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  1. Q1. (Joshua 5:13-15) Why did the Commander say he was on neither side? What is the significance of this? What did Joshua feel like during this encounter? How did he feel after this encounter? I agree with many of the responses regarding the response of the Commander. God does not take sides in human affairs. He follows His agenda--not ours. What kind of God would He be if He allowed Himself to be controlled by His creation? And yet, in some respects, He does exactly that when He creates human beings with the ability to choose whether they will serve Him or not. It is humbling to realize that the choices I make regarding how I will live before God affect my Creator, but they can never thwart His ultimate plan for His creation. If Joshua felt anything like I do, this realization causes me to want to make choices that are in keeping with God's plan for all of His creation--which includes me. I am extremely interested in Joshua's falling on his face in awe during this encounter. I think this is the reaction any human would have in realizing that s/he had been called into the presence of God. Yet, is this the tone of our worship to Him? If God stood at the front and revealed himself to us as we worship, I wonder how (or if) our worship would change?
  2. The phrase "King of Glory" indicates to me that God is truly the master of all glory. He is the one who commands glory as well as the one from whom all glory exudes. When I think of the castles I have seen both in person and in books, I am struck with the earthly glory of the ones for whom these castles were built. But God's glory is so far beyond anything we can observe or imagine on earth that, as has been pointed out in other responses, when Moses was allowed to behold his glory, he was totally changed--in every way. "Father of Glory" indicates that there are children of glory. To think that I can be one of those is overwhelming. And it is through nothing that I do; it is all because He made it possible for me to become a child of glory. Thank you, Father. Help me to live a life worthy of this gift of glory.
  3. "High and lofty one who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy. . ." How can I comprehend this concept? What is eternity to one whose physically-centered being is so time-oriented? I'm not sure it is possible for me to grasp the entire meaning of what it is to inhabit (or live in) eternity. How is it possible to know past, present, future, and all of the possibilities in between at once? (Even the last word of that question is time-oriented.) Yet, this is who God is--the one who inhabits eternity--in fact, the One in whom eternity resides. This is too great and wonderful a concept for my finite mind to grasp. It is difficult sometimes to accept, but I believe!!!! How will my life reflect my belief--my understanding--that God inhabits eternity? I think my life must begin to take on a perspective that realizes this is not all there is. There is more--much more--that only my spiritual being is able to abide in. Therefore, I must honor and nurture that spiritual being--I must continually dwell in the presence of God as I go about the passage through time on this earth. Most Holy and eternal God, keep me always in your presence. Draw me closer to you with each passing day of this sojourn in time.
  4. When I meditate on what the name God Most High means, my eyes and my thoughts are drawn to the heavens. I cannot look into the vastness of the universe without a sense of overwhelming awe at the majesty and power of the One who spoke it all into existence. Younger people than I use the term "awesome" to describe anything that is great and good, but for me that term is diminished by its common usage. God Most High is truly awesome. That God Most High became man to redeem me from my sinful nature is both humbling and uplifting. What other response can I have than to prostrate myself before Him in worship and praise!? As I approach His throne to worship, I keep these thoughts foremost in my attention by calling on the name of God Most High.
  5. Having read the responses from the former group, I have little to add, but it does seem that both Abraham and Melchizedek recognize that this God is above all the other gods worshiped by people in the ancient world. To the ancient world, this title would probably indicate a God who is more powerful than all others and who commands the respect and allegiance of all beings.
  6. I am looking forward to reviewing the names of God and increasing my awareness of His presence in my life. My name is Gloria. I live in Texas. I have a husband, three grown children, and five grandchildren who range in age from 6 to 16. Oh, I also have a really spoiled rat terrier named Lexi. I am a retired professor of education, having one year of retirement under my belt. Besides Bible study, I enjoy singing and most forms of music, reading good books, gardening, sewing, and traveling. I look forward to exchanging ideas with others in this forum.
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