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Everything posted by FireSpeaks

  1. When we pray "Thy Kingdom come" we are asking that the power and authority of God be manifested in us, and through us. When we pray "Thy will be done" we are submitting ourselves and personal desires to the desires of God. I think this submitting to God's desire is more important than anything else. This is seen in the three prayers of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Three times Jesus asked the Father to take this Cup, but not until the third time had he fully become submitted to God's will. Not until Jesus was fully submitted to God's will was he obedient even unto to death. And God's will could be fulfilled in his obedience.
  2. I would think since Holy means to be set apart than when we set apart our lives for God (our Father) than our lives "Hallows" the name of our Father. I once read where acient Jews felt the name of God was so Holy that they had only certain time to use his name. For instance in casual conversation they used the word "HaShem" which simply means the name because they thought that call God by his name in casual conversation was defiling the name. If we remember reverence when speaking the name of the Father, and exercise disipline than in word we hollow his name. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain is one the ten commandments. It goes on to say that the Lord will not whole him guiltless that takes his name in vain. This is so much more than using the Father's Name as a swear word. It means forgetting to set it above everything else, it means to fail to honor the name of the Father. We should feel the power of his name when we speak it, not make it common or just another word. I use the ACTS system of prayer so I give adoration to the Father in prayer. First! I think we should even in prayer be careful and discipline in using the name of the Father. Prayer is the most intimate time with the Father. Submit ourselves totally before the Father, acknowledge that we are nto even worthy to come before God in prayer, but by his lovingkindness, his graciousness that he allows us to come to his footstool to worship him. psalm 99:5 says it to me the most clearly "Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his footstool; for He is Holy."
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