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  1. God saw Gideon as the man he was pre-destined to be. Not the weak watered down image that Gideon had of himself. Without a doubt God's perception was accurate, because He knows everything about us. He knows what we are going to do with every minute of our lives. God knew the day was going to come when He would instruct Gideon to lead the Israelite army. When we are (like Gideon) beat down with emotional abuse, (your are, never will be, never will have nothing) , and we see that manifestation in our day-to-day existence, it is hard to believe anything else without the good manifesting itself as well. With God as our banner, we can do all things, be all things, have all things. My prayer would be go something like this: Abba, I thank you that you are a present help in time of need. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who instructs and guides me through every facet of life. I thank you Father, that I can call on the name of Jesus in time of need, and that my prayers are heard. You said in your word, "Fear not for I am with you. Walk in faith and victory for the Lord thy God is with thee". Because, I know your word does not return void to you Lord, I can thank you right now that you have heard the desires of my heart, and that you have made a way for me. Thank you in Jesus name, Amen.
  2. Gideon expressed that he believed God did not protect the Israelites as He promised. Just like we do today, Gideon blamed God, instead of looking at the shortcomings of the Israelites, and realizing that they gave up their power to overcome their circumstances. Whenever we (christians) face any type of adversity, we need to stop and assess the situation to determine if we are in any way at fault. Our tendencies are always to say something is not fair, but we need to remember that for every cause there is an effect.
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