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servant for Christ

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Everything posted by servant for Christ

  1. They relate in the fact that Jesus was speaking both times telling us to forgive and to be forgiven so we can be one with him. Personally, we must search our hearts and ask forgiveness for anything the will keep us separated from God.
  2. They sound very familiar in our own congregations. For my church, there has been division over different things. People with hurt feelings, don't agree with the move of the Spirit, want things to stay the same and not change. But, Praise God, that is changing! He is dealing with hearts and God is moving in the church. So many have being praying for unity, and it is happening. The need is very great and very serious for us to be one with Christ and to get his work done. No, I don't think bickering congregations should partake of the Lord's Supper. Sin is there and it would be of no value. I know people do, and I have seen no change in them, their relationship with God, or their improvement with other people. For me, If I even think I have said something to upset or hurt someone, I go right then and ask forgiveness from them and God. I can't partake because I feel shame and guilt. To me, is is disgracing God.
  3. Paul's teaching should affect our relationship and love for those of other denominations and traditions with great love. We have to reach out in love. But, that is not the case. I don't think God looks at denominations and traditions, I think he looks at the heart. Because people worship different from us doesn't mean they do not believe in God. We judge poeple too quick about different faiths and we cannot love them. Because they don't worship the way we do, we think they are wrong. We cannot judge. That is not our job. When we reach out in ove regardless of faith or tradition, God will be there. GOD LOVES ALL MANKIND.
  4. Jesus knew he was responsible to provide care and protection for his mother after his death. He knew John would take her in and provide for her. It shows how loving and caring Jesus was toward his family and even us. Jesus loved his family regardless of unbelief they showed. We should apply this in our lives as Jesus did. To love our family regardless of how they act or what they did. Take care and provide for them.
  5. Dear Cindy, welcome to the studies. You will really be blessed by these studies. I have done several with Pastor Ralph, and I never knew how much I could learn about our Lord. They are wonderful. I pray that the Lord will reveal himself to you as you learn about how amazing, how loving, how caring, how wonderful, and how much He really does care for us. May the Lord bless you richly as you travel the road to know and become closer to our Lord and Savior. He will open a whole new rim as you seek and study His word. GOD BLESS.
  6. We are to remember the purpose of the cup of blessing. It represents Christ sacrifical suffering and death for our sins. It is his mercy poured out for us. Christ is to be blessed when the cup is lifted toward heaven. He is to be blessed because of the salvation that he gave us.
  7. I think I was mosst resposible, we all are responsible, all that shall repent and believe the gospel. That we sinners may be pardoned. The responsibility we have is to call God Father, go to him with reverence and confidence, and ask God for forgiveness of our sins, and pray for our enemies. Jesus was praying for us in the sense that we love and pray for our enemies the way he did. We are to pray for them earnestly and for their forgiveness of sin as well as our own.
  8. The covenant witrh Israel was ratified by Moses reading the Book of the Covenant and sprinkling blood of the covenant on the people. The people promised to do what the Lord had said and to be obedient. Oxen was sacrificed. Blood was sprinkled. They ate the sacrifice.
  9. With the New Covenant, it will be written on our minds and hearts. It will be with the Holy Spirit so we can love and obey him. His promises are salvation, eternal life, and forgiveness of all our sins through Christ Jesus. Our responsibility is to have faith in God, trust God, believe that Jesus was God in the flesh.
  10. The significance was to bind them to the covenant, to him. They corresponded with the 70 elders. The significance for us is the same as the disciples, to bind us to Christ, which was our covenant.
  11. It is intimate fellowship with Jesus because it draws us close to Him. To me, I think the difference is with rich memories, you keep going back to remember, the good food, the fellowship, the time spent with friends. When you remember, you try to get more out of it, more that will fill you to satisfication. To me, it is more meaningful because I want to seek more of the Lord all the time. I can't get full of the good meal. I am thirsty and hungry for more of the Lord. I want the close fellowship.
  12. Jesus knew no sin, so when He was on the cross, because of all the wounds he carried on his body, they were for our sins.
  13. Because that testifies of God's Word and our belief in it. Sin was entered by man and only a Spirit man could atone for our sins, one that was blameless and sinless. If Christ had not come we would be believing in false doctrine and have no hope of eternal life. Our sins would not be forgiven.
  14. His purpose was so that we would be reconciled back to God. That we would have his righteousness and eternal life.
  15. It encourages me to know that I have a Savior that loves me that much. To me, it shows me that I am priceless in his eyes. It inspires me to live for him the way I should and to be the witness to other people about his saving grace and love.
  16. The Old Testament sacrifices was the way God showd mercy and grace because he did not require a human life.
  17. Jesus referred to his violent nature of death to prepare and help his disciples to understand what was going to happen and way. I don't think they really understood at the time. Later, they realized what Jesus was trying to tell them and they understood.
  18. The Words of Institution says to me that all of my sins are forgiven. There is nothing I have done that God will not forgive. It is important that we repent of our sins before taking the Lord's Supper so we will stay under his grace and mercy.
  19. He pointed the disciples to that passage to help them understand what he was going to go through and that he was doing it willingly. The chapter helps explain the eaning of Jesus' death that it was for ALL mankind.
  20. It is important for Timothy to get to Paul before winter because travel was impossibe and so Paul could be warm with the cloak. If Timothy delayed, he would not get to help Paul with the ministry. Yes, I think he dropped everything and went to Paul. Yes, I would.
  21. It is hard when trusted friends desert because we have built a friendship in the trust. When they move or die, it is like a part of you is missing. No, it is not better not to trust anyone. The Lord was with Paul.
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