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  1. This verse greatly shows that we were already saved from the power of sin through the blood of the Lamb who died on the cross for us. Thus, we belivers who have accepted Him must die to ourselves for the glory of His kingdom. If we allow our own selves to control us, then that would prevent us from entering into god's presence. We then have to let Jesus sit in the thrones of our heart, for us not to commit sin.
  2. In my own udnerstanding, Jesus has already won the victory over satan 2000 years ago. This means that satan no longer has no authority over us. Halleluaiah! Glory to the Lamb who was slain for us:)
  3. They boldly carried out the Gospel and were determined to dstroy any one who tried o stop the. In addtion,t hey correctly used the authority that God had given them. Thus, they were given the reward of staying with their great King forever.
  4. Those who died due to their faithfulness in witnessing about Christ ask for vengeance, for they believed in God's Word, which says that vengeance is God's. To wait a little longer means being patient in waiting for the second coming of Christ. Halleluiah!
  5. In Revelation 5, it was clearly written that Jesus Christ is only the One who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll; therefore, He is the One who initiates this great storm of destruction for Satan and for sinners. One beautiful gift that God has given us is the gift of choice; the freedom to choose between what is right and what is wrong, and every choice that we make, there is always a consequence. Thus, this great storm is just for God is never unjust.
  6. HE is so worthy to open the scroll because of what He has done at the cross of calvary. He came here on earth as th worthy Lamb and died for our sins. He is blameless yet He still offered His precious life for us. After three days, He rose again and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. With what He has done, He has defeated Satan. Truly, Jesus Christ is our perfect, powerful, and omnipresent God. Halleluiah to the Lamb who was slain! To Him we give all the honor, praises, majesty, and glory!
  7. If I were to think of the splendor of god, I cannot imagine how beautiful and wonderful He is. The following are just some of the elements and concepts of worship: 1. The Lord our God is holy 2. He is almighty 3. He is who was, who is, and who is to come 4. He sits on the throne 5. He is alive forevermore 6. He is so worthy to receive glory, honer, and power He created all things He is worthy to open the scrolls He is the Lamb who was slain He made us kingdom of priests to serve Him all living things in the universe worship Him He is the Lion from Judah's tribe He has won the victory He is omnipotent He is omnipresent He is perfect WE sing to Him in a loud voice sing songs of glory and honor and thanks Falll down before Him Throw down our crown before His throne
  8. The songs "Blessded be the LOrd God almighty, The Lion of Judah, worthy is the Lamb, and Alleluia to the Lamb" are just some of the songs, which are taken from these two chapters.
  9. One reason that I observe why Christians tend to be apathetic is due to creature of comforts that they have. Another reason is financial and physical problem. These are just some of the reasons why we tend to become wishy-washy in our spiritual life. On the other hand, it is only through surrendering our lives fully into God's hands that we can combat spiritual apathy.
  10. Religious compromise was so destructive because it led Christians away from God. Moreover, it led d into their excommunication from the society and economic deprivation as well. I think that one real compromise that we, Christians of today is giving much more of our time trying to earn things or riches that makes us more comfortable staying in this world. This desire drives us to acquire more material possessions, which even becomes the whole goal of our lives. We have that thought that if we have more money, we feel more secure. However, this is totally in contrast to God's word. Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life says, "Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you - your relationship with God." Yes, only God can make us feel secured, for He is our true God who fulfills His promise. He said in His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. We just have to remember that our life here on earth is temporary. Therefore, while we are still living, may it be our purpose and desire to follow God's Word and not to compromise with the world.
  11. If I were to compare the generation of today from the past generation, people tend to be more open now and practical to things which are considered as taboo. Before, the society couldn't accept sex before marriage, divorce, having so many girlfriends/boyfriends, homosexuality, abortion, smoking, drinking, and others. Now it has gradually changed. People who do premarital sex aren't afraid anymore, and likewise with homosexuals. They even go to the streets and fight for their rights saying that they should be accepted and treated fairly, for they are also humans. In the government, some government officials do also pass bills saying that divorce and even abortion should be legalized because of so many human reasons that they give. As a Christian, it' is really difficult to stay in this world because of the present phenomena that "if you are not in, you are out." Nevertheless, it is clearly stated in Romans 12:2 that We are not to conform ourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform us inwardly by the renewing of our minds. Then we will be able to know the will of God - what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.TActually, it is really pretty hard that's why God says in His Word that we always need to ask help and protection from Him. In Psalms 73:26, it says, "My mind and my body may grow weak, but God is my strength; He is all I ever need." We can't get away from conforming to the standards of this world just mb our own might. We need God's grace to strengthen us. Thus, let us take Paul's statement in Philippians 4:13 - "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS me."
  12. In my own experience, I lose my first love when I commit sin and not ask God for forgiveness. The sins that I commit make me no longer interested in doing all the ministries that God has tasked me to do, and my passion and excitement to attend every fellowship dies down as well. These reasons are the signs of a congregation losing his first love for Jesus. On the other hand, if a Christian has genuine love for Jesus, he enjoys taking in God's Words and considers them as sweet as honey, and He is always ready to do minsitry no matter what the cost. He does everything out of love not out of compliance. As a Christian, I should repent of my sins and draw nigh to God one more time, for it is in repentance that I am able to do the things that I once enjoyed doing with Him. For sure attending every fellowship and doing my part as the body of Christ becomes more interesting and exciting.
  13. JUst to name one country, Christians in China do experience persecution for their faith in God. In Revelation, it tells us that life here on earth is just temporary. We just have to cling on to God, for every trial, temptation, tribulation, and persecution that we are experiencing here on earth will soon come to an end.
  14. From these four passages, it shows that both God the Father and Jesus are one (not excluding the Holy Spirit. It shows the trinity.Our God is the beginning and the ending.
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