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  1. Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"? When you call for someone, you are asking them to come to you. I think of my own children calling, "Mom!"... they need me, they are acknowledging their dependence on me/ or their desire for me to help them. I think it is the same thing when Abraham called upon God -or when I call upon Him. To ask for His guidance, help, even His company. It is acknowledging both, my need and my desire to be with God.
  2. Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now? I don't think it takes "special faith" to begin something before we see how it will turn out.... that IS faith. The only thing special about it is that we are trusting in God & His faithfulness, rather than in our own abilities or our own understanding. I have had many of these opportunities and have been blessed by those who have stepped out in faith and obedience, without regard to man's response.... for example, the simple act of praying for someone in a public place, helping launch Celebrate Recovery program, or what I am doing now.... teaching overseas. Making the decision to come abroad was actually pretty easy. God just made it so clear and opened up doors, so we knew it was Him and His timing. Did that mean the process of leaving was easy? No- Have things turned out the way I thought they would? No- I just have to remember that while some things have caught me off guard, they have not caught God off guard. I cling to the peace I was given about bringing my family overseas... in the hard times, that is all I have to cling to. I remember His peace and choose to trust in His plan... to realize that I don't see the whole picture, but my Lord does and He has a purpose for everything. The process of being here for almost 1year has been difficult... watching my children struggle to adjust and miss "home" has been heartbreaking. Would I do it again? Absolutely.... only because I KNOW this was God's will and I trust that He knows what He is doing. That doesn't mean I haven't been angry with God, confused, frustrated, lonely, or sad.... I have been all of those things within the past several months. However, I would rather struggle within His will than to knowingly disobey Him.
  3. Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed? How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? Abraham was blessed with Isaac, material wealth, he is looked upon as a "Father of Faith". Most importantly, we have been blessed through Jesus who descended through Abraham's lineage. However, the world has been blessed through Israel in many ways. For example: 22% of nobel peace prize winners are Jewish....compare that to the percentage that Jews make up of the world population! The Jewish people continue to bless us and that is from God's promise to bless thw world through Abraham. God continues to bless people around me/through my life, when I act on faith in Him... when I step out of my comfort zone and serve those around me.
  4. Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? In 1992-1993, I felt led to work with people coming out of the occult. I was a fairly new believer (although I had been raised in church and had "head knowledge") I think the Lord was using some of my personal experiences to minister to others. I was attending a Southern Baptist church which happened to have 2 members involved in this type of ministry... so, the opportunity met the desire in my heart and I think that was a definite "God thing". I learned a great deal about faith during my 1yr. involvement, but stopped my involvement at the recommendation of my mentors due to some bad circumstances. I do believe it was God's timing for me to stop and am thankful that He protected me during the my time there. Currently, my husband and I are teaching overseas. He had wanted to go abroad before we were married... I was willing, but it took God 12yr. to turn my "willingness" into a "desire". We moved here (Hong Kong) in July and it has not been at all what either of us expected. Jobs are what we thought, kids had very difficult time adjusting, it has been very difficult to make connections with people, etc... I find myself thinking, "Why???" alot, but the only answer I have gotten is, "... because". I want to stop and am no longer clear about a "calling to go overseas". Was this simply a walk of obedience? Do we leave for now and come back at a later time? What does He want me learn from this experience? I have struggled with these questions for many months and have grown tired of questioning. I am now at peace about leaving when our teaching contracts are over, as I believe it is best for our children. At the same time, I wonder about the future... will we return overseas someday? I am willing to go again- His timing!
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