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Posts posted by smurf1948

  1. Q4. (Genesis 28:22) What does Jacob's promise to tithe indicate about his commitment? Presumably, Jacob has been a believer in Yahweh all his life. In what sense is this incident at Bethel a conversion experience for him? What is the relationship of tithing to conversion?

    His tything is an accetance of God as his king and lord. Its a show of his reliance on God to provide his needs.

    To do this and trust in God shows his complete conversion to be Gods servant and that he completely turned his life over to God.

  2. Q5. (Genesis 25:28) What happens when your children sense that you love one child more than another? Did such discrimination happen to you when you were growing up? If so, how are you finding healing? How can we as parents love our children equally but differently?

    Theres resentment,frustration.ill feelings etc.

    I never had this growing up.

    You have to show them you love them for who they are.

  3. Q4. (Genesis 27:33) Why couldn't Isaac reverse his blessing once he discovers Jacob's trickery? What is Isaac's role in this blessing? What is God's role in it?

    I think it was God,s blessing of the future so he couldn't reverse it. Besides it was like a contract once given there was no way to take it back.

    Isaacs role was to deliver the blessing. Gods role was implementing his plan for the future.

  4. Q3. (Genesis 27:6-29) God had told Rebekah that Jacob is supposed to rule over Esau (Genesis 25:23). To what extent does this excuse her plan to deceive her husband Isaac? How much responsibility does Jacob bear in the deception?

    It doesn't sxcuse her at all she should have relyed on God to carry out his plan. God would not excuse deception.

    He is as responsibile as his mother he knew what he was doing was wrong.

  5. Q1. Why does the New Testament condemn Esau for selling his birthright? (Hebrews 12:16-17) What did selling the birthright represent? What does this transaction say about Esau's character and values? What does it reveal bout Jacob's character and values?

    He sinned by selling his birth right. He chose instant cradification. It was an insult to his father and showed a lack of charcter.

    Jacob sought toward the future and his Heavenly fathers plan for him. Though he took advantage of his brother.

  6. Q2. (1:2) Why do forgiveness (sprinkling) and obedience come together as a package?

    I believe once your forgiven it just comes natural to want to be obedient to the one who granted you forgiveness. Once we accept his forgives I think our next step with even giving thought to it would obedience. If don't then I don't believe forgiveness was given.

    Why is it deceptive to think you can have one without the other?

    If were not being obedient and folowing Gods word and living in it then it would be foolishness to believe we are forgiven. This is all part of the gift God gives usas our loving father. When this kind of love is given you want to be obedient.

    If true faith requires obedience, how can we say that we are saved by grace rather than works?

    By grace we are saved. Once you accept it you want to be obedient. It comes with the acceptance of grace.

  7. Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this?

    He starts storing up treasures here on earth. He wants the things of this world. He puts himself first. He doesn't long for the things of God. His priorities are wrong. He stops putting himself in Gods hands he isn't relying on God.

    What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?

    We have to repent and turn back to God. We must stay in his Word.

  8. Q4. (2 Timothy 2:15) Exactly what is the analogy with a skilled workman that forms the basis for Paul's instruction to Timothy? How does this apply to our teaching of scripture today?

    A skilled worker hones his skills and does it to the best of his ability. He is not afraid or worried because he knows what he is doing because he has learned all he can about his trade.

    We must teach without being ashamed as one in God's word.

  9. Q3. (2 Timothy 2:3-7) Paul calls Timothy to endure hardship for the sake of the goal. What in the experience of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer illustrate this well? Which of these examples speaks most strongly to you?

    they have a goal weather its survival in combat,wining the gold as an athlete or bring up a crop you must give up a lot of your time and energy. you suffer fatigue and aches and pains. You give up a lot of your time that others have for pleasure. But your stronger in the end and your goal is reached.

    I think they all speak to me in their own special way.

  10. Q2. Why do you think our churches tend not to declare the call to endurance and suffering? Why did Timothy tend to shy away from it? What is the result of a willingness to suffer for the gospel?

    Their afraid people don't want to hear it and that they may change churchs there by losing tythe. I believe a lot of churches today teach that everything will be great if you believe in Christ Jesus. They don't teach about suffering or hell.

    Timothy shied away because people don't want to suffer it scares them.

    The result would a closeness to Christ and greater blessing in your ministry for him.

  11. Q1. (2 Timothy 2:2) Why is it important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation? How much time should be devoted to this teaching of future leaders vs. the time spent in administration and programs?

    You have to teach mentor them so they will be ready to pass the teachings of your church and of God's word. So that they fully understand.

    You must spend plenty of time with them because this is the most important thing we have to have to do. We need our future leaders to keep spreading the word to carry on Jesus's work on earth till he returns.

  12. Q3. (2 Timothy 1:8-10) Paul is writing to encourage timid Timothy. How is Paul's focus on Christ and the gospel designed to encourage Timothy? How is this an antidote for shame?

    He explains who Jesus is and the strength of of the Lord. God's grace given us before he created anything gives us assurance and courage because we know what lies ahead for us. He tells Timothy even though he might suffer Jesus is the strength that will carry him.

  13. Q2. (2 Timothy 1:7-8, 12) Can you give examples of how cowardice and shame may have kept you from identifying yourself as a Christian on occasion? From testifying clearly about your faith? According to verse 12, what is the antidote for cowardice and shame? How then do we combat the cowardice and shame we might recognize in ourselves?

    You get afraid of peoples reaction. That they might ridicule or laugh at you. They may turn their back on you. Fear of your job.

    Remember who you have your trust in and who it was that saved you. Remember where your treasures are stored,and who is walking by your side. Who your protector is. If you don't speak up your friends,family and co-workers will face eternity in hell.

  14. Q1. (2 Timothy 1:6) What advice would you give to a person who has let use of a spiritual gift or ministry lapse? How can a gift or ministry be rekindled? What might be involved in reclaiming use of such a gift?

    Remind him of his spiritual gifts God has given him, and that he has stopped using them for whatever reason.

    To Seek God and pray for God to ignite that fire again. To rethink what those gifts are then to resume using them. He might need to get back to the word of God and his love for him.

  15. Q5. (1 Timothy 6:20-21) How can we guard the faith without becoming narrow, backward-looking people who oppose all change, and complain about "what things are coming to"? How can guards be at the same time positive, loving, and pleasant to be around?

    pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness if we are these things then people will see us as God wants them to and they will seek what we have. These things and keeping God sovereign will guard the faith.

  16. Q3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap?

    We start wanting a little more and a little more. We think if i only had a little more everything would be great. Then we egt trapped into believing money is what will make us happy and content instead of God.

    We need to keep in Gods word and remember we are rich in him and our treasures are stored up in heaven. That this place and everything in it will be gone.

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