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Everything posted by kingskidlast

  1. In Gods Word it has very apparent to me that there is a very distint difference between head and heart knowledge. A verse in scripture states that even satan and the demons know that Christ is the Son of God and tremble. This is that they had head knowledge and still choose to not acted on Gods word so they are lost, they know the truth yet turn away and choose not to accept Christ and do what God wants. I had thought that I was saved about 25 years ago I have come to the realization that all I had was a head knowledge. I have recieved the Glorious Salvation That God has given me thru our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Eveyone who has known me for agood period of time see's if thier words a complete difference in me, that I have totally changed. It is only thru God the Father And our Lord Jesus Christ that I have become a new person. As scriptue saysafter we have been saved we put off the old and everything becomes as new. I believe that if you look at scripture and see whats going on today and the prophetic statments that have been fullfilled you can easily see that it is written and coming true before us, and yet alot of family ,friends and people I know are perishing and I fell that I'm falling very short of what I should be doing as far as witnessing to them and sharing the Gospel with them. I have formed my opions from both the old and new testaments, especially the day of penticost and the book of Acts and Revelation
  2. If we do not read the Scripture or if we read the scripture and do not pay attetion to what scrpture it is saying and live our lives according to scripture. We will drift away from what we need to so desperatly hold unto. We can sucessfully resit the tendency to drift by reading and studying the word and the every day get up and pray that we live and acted as the Father would want us to in no matter what situation we may come in contact with. Jesus described the driffting away as the sower had gone out to sew his crops and some of the seeds fell on rocky soil some fell on hard soil and still others on thorny soil, this is representation of the Word (as being the seeds) and the soil (as being the people) who hear the word and what active part we take in doing as the Father wills. The hard soil, the rocky soil and the thorny soil all fell away and did not blossom. But the good soil is what we all need to strive to be with prayer and supplcation unto the LORD.
  3. In the authors words Jesus is the exact representation of GOD THE FATHER. John1:14 The word became flesh and made His dewelling amongst us. We have seen His Glory, the Glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth. Jesus came to serve His Fsther and Glorify His name throghout yhe earth and the Sent the Son so that anyone who would listen and hear his word and repent of his sins and Belive in the Father sent His Only begotten Son to save the world through Him. They who repented and recieved the Lord Jesus in their heart would be saved and would have everlasting life.
  4. As a spirtiual conotation, Jesus is truly the SON OF GOD. Many different words were used to descibe the LORD, the light of the world, the bread of life the Word. The SON words would mean more than the prophets because 100% of the time He was in consant contact wiTh the Father. This is not to under estimate what the prophets said but as Jesus said noone knows the Father as The one who He has sent.
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