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Everything posted by Beverly

  1. It humbles him, making him realize he is an important part of God's creation. He wasn't just thrown together without thought, but planned out and knitted together with love and care. He ask's God to search him in and out, finding all faults and making them visible to him so that he might make a mends.
  2. the common thread and wonderous and greatness, in the 1st part to nature & creation, in the 2nd part to God's word/law the Bible. The psalmist bask in God's word with wonder, believing it to be more precious than Gold and sweeter than honey. Often times, God's word is a most helpful tool for me. It can lift from depression, help with making choices, directs me as a parent, and so much more. There is nothing else in my life that can offer me all that God's word does, so too me it too is more precious than gold & far sweeter than honey. The psalmist is affected by the wonder of creation in that he realizes that in all of it's splender it's no where as awsome and wonderous as God or His word. It humbles him into seeing that he is not perfect and contains a sinful nature himself. The psalmist is asking God to help direct his words and his heart so that they are in accordance to God's word.
  3. What does this psalm teach about God? [/color]That He is superior to all things. That he loves us and that we should praise Him with His name on our lips. Doing so makes even a child more powerful than an enenmy. [b]What does it teach about human beings? [/b] We are loved and are set above other froms of life. We are to rule over these others responsibly. What does it teach us about Christ? He humbled himself in becoming a human form and dying a shamful death. He was given as a gift unto us. What does it teach about our responsibilities? through responsible rule we are to serve God in submission to Him, not independant of Him
  4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? We all have the sin nature in us, after all we are human. Everyday we all sin in one way or another. So, everyday we need to ask forgiveness. I believe, also that asking for forgiveness every day gives us an oppertunity to review our own actions and motives. It gives us an oppertunity to make changes should we find that we are having to ask for forgiveness in the same area over and over. A check and balance kind of thing. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? Unforgiveness opens the door and invites Satan right in. It leads to negative feelings of resentment, anger, bitterness, hate ... none of these are Jesus like. If we are filled with all of these we surely aren't looking heaven ward. They consume us and leave no room for Jesus or God's blessings. Makes for some easy work for Satan though. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Though not mentioned in any of the readings I can't help but think, "Do unto to others as you would have done unto yourself." If we want forgiveness, then we need to forgive others. I myself, see no connection between forgiveness and eternal life ... eternal life is a gift. Forgiveness is an act. We are not asked to forgive others so that we will/can recieve eternal life. We are asked to forgive others, so that God will forgive us in the same like manner.
  5. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Most often, i think it is cause we feel it a sign of weakness to ask for help from others. We want so badly to rely on ourselves and show the world just how strong we are and in control of our own lives. Why do we seek to be independent of God? I don't think that we so much seek to be independent of God. I think that it is more that when things are going good in our lives we become complacent and forget that we are still in need of his provisions on a daily basis. We are so quick to take credit for things and start thinking we can do all things for ourselves. Oh but, when things are going bad we run so quick to Him and want know why, why, why? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? So that we can keep earning a living for ourselves. Without daily bread from God we might not be able to carry one. I need daily bread from God to give me the strength, courage, patience, etc ... to make it thourgh each and every day.
  6. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? We are asking that His kingdom come soon and in the form of Jesus Christ Himself ... in all it's/His glory. Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? We don't always know what is best for us, by praying that our Father's will be done we are asking tht what is best, though we don't what that is be done. It also, asks that he guides us and shows us the path that we should take so that we walk in accordence to His word. How should this prayer affect our living? This prayer should affect our living so that we daily live our lives according to His will and not according to the things we want or the way we want ... So, that His kingdom and His love shine forth from us that others may see it and know Him through us.
  7. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? In my life i feel that i help to hallow the name of our Father by teaching my children to not use His name in vain ... when they say, "Oh God!" or the like I always tell them that they should not do that and explain to them why not. What desecrates and besmirches it? Telling children they shouldn't use His name in a disrespectful manner, but then using it in such a mannor yourself. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? By giving him recognition and addressing him by His name
  8. Hello everyone, I am Beverly ... mother of 4 children and also raising one of my step-children. I ws born and raised in Ohio, but recently moved to Maryland after living 12 years in Delware. I am always looking for ways to better understand God's word and his will for me. I am excited to start this prayer study!
  9. Sin ~ it's costly Holiness ~ cleansing, atonement & repenting are required for holiness God's nature ~ He's forgiving & merciful!!
  10. It's an expression of his mercy as it shows he is willing to give us a way to repent and try again. It is his way of giving us chance after chance. No, animal scarfices were not really adaquate.
  11. Confession, animal, laying of hands, slaying, blood, fat portions & atonement. Confession & atonement are the only ones still needed now a days. As Jesus's death on the cross replaces all the other ones involving the animal.
  12. I feel that a lot of people today think that any kind of ritual that involes blood is linked to satanic activities. Also, I thing people are repulsed by the killing of a living creature. People in farming industry raise animals for the sole purpose of slaughtering them for means of a food supply. They were most likly raised in that enviroment and there for it is common place for them. Folks in the city are not subjected to having to see, hear or think about the fact. May God Bless You All!! Beverly
  13. It is simply natural to be upset when a wrong is done exspecially if it directly affects yourself or a loved one!! Uncontrolled anger is just another sin. It results in yet another person being hurt in one way or another. It brings about more trouble and more anger. Anger that brings about justice results in trying to solve or rectify the problem and should be done with a sense of love for what is right. Beverly
  14. I believe "Lamb of God" refers to a sacrifice because lambs where often used in sacrifices prior to this time as per God's orders. Also it is conected to the words "who will take away the sins..." A sacrifice is needed to accomplish this. "Sins of the world" is so radical a concept because it means All SIN! Not just the sins of a certian select few or just certian types of sin. Beverly
  15. Hello, my name is Beverly. I live in Delaware, USA. I am a stay at home mother of four. I enjoy gardening and bird watching. I am excited to start this Bible Study and am looking forward to "meeting" many new people. Beverly
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