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Posts posted by Mrstoler

  1. Q5. (2 Peter 3:11-12, 14-16) What effect should a belief in Christ's return and coming judgment have on your life? What effect does an underemphasis on Christ's return have on a Christian's life?

    My life must change forever and I should live as someone hungry expecting to be fed waiting at the door for Christ Jesus. A Christian can become blinded by the worlds views and become self-centered and get deeply trapped in sin.

  2. Q4. (2 Peter 3:9) Why does our culture resist the ideas of sin and repentance? Can there be salvation without repentance? Can you think of a time in your own life when repentance was difficult for you? Why was it difficult?

    Our culture's resistance is self-centered and some people feel that they have nothing to repent for. There can not be salvation without repentance because we would being saying that God is a liar and that His would means nothing. I don't think that repentance was difficult for me because when I did wrong I would start praying for God's forgiveness, I think back to all the times I was in the middle of a sinful act and I would start praying to God not to kill me. My Father in heaven has been so patient with me and I am so sorry for all the times I have disrespected Him. I am still repenting for things I may think that are not as bad the things I use to do but sin is sin no matter how big or small.

  3. Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching?

    It is so important to know what perish really mean is the way in which a person perish. Perishing in the bible means to me being without God and Christ for all eternity. The truth is underemphasized in our day is because people want to keep on sinning and the thought of Jesus coming back get in the way of their so-called "fun." I cause temptations that are so strong that some people fall short. I have been one of those people and I have repented and asked God to help me not to get into the temptation again. I pray for help all the time. I am really not sure because some church folks want let you come in and tell them that they are doing things wrong and they need to change. But if they could do this bible study it would open their eyes.

  4. Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others?

    Reminders keeps a person focused. It helps to keep the mind stayed on Christ. I read my bible, go to church, pray for guidance, listen to Christian radio, try to hang around christian people as much as possible, and try to continue this study on a regular basis. I send text messages to my friends and I will talk to people I don't know as I am lead by the Holy Spirit. I tell people to read their bible.

  5. Q3. (2 Peter 2:19) In what way can flagrant, defiant sin enslave a person? Is there any way out of these sins? If so, what is the path? How can we truly love the sinner and hate the sin? How can we steer clear of a quick judgmental attitude toward those who sin?

    Flagrant and defiant sin can enslave a person because the person has made the chose to commit the sin in the first place. Some people have the attitude that no one can tell them anything and if they want to do something that are going to do it no matter what. The is a way out of sin and that is trusting and believing in Jesus Christ and what He has done on the cross for us. We must have Christ-like minds to love a sinner and see that person as through our Lord's eyes. Remind ourselves that we all have fallen short of the glory of God and that Jesus Christ is the only way to true freedom from sin.

  6. Q2. (Jude 4) In what way does sexual sin deny Christ? If Paul is right in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, that persistent sexual sin is incompatible with salvation, why have we Christians become so complacent about it in our culture?

    Sexual sin is self gratification and there is no thought of Christ when a person is involved in the sin. Because we are self centered and don't want to either stop what we are doing or we don't want to alienate other people from us because of what we know is wrong.

  7. Let's discusses the problems with false teachers in our day, while being careful not to bash denominations in the Forum. It's a fine line, but I expect you to walk it with me.

    Q1. (Jude 3) Why must we "contend for the faith"? What is the danger in not challenging the doctrines of false teachers? What is the danger inherent in challenging them? How can we keep the correct balance?

    If we don't "contend for the faith" souls will be lost because someone taught them the wrong thing about Christ. We are not to bash anyone because that is not showing the love of Christ Jesus. We are to speak the truth as God intended with all the love the Word of God teaches us. Challenging false teaches can be dangerous because some may become physical and someone may get hurt behind it. It is the love of God we must show continually to those who do not know the truth and to study the Word of God so that you won't be tripped up in front of non-believers, and those who are weak in the faith.

  8. Q4. (2 Timothy 3:16) If Scripture is "breathed" by God, how can it help us draw close to God? Why do you think God's Spirit (pneuma, "breath, wind") so important in helping us understand Scripture?

    Just knowing God breath touch the Word it is so precious and dear to me. It is His way of expressing His love for me by telling His truths and sharing His thoughts with me and showing me His Son Jesus Christ. Also giving me something to hold on to all the days of my life. It is God who allows us to understand his Word because He loves us so deeply and He does not want us to miss out on anything that is good and true.

  9. Q3. (2 Peter 1:20-21) How can a person be speaking and God be speaking, too? How does the image of a ship being moved by the wind help you understand this? (Greek pneuma means "spirit" and "wind.")

    When we submit ourselves to God to be used, God will speak through us and that is the way God does it. It is now His will be done. We open our mouths and God speaks. The wind is in control of the direction that the ship sails so is the control over us that we submit to God for His glory and His use.

  10. Q2. (2 Peter 1:19). In what ways do the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments act for you as "a light shining in a dark place"? What does the darkness represent? What does the light represent?

    The Old and the New Testaments shines a light on the truth of Jesus Christ. It allows us to be aware of the truth and not fooled by the teachings of any false teacher that may try trick me into believing that my Lord and Savior is not who He says He is and I know better than that because of the Word of God. The darkness represent the lies of the evil one. The light represent Jesus Christ, the Word, the Truth and The Light of the world.

  11. Q1. (2 Peter 1:13-15) Why does our culture avoid talking about death? How is describing your earthly body as a "tent" freeing and motivating? What is the significance of Peter referring to his death as a "departure" or "exodus"?

    I believe our culture avoid talking about death because some don't know where they are going after they die. Some don't believe that heaven is real. And some know the truth but choose to live a life unworthy of God and the right to live forever in heaven. Describing your earthy body as a tent will help you to remember that this body is just a housing for your soul and the Holy Spirit. Peter is saying that he will escape the cruelty of this world and enter into a place joy and peace and much love.

  12. Q4. (2 Peter 1:10) Why is Christian character an essential indicator of being saved or rescued by Christ? What Biblical assurance of salvation can you offer the fruitless, barren "believer"?

    Christian character is the essential indicator of being saved by Christ because you are sure to live by God's word. You concentrate on Jesus Christ and try to live exactly the way He tells you too. You love Christ that much to be obedient to His Word, and people that meet you and can see that you are a follower of Christ without you telling them.

  13. Q3. (2 Peter 1:7) Why do we imagine that "agape love" is easier than loving church members? If we avoid church because of our hurts at the hands of church members, can we mature fully in Christ? Why or why not?

    It is always easy to love your family members because that is what you are taught from a child. You are expected to love your family members. Your relationship with church members is different then from your own family. Avoiding the church is not good for your growth in your faith. Because God ask "How can we love God that we don't see and not love our brother that we see everyday?" We are one body in Christ for a reason we need each other.

  14. Q2. (2 Peter 1:6) Why is a disciplined devotional life important to you? What happens when you forget or don't have time? What Christian disciplines do you employ to help you open your spirit to God's Spirit?

    A disciplined devotional life is important to me because it keeps me close to God, and it keeps me informed of what God wants from me. You lose your close relationship with the Father. I try not to get too caught up in what I am doing. I ask God to show me when I am getting beside myself or if I am getting the big head. I do sometimes start to procrastinate and I pray to get back on track.

  15. Q1. (2 Peter 1:5-6) Which of these virtues so far has been the easiest for you to move into. Which has been the hardest for you? Why?

    I am kind to everyone, but I do need to practice more self-control as far as my anger and impatience is concerned. A lot of times I am impatient with my own self. I still meed to read more of the Word of God. I know that I would be better because from what I have already read and understood my life has truly change for the better. I am not the way I use to be. I see things clearer and I do have more control over more things than before.

  16. Q4. (2 Peter 1:4) How can strong desires erode our faith and corrupt our lives? What strong desires can build our faith? What does a strong desire for God have to do with the "knowledge" of God, or "knowing" God? How are God's promises and evil desires at odds with each other? How does one build and the other erode our faith?

    The strong desire for things other than God can come between you and God. Our faith fades and we become desperate to do things on our own and then things start to fall apart in our lives and we start to blame everyone other than ourselves. God's promises for our lives come with a price of loving and obeying Him and our evil desires will never love or obey God because they are selfish in nature. Faith builds us up to the point were our only desire is heaven bound to see the face of God and be in His presence forever. The evil desires are selfish and are destructive and will separate us from God forever.

  17. Q3. (2 Peter 1:3) What does it mean for you personally to be called "by his own glory and goodness"? How does God's glory and awesome Presence affect you? How does his goodness and moral excellence affect you?

    To be called by the glory and goodness of God is a wonderful thing. He looked down on me and chose me to do His will. God's glory and awesome Presence is what keeps me going everyday. I can do none of the things I do without Him. His goodness and moral excellence affects me in such away that I want to be like Him but I feel not worthy enough and I need His help to make the way He wants me to be. I need His guidance every second of my life.

  18. Q2. (2 Peter 1:3) Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What is the scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness"? What does "knowledge" or "knowing God" have to do with this promise?

    When we know God there is no boundaries to everything we need for life and godliness. Knowing God is the best thing for us. He knows everything so there for we can get the best instructions on how to do things. He will lead and guide us in the path of righteousness for His namesake. He is all knowing of people thoughts and actions before anything is said or done. God is all we need and we should pray to Him about everything.

  19. Q1. (2 Peter 1:1) What does "received a faith as precious as ours" mean in this verse? How does our faith compare to St. Peter's faith? Is our faith equal to his? Why or why not? How do you explain the discrepancy?

    This means that the faith they have comes straight from God Himself. That is the most precious thing to them. Our faith is not as strong as his because of the way we deal with certain situations. In some situations we doubt God and then in others we are believers. Sometimes I think that we feel God has to prove Himself to us all the time when we should just believe because He is God and that Jesus is the Son of God and there is no other.

  20. Q4. (5:10-11) Which promises in verses 10 and 11 are most meaningful to you at this point in your life? Why?

    God has called me to His eternal Glory and that let's me know that God loves me so much He wants me to live with Him in Glory. I have gone through so much in my life and I have done things that I know was wrong. It was God's grace and mercy that has allowed me to have a second chance to obey God. I know I have to still repent from time to time. But I still feel the love of God in my life. I am a grateful soul.

  21. Q3. (5:8-9) What instructions does Peter give us to guide us in spiritual warfare? Extra credit: How are these instructions similar or different than Paul's instructions in Ephesians 6:10-17?

    Peter tells us to stand firm and resist the devil. Paul tells us to stand and put on the full armor of God. We are told by both men that our faith and prayer is the key to our victory over the tricks of the enemy. We need God to help through it all. We are not to be afraid of the enemy we are to know that the enemy is defeated because of what Christ did for us on the cross.

  22. Q2. (5:8) What is it important to be aware of Satan's existence? What does this verse teach us about the devil? Why is this teaching important?

    Satan is very dangerous. He is an accuser and a slanderer, also that I must resist him at all times. It is important not to under estimate what the evil one will try to do to a person. We must be aware at all times that Satan is lurking around trying to destroy mankind. We must trust God with all our hearts. and obey God's word.

  23. Q1. (5:7) According to this verse what should you do with your fears? What reason is given why you should do this? In what manner should you do it. How will you apply this verse's instruction in your own life?

    We should give them all to God. God cares very deeply about me and He wants the best for me so He gave me His best His love and His Son Jesus Christ. By trusting God to do just what He said. I must stop fearing things and people. I have the love of God and I must trust Him with everything.

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