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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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  1. The common thread that relates the first part of Psalm 19 to the second is glory and perfection. The psalmist seems to bask in God's word by speaking of His law, His precepts, His statutes, His ordinances, and His commands. Yes, I have felt that way. I have felt revived, that I am wiser than I should be with the limited formal education that I have, able to see more clearly, and joy to my heart when things seem to be falling apart around me. David's wonder in creation seems to affect him profoundly. he gives creation the ability to speak without words, just by its action. "The heavens declare...they pour forth speech....they display knowledge..." It is almost as if he is saying that the creation worships God. In the classic prayer of verse 14, David is asking God to control the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart. Personally, I have realized that I need to pray verses 12-13 just as much. I am certainly not aware of all of my hidden faults (but some of my friends are more than willing to point them out!) I need God's forgiveness for even my hidden faults. Willful sins. I would also have that they wouldn't rule over me. I'm grateful to my Savior, that as I'm ready to see them, he cleanses and enables. I like the promise David makes: "Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression."
  2. The wonder of creation leaves the psalmist with a sense of unattainability. "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain." It, to him, seems to be beyond wonder. For me it's like that tool In Eccl. 3:11 we're told that God has placed eternity in our hearts, but we just can't fathom it. Too overwhelming. In his concluding prayer, he asks God to search him and know his heart, to test him and know his anxious thoughts, check if there was any offensive way in him, and to lead him in the way everlasting. Ouch. At least it can be sometimes in my life. I am far from perfect, He's always working on me. I'm sure that David felt this way too. The offensive ways in me - I pray that when God does his search on me that He, by His grace, would remove them. Make me aware, then strip me bare. So that I can serve Him better.
  3. This psalm teaches us that God's name is majestic in all of the earth. His glory is above the heavens, because He set it there. He has ordained praise from the lips of children and infants, the reason being to silence the foe and the avenger and because of God's enemies. From this psalm, we learn that human beings are created a little lower than the heavenly beings (angels). Christ is crowned with glory and honor. He is the ruler over the works of God's hands. Everything is under Christ's feet.
  4. Hi. My name is Cheryl and I have lived in Manitoba, Canada all of my life. I accepted Christ when I was 10, but have only been a "free" Christian for 10 years (or so). I am a 43 year old homemaker, have been married for 20 years, we have 3 children who are all still at home, and my husband is a diesel mechanic. My passion is Bible Study, this is my first on-line study. I hope to learn alot. This whole forum thing is new to me, so I'm a little nervous. I'm looking forward to meeting new people in a new way. We are active in our church as Care Group Leaders, and have been attending the same church for 12 years. God Bless!
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