a visual result of having the Holy Spirit. Others would be able to look at you and see if you if you are poor in spirit - or full of yourself. Meek (humbly patient or docile) or not. etc...AS WELL AS being able to see in others (and in oneself) the visual result of having the Holy Spirit by an increase in love for others...joy no matter what circumstances one is facing, etc... Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Copyright
  4. I agree with kr8zie4god

    this is my first time also.


  5. Hi - My name is Carolyn and I live in Colorado. This is my first online Bible Study - I was actually kind of critical, wondering what kind of lies would be thrown at me. After reading the introduction, I no longer feel that way. It seems Paster Ralph is trying to "break through" or "get around" the same kind of attitudes I encountered in the organzied churches... "So what does Jesus have in mind when he calls for repentance and change? Something radically different than the religions of his age or ours. What he begins to teach his followers is not a formalized religion, really. Jesus teaches a new heart attitude towards God and people. An attitude that runs counter to human nature." I can not wait for the next lesson...and the next! I thank God for this study!
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